This is a long shot...
Years ago, when I worked at Silicon Graphics, there was an engineer/artist there (circa 1994) that was doing, for the time, amazing 3D art that looked like modern interpretations of classical painting masters.
his work was featured at places like SigGraph, etc.
It was unique, especially for the time, because it brought a traditional artistic sentiment to a word of 3D that was mostly spinning chrome logos and shiny checkerboard floors.
But I'll be damned if I can remember his name!
The work was very unique and if you'd be someone that knew who he was, you'd know who I'm talking about.

Help? Anyone?
The guy I'm thinking of actually worked at SGI in Mountain View... I've been banging against everything I can think of (Wayback machine, LinkedIn, etc.) and I just can't figure it out... I can see his stuff in my head, but I can't find it online! It's driving me nuts...
That's it!
The name Jeremy was right there on the tip of my mind... But it kept getting short circuited by Jeremey Birn popping in.