Hey guys, this is my first post here. I am a junior at College studying Game Art and Design. We just finished our final in 3D for this semester. It was a 5 week project where we were supposed to create a 3d space based on concepts we did in our Drawing for Game Art class. The concepts were supposed to be seeded by a already existing fantastical game. We decided to run with Guild Wars 2.
Here is the final video submission, please watch in 1080p if you can!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Org2vpEZquo&hd=1"][HD]Team Polymath - Black Forest - UDK Environment - YouTube[/ame]
screenshot from my area
i was personally responsible for the last part of the trailer where the monster appears
my peers will probably add to this thread later.
There are some extra screenshots on my webpage
Here are links to my teammates sites.
Edgard OrtegaConnor McCampbell
all input and crit is greatly appreciated
So, it's cool.
ill post the final beautyshot from the first part as soon as i Get my hands on it!
anyway here is a screenshot from the environment that Connor McCampbell made
rock and roll