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which is better?

polycounter lvl 6
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Cheathem polycounter lvl 6
hello polycount.
Ive had this question for a while but just now decided to find an answer.
So anyways,is it better to have a large object seperated into 2 meshes with two low rez textures.or keep it as one mesh,with one high rez texture?


  • MikeF
    Online / Send Message
    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    need some specifics here as this is very vague.

    -final output? (realtime, pre-rendered)
    -limitations of said final output?
    -character or prop?
    -animated or static?

    give as many details as you can for a better response
  • Cheathem
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    Cheathem polycounter lvl 6
    oh sorry anbout that.
    Uhm,a static prop(a house) real time,using unity engine.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Generally, more textures/objects = more draw calls = worse performance

    However, it totally depends on the engine. Some can handle more objects better than others, using frustum culling and things like that.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Generally, more textures/objects = more draw calls = worse performance

    However, it totally depends on the engine. Some can handle more objects better than others, using frustum culling and things like that.

    In UE 3 more textures in a material (shader) don't increase draw calls. They only increase the amount of texture fetches from the memory. But a model having multiple materials does increase draw call amounts. :)
    Personally I'd use bigger texture with a single mesh.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Generally its 1 draw call per object per shader pass on a fixed function renderer(eg anything on a mobile device). on a programmable one all bets are off really although its a safe bet to assume 1object 1material is quicker than 2 objects and 2materials
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