Hi all, sharing my work from very old days to present time. Will be updating this thread from time to time as I am enjoying being part of this community.
I have previously done architect visualisations, freelance 3D artwork and currently involved in indie game development

I like Industrial design and Sci Fi war themes, but in real life I am a kind hearted person
The lighting in the two top most car images is very nice as well.
It would be nice to see some wire frames of your meshes and also, since some of your images are quite old, it would be nice if you wrote how old they are as that would probably weigh in on peoples critique.
Most of your work looks very high poly and is probably not very well suited for real time rendered graphics as in games. I think you should try to limit your poly count more and also reveal it in your presented work so people can get a better idea of how well optimized your meshes are.
Have your say what you think so far
Decided to do speed arch viz scenes in shortest amount of time.
So far 2:30 hours to do this... Its strange how the most simplese of stuff that we take for granted can b so complex to model lol. In this case the fine curvy line work for frames and frames on wall at lower area. Its not just making curves you have to think from design side too so learned something new today, never underestimate the simple stuff