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all in the eyes

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vavavoom greentooth
hi all,

moved this from 'WAYWO' thread..

made a huge noob mistake and left the eyes till last...

so had to spend time re-modeling the face again to accommodate the eyes.

i played around with position, size, etc. for a while but can't decide,

am trying to go for slight stylization, like slightly bigger eyes, ears.

but, she looks cross-eyed? or maybe face needs to be wider?

any suggestions?






  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    to fix the cross eyedness id just move the eye balls farther apart. they are too close to the center relative to the eye sockets
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Macattackk wrote: »
    to fix the cross eyedness id just move the eye balls farther apart. they are too close to the center relative to the eye sockets

    nah its not only that, only if you are focussing pretty close to the face your eyes tend to cross, usually they are rotated slightly outwards


    also something which makes eyes usually look kinda weird is wrong diameters, most of the times people do them too big, however in your case as you stylize them it's not that much of an issue. So if you want to do it more real, a diameter between 2.4 and 2.5cm is pretty much the avarage, but most of the times i end up using one of 2.6cm as it looks better from my experience
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    Thanks for advice, and the great anatomy photo!

    played some more, reduced eye polys down to 12 segments.

    think that's it finished now..

  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    the eyes looks still look cross eyed. looks like you have not rotated them.

    as Steffen stated above, you have to rotate the eye balls slightly so that they point away from each other. tweak the angle of divergence according to your model.

  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    oops.. thanks MM!

    too much playing around with other face features i overlooked the most important thing! :)
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    done, done , and done. finally calling the head done... finally..

    hopefully it will be more fun and creative now to play around with hair and body to make this a real character..

    ..still open for crits though,as always :)


  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    Neox wrote: »
    nah its not only that, only if you are focussing pretty close to the face your eyes tend to cross, usually they are rotated slightly outwards
    You know, I've always wondered about this... If I rotate the eyes it certainly makes it easier, but then the specular highlights aren't in the same area on both eyes. Do you have any suggestions for that? I've been keeping the eyeballs straightforward and shaping the face around them the best I can.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Neox wrote: »
    nah its not only that, only if you are focussing pretty close to the face your eyes tend to cross, usually they are rotated slightly outwards


    also something which makes eyes usually look kinda weird is wrong diameters, most of the times people do them too big, however in your case as you stylize them it's not that much of an issue. So if you want to do it more real, a diameter between 2.4 and 2.5cm is pretty much the average, but most of the times i end up using one of 2.6cm as it looks better from my experience

    AAA, Dammnit this makes soo much sence and I feel soo vindicated for the last three to four weeks of confusion and study and frustration I've been going through.
    when one tries to give the eyes the right shape, and keep them looking straight foreward, the result is hours of frustration. its relatable to those childs toys where you had to put the shapes in the right hole... if your missing all the info you just CANT make it work.

    Thank you so much I'm going to print that image out and put it on the reference billboard next to my desk

    Edit: One question I have and I've only found one image that attempts to describe this. but in the process of determining the shape of the eye. one has to consider how much of the eye is covered but the socket, and how deeply it sits.
    This is the image I found after much searching. but is this usually accurate?

    This is also important to defining the eye size in relation to the rest of the face, as all the proportional measurements are done in eyes as a master unit
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    so how many threads have you made for this model?
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    i'm embarrassed to say it, but this was the first time i began using forums when i wanted to get some help with 3d, so kinda didn't get the whole thread/post/reply thing right and just threw up a new thread each time thinking i can delete a thread when i'm done with it..

    my apologies, i definately get it now, and really really would appreciate deleting all threads started by me.
    and i will wait until i have something more substantial to make a new thread or post worthwhile and keeping in mind how the whole thread/post/reply.

    please forgive a poor and crushed forum noob..
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Most forum softwares have a "merge threads" option. Perhaps you could ask one of the moderators nicely to combine them all into one,.
  • vavavoom
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    vavavoom greentooth
    that would be nice :) thanks!

    but, who is a moderator here? and how do i ask them?
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    It also looks like the eueballs are a situated a little too low. They neef to be moved up a touch.

    Look at how the upper eyelid cuts across the pupil in the ref photo.

    Also, for the sake of stylization, when you scale the eyes to be larger you should usually scale the size of the pupil.
    The reason being how the negative space the 'whites'of the eyes create. It gives a very stoned/glazed look otherwise.
  • ReviloRezlab
    This is a good start. Keep at er!
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