i have a normal line which i need to straighten out.. im having trouble finding the correct tools for it though, since im not that experienced with cs5.
heres a picture of the line i need to straighten out.
painting or doing it manualy and getting a perfect result from that squiggly mess there would be close to impossible. as far as getting a perfect line I would say trying a differennt method like rendering a correct normal out and then copy pasta over the messed up one, or what AA said; do it correcty.
Here's a question, is it necessary to straighten the line? If it's an organic model, then I don't see the benefit of it, since you would get more benefit from unwrapping said specific regions and straightening out the UV's instead.
Also, straight lines in horizontal or vertical directions are better since your won't get any jaggies from the diagonal AA going on, try to avoid diagonal lines, especially in normal maps, unless the model is organic, in which case, alot can be forgiven.
Although I would suggest correcting the origin of the Normal Map first since it would be the most correct way to do it.
Here's a question, is it necessary to straighten the line? If it's an organic model, then I don't see the benefit of it, since you would get more benefit from unwrapping said specific regions and straightening out the UV's instead.
Also, straight lines in horizontal or vertical directions are better since your won't get any jaggies from the diagonal AA going on, try to avoid diagonal lines, especially in normal maps, unless the model is organic, in which case, alot can be forgiven.