I'm going to be working on hand painted textures as a portfolio item this winter with these simple assets created in Maya. They are purely inspired from Skyrim. I don't plan on having any texture maps other than diffuse for each item. I've yet to do hand painted textures and wanted to get some feedback on the assets themselves before painting. Any feedback is appreciated.

Looking forward to progress!
You could take the candles down a bit too, they are looking pretty high poly, maybe you could get rid of that loop in the middle of them. And it might be nice to make the table edges ever so slightly wonky
Good start
Reduced the polycount on the candles, cloth, and note.
Added wicks (7 tris a piece) to the candles.
Added some warping to the boards for character.
I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to break up the textures and their sizes. I don't plan on exceeding 512 x 512 for any of them. I'm open to further suggestions.
Looking great man, but I think you took it a little far with the cloth!
Get some nice bevels on the edges and add a little shape, but not as much as your first attempt.
I have to dissagree with Jsargentthough, I think the candles look better like they were before, first person lets you get really close to these assets and I think the candles would show.
TEXTURE STUFFS: I think you could mirror those legs without too much trouble and make sure to keep the texture space for the underside of the table to a minimum.
Loving the warped wood, keep it going!
First pass for the hand painted dagger texture.
Not sure if this is helpful either, but a quick cloth simulation in max on a jagged edge.
I do like the parts hanging off though
The light edges of the wood bother me though, looks like the table has been varnished really sloppily. I think you could push the highlighst on the edges of some of those cracks in the wood.
Also, the I'm not sure what's going on with that shadow on the dagger, did you erase some of it in photoshop? I think it should be fading on the opposite direction.
Looks great otherwise!