@jbuck is this UI bug just in 2013? currently i got a lot of scripts with UI's that all work great on 2012, but am wondering if anything would need to be changed for 2014
Yes, the UI bug is for 2013 -- 2012 worked fine. Window resizing and resize to fit children options are broken in 2013 when combined with certain UI features that involve dynamic resizing. This was confirmed by Autodesk but I don't believe it to be public knowledge.
I haven't tested if they've fixed it for 2014 -- I wrote in some version detection along with manual resizing functionality. A pain but it works.
Hello there, I've just red the entire 3 pages and I've been trying to fix the bug with your advices but nothing seems to work. I got my root set, my fbxexport preset located but I still get this
FBX export preset file set to: C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/3D/projects - pripyat/alexFBXpreset.fbxexportpreset
# Error: RuntimeError: file C:/Users/Joshuaq/Documents/maya/scripts\jbUDKtools_v130.py line 719: Object 'fbxExportPresetT' not found. #
1. You set a project in maya before running the script
2. The fbx presetfile is in the root of the project before setting the project and launching the script
You can test if things are working correctly by viewing the script editor when you launch jbUDKtools. What does it say there? You can also set the fbx preset file after the script is run from the file menu in the script itself.
You can test if things are working correctly by viewing the script editor when you launch jbUDKtools. What does it say there? You can also set the fbx preset file after the script is run from the file menu in the script itself.
Hi, thank you for making this script, I've been having a blast doing some modular modelling with Maya and a nice grid.
The only thing that's not working for me is the fbx exporter (individual and batch). I followed the instructions but it doesn't seem to solve my issue. I'm using Maya 2014 Student Version, this is what happens when I click EXPORT - # Error: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects #
I thought it had something to do with the suffix and prefix strings so I tried with and without them and all the combinations (only suffix, only prefix), but to no avail.
I would love to have this feature handy, I'm totally available for testing some kind of configuration or whatever If you need me to.
Hi. Yes, I'm aware of this problem and it will be resolved in the next version. This is just poor error reporting on my part. Solution on your end is to make sure there is an fbx preset file (.fbxexportpreset) in your current Maya project before you start the jbUDKtools script. This should solve the problem.
When you first run the script, what does the script editor print for you?
Sorry this is a clear case of RTFM with care and attetion. Your instructions are clear but I assumed the script would go for the preset from the default FBX presets folder that maya creates. As soon as I did what you said it all worked fine.
Glad you got it sorted. I set it up this way so the user could have different FBX export presets based on the project they were working in. I realize it's not ideal for everyone but seems OK for most.
As promised, the next release will kill this error for good -- in the least it will indicate what the problem actually is.
I did some custom icons for both the unreal and unity script, that I'm also using, to make it easy for me when working in maya. I thought of just sharing them here for everyone, if you're cool with that. Also if you´re interested I can send you the original photoshop file to do as you please, in case you want to pack them with your scripts.
Hey jbuck, I really love your script. Saves me a lot of time not moving stuff around to export it and setting up my scenes. I'm having a problem though with Jbunity tools in Maya 2015. The script window won't resize to show all the available tool options so I can get to some of the FBX export options and transformation tools.
I can open multiple tabs but the window never resizes past what the image shows.
In case anyone is interested: once again it looks like they changed something in the behavior of the Maya "window" command, this time in Maya 2015. Last change that broke window scale was Maya 2013. Because jbUnityTools uses dynamic UI scaling as the frameLayouts expand and collapse I wrote a simple function that manually subtracts the size of the frame layout from the main window as it's collapsed. Old school! As far as I can tell the window "resizeToFitChildren" command does absolutely nothing anymore.
I haven't tested if they've fixed it for 2014 -- I wrote in some version detection along with manual resizing functionality. A pain but it works.
Let me know if you find bugs.
FBX export preset file set to: C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/3D/projects - pripyat/alexFBXpreset.fbxexportpreset
# Error: RuntimeError: file C:/Users/Joshuaq/Documents/maya/scripts\jbUDKtools_v130.py line 719: Object 'fbxExportPresetT' not found. #
Every time I'm trying to export
1. You set a project in maya before running the script
2. The fbx presetfile is in the root of the project before setting the project and launching the script
You can test if things are working correctly by viewing the script editor when you launch jbUDKtools. What does it say there? You can also set the fbx preset file after the script is run from the file menu in the script itself.
Let me know how you make out.
I'm having the same problem
Also tried setting it in the Change preset menu, same problem occurs.
FBX export preset file set to: C:/umodel/town/UDK.fbxexportpreset
select -r Arc ;
# Error: RuntimeError: Object 'fbxExportPresetT' not found. #
Download jbUDK Tools here: Download jbUDK Tools
Post feature request here: jbUDK Tools Feature Requests
The only thing that's not working for me is the fbx exporter (individual and batch). I followed the instructions but it doesn't seem to solve my issue. I'm using Maya 2014 Student Version, this is what happens when I click EXPORT - # Error: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects #
I thought it had something to do with the suffix and prefix strings so I tried with and without them and all the combinations (only suffix, only prefix), but to no avail.
I would love to have this feature handy, I'm totally available for testing some kind of configuration or whatever If you need me to.
Again thanks !
When you first run the script, what does the script editor print for you?
Please let me know if this solves this for you.
Reading is a good practice, thanks !
As promised, the next release will kill this error for good -- in the least it will indicate what the problem actually is.
I can open multiple tabs but the window never resizes past what the image shows.
think you just need to explicity define the window size, instead of having it based on the controls size
Download here: jbUnityTools download
In case anyone is interested: once again it looks like they changed something in the behavior of the Maya "window" command, this time in Maya 2015. Last change that broke window scale was Maya 2013. Because jbUnityTools uses dynamic UI scaling as the frameLayouts expand and collapse I wrote a simple function that manually subtracts the size of the frame layout from the main window as it's collapsed. Old school! As far as I can tell the window "resizeToFitChildren" command does absolutely nothing anymore.