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Freelancer Looking for work

Hello, I know times are tough and work is hard to come by. There are more people doing 3d now than ever and not enough work to go around. It seems I'm always out shined by only 1 or 2 people every job I go for.

Well here is the truth. I've only gotten a few freelancing jobs in the last 3 years. Normally people would give up after only a year of trying but here I am posting another advertisement and showing another round of work. I worked as a busier at a restaurant for years. Why a busier and not a waitress? Because I have goals. I didn't let myself get comfortable in a job I hate. I want to fight for a job I love. So I quit.

With a husband that supports me I made myself more uncomfortable, motivating me even more to strive for something better than that. I'm not meant to clean up puke off the floor or empty the trash every night. I'm meant to do 3D. I should be working with a team to create something special and beautiful.

So here I am open to the world and needing a job really bad. I'm 28 years old. I'm not someone right out of school looking for a hobby. I'm a grown woman looking for a career so I can start a family. See my resume as a strength. Who ever hires me will get someone more dedicated and grateful than that new grad who hasn't been through all the rejections yet.

I fear I have written too much but if you want to contact me I'm based in Massachusetts. My phone number is 352 408 9828 my email is dustycrandall@yahoo.com and here is my website: www.wix.com/dustysantos/home

Thank you

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