50% off valve
50% off valve
50% off valve
33% off valve
50% off fallout 3
50% off xotic
50% off dogfighter
50% off shattered horizon
50% off rollercoaster tycoon 3: platinum
25% off warner bros
I've got a 50% off valve coupon. I'll trade it for a Dota 2 coupon! I know it's a valve title as well... but I'm not sure if the game will come out before before the expiration date.
I have 4 TF2 items in my gifts page, but 2 say they arent tradeable. I have the game installed, but have never played it, and these items just showed up, i think via the holiday thing. so i dunno what they are. this whole holiday thing is confusing to me.
Ellis' cap - lvl 10 - head, scout, sniper, soldier, demoman, medic, heavy, pyro, engineer, tradeable
the frying pan - lvl 5 - unique, melee weapon, soldier, demoman, tradeable
the mercenary badge - lvl 5 - not tradeable
noise maker - winter holiday - lvl 5 party favor - not tradeable
Wow, guys, just...wow. I've been away for a couple of days and geez, had the pleasure of adding a lot of cool stuff to the list. Seriously, look at that shit, totally exceeded my expectations.
felipefrango, I'm interested in your spare Gish if you still have it!
Here's what I have so far, would like coal or any game I don't own if anyone has some spare!
My steam ID is balbafu (http://steamcommunity.com/id/balbafu/)
Sure thing, it's your's. I'll add you up and send you the key.
Well I crafted my 7 coal into 50% demolition inc 1 coal left, but I don't think having more coal will give you a better chance at winning the grand prize.
Well I crafted my 7 coal into 50% demolition inc 1 coal left, but I don't think having more coal will give you a better chance at winning the grand prize.
Seeing as people here give more than they receive, it seems like we aren't going to be able to give everything away one thing at a time. So I propose that sometime in early January a contest be held, allowing people to win extra games. Say, a puzzle/riddle/trivia gets posted and the first person to reply with the correct answer picks one of the available games (or coupons). Then a new event is hosted and so on. What do you guys think?
I have 4 TF2 items in my gifts page, but 2 say they arent tradeable. I have the game installed, but have never played it, and these items just showed up, i think via the holiday thing. so i dunno what they are. this whole holiday thing is confusing to me.
Ellis' cap - lvl 10 - head, scout, sniper, soldier, demoman, medic, heavy, pyro, engineer, tradeable
the frying pan - lvl 5 - unique, melee weapon, soldier, demoman, tradeable
the mercenary badge - lvl 5 - not tradeable
noise maker - winter holiday - lvl 5 party favor - not tradeable
The first 2 items you get for owning L4D2. The third is received by every player who installs the game. The fourth is for launching the game (or maybe just having it installed) during a certain event. All 4 items are cosmetic. If you don't play the game, you could give the first 2 to a friend who does.
I like the idea of giving away games as prizes or something. Maybe some of these could be given to winners of 3D contests like the Mutant League thing? Just a thought.
I'd like some of that, yesterday!
I'm putting up more items:
-Red Faction Armageddon
-50% off F1 2011
-50% off Trine
-10% off 2K Games
4 caol, -25% Valve, -50% Eufloria (Seriously, Eufloria is fantastic)
Looking for a HL2 primarily.
-50% Shattered Horizon
-50% The binding of Isaac
-25% Valve games
-33% Valve games
-75% Napoleon Totalwar
Somebody wanna trady trady?
search me as steam id = "dubstyle"
I may show up as RobMurda when you find me
HL2 is all you
dubstyle didn't show any results without a billion bits of punctuation in the name.
RobMurda showed up one player, playing Terraria, invitation sent. I must have said hi to some other dubstyle-named player lol.
50% off valve
50% off valve
50% off valve
33% off valve
50% off fallout 3
50% off xotic
50% off dogfighter
50% off shattered horizon
50% off rollercoaster tycoon 3: platinum
25% off warner bros
games, coal
Ellis' cap - lvl 10 - head, scout, sniper, soldier, demoman, medic, heavy, pyro, engineer, tradeable
the frying pan - lvl 5 - unique, melee weapon, soldier, demoman, tradeable
the mercenary badge - lvl 5 - not tradeable
noise maker - winter holiday - lvl 5 party favor - not tradeable
also, have a 50% off valve games
50% off Costume Quest
I've already played this on psn so if anyone would like this just let me know
No problem you're welcome! Thanks for the trades
Thanks Snader, got Borderlands.
Sure thing, it's your's. I'll add you up and send you the key.
50% Rockstar
25% Ubisoft
10% THQ
33% and 10% valve
if you are interested, we can trade.
1 - 50% off valve games
1 - Half Life 2: Episode 1
First come first serve
- Sam and Max Season 1
- 50% coupon off Avadon the Black Fortress
- 33% coupon off any Valve game
- 50% coupon off Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012
Unfortunately, all I have to give away is 25% off Valve and 25% off DeepSilver.
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Vercinger
Totally is, just added you on Steam.
According to steam they do http://store.steampowered.com/holidaysale/details
Since each piece of coal is a sep entry, the more you have the higher your probability of an entry belonging to you winning.
on the crafting part, I feel your pain lol, my 7crafted coal got me 50% Coupon for PuzzleMaster :P fml. Now I horde the coal and cross my fingers lol.
Well this sucks ha I shouldn't listen to people on steam forums ha. I did just get 50% off rockstar games from linking my facebook.
I noticed that the coupons aren't valid starting Jan 2nd
50% off Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012
If anyone wants this thrilling coupon (lol) my steamid is JFletcho. (or jonfletc, I forget)
33% off valve too but I'll probably use that at some point. unless anyone wants to trade something.
I've also got an extra Tf2 i bought back when it cost monies.... dangit.
The first 2 items you get for owning L4D2. The third is received by every player who installs the game. The fourth is for launching the game (or maybe just having it installed) during a certain event. All 4 items are cosmetic. If you don't play the game, you could give the first 2 to a friend who does.
I like the idea of giving away games as prizes or something. Maybe some of these could be given to winners of 3D contests like the Mutant League thing? Just a thought.
Happy holidays!
ANDEWEGET still has left 4 dead, I think.
Or Civilization game series in general?
1- yes
2- YES
I have a 50% valve, 50% x3 Gold, and 50% sniper ghost warrior gold.
Radi3nt any chance i could get the 50% off Rockstar game
also here's a link to my profile for anyone who would like to add me on steam
I have
Universe at war
Serious Sam HD
Serious Sam the second encounter HD
Renegade Ops (gone)
Renegade Ops (Gone)
felipefrango, do you still have the humble bundle extras going? cave+Gratuitous?