This is a redux. I was working on it once before and I got distracted by another (assigned) project. But I have a new rule about finishing what I start so I'm getting back to this.
Please, please, I would love some critique.She'll have a shirt when I'm done, plus some decent hair if I can manage it. The shoes are Tom's, and the jeans are just tattered jean shorts.

1) The inner corner of the eye needs fixing - it looks pinched.
2) Neck is looking too thin from the front view.
3) Her ears need to come down a little bit to line up with the base of the nose.
4) Although important to establish the planes of the face, her nose is looking a little too planar. I would smooth it so more.
5) The eyebrows are somewhat low. I recommend moving them up a notch to give a more feminine look to your character.
Good job nonetheless. Hope some of these pointers help!
I would agree with bringing the nose down, and possibly even forward. Plus, the neck is a bit thin from the front. Doesn't seem like the underlying muscles are connecting to the skull properly.
Also, the fingers seem a tad bit shorter than the palms, which they oftem match up with, but they are pretty adorable at the current proportion so take that with a grain of salt.
Can't wait to see where you take this.
Again, critiques are welcome, helpful and more appreciated than I can say. Also suggestions.
Thank you again guys. AsaNYC, Kot, CandyStripes & Tenchi.
-there's something weird about the clavicle area
-some other things might be a slightly off, depending on the age she's supposed to be
More stuff. I ditched the idea of Toms for being too easy. Doing half-boots instead, which are more complicated and a better visual (I think, if I'm wrong call me out). Anyways, this update is the face, the boots (almost done, working left to right), and minor things. Also, as a foot note, the teeth are ridiculous and I am aware of it. I wanted to give her buck-teeth and I was just testing them real quick to make sure it worked with the natural 'neutral' mouth pose.
Next up is the shirt and I'm considering leggings, but I need a good way to do them. Anyone with any experience with that sort of 'wrap' modeling?
Sorry about all the huge images. Crits and comments appreciated.
Anyways, I'm basically appealing for advice on how to do this. I want the nylons to be a diamond pattern with a seam on the back that runs down the leg, with no holes or tears.
homy I gat'chu
import your texture into Zbrush and apply it
hit "make alpha" in the texture pallet
Hit "Mask by Alpha" in the masking pallet
you can do this, then under the masking tab >mask by intensity
after you've masked it you can use the deformation>inflat or scale
OR extract the mask as a separate subtool(subtool pallette>extract, watch your thickness and smoothness settings)
good luck
I especially love the juiciness in her lips
second thing is the way it connects with shoulders. i'm hardly an anatomy expert but clavicle should go above the shoulder bones, on your model it looks like it goes into shoulders instead.
~hedwyg23 eye makeup
@Blasoid - I been looking at references and you're right on. I appreciate you taking the time to give me such a specific crit. So thank you.
@Dan and @BoneBrew22 - I used a combination of these to get it done. It might not look the best, but it's an initial test. Thanks for replying so quickly too. If I don't end up using the leggings, you both still taught me a couple new tricks/capabilities, so thanks guys.
Finished shoes and a leggings test.
I like the way the shoes turned out. Looking forward to getting them into an engine and working out the materials. The sole needs a bit of love but that's a details thing if I have time.
I'm looking for opinions on the leggings. I have my own opinion, but I don't want to bias anyone so I'll keep it to myself. Opinions on that greatly appreciated. Also on anything else.
Thanks for looking.
when you say a combination of our methods did you by any chance do a mesh extraction?
I only mention this as It might be better come baking time to have them as separate geometry that you can potentially bake at full white.
the things thats going to really pull those together is once you have some nice spec/gloss definition and you can make them shine like nylon/spandex
I unwrapped the low-poly in SILO.
In photoshop I created a diamond pattern (actually a couple to try out)
I imported the low-poly legs into zbrush, subdived to 1 million and did a project all including the ploypaint.
I imported the diamond pattern texture and applied it, and then as Dan suggested I did a 'mask by intensity'.
I inflated, colored and cleaned up.
I considered a mesh extraction but my computer is choking where I am so I figured I would try the less 'intensive' method first, but I completely get your point about the spec/gloss maps and I agree with you. I'll keep doing some test and see where I land in terms of what looks best.
So you like the leggings more than the plain skin then?
Also the angle of her hands might be a bit too hard, dunno what her range of motion will be but right now it feels that the balance between both possible extremes is off.
I really want this to be a decent piece for my portfolio, so I'm pleading for tips, tricks and crits.
One real problem I'm having is that even at a high poly count in the face (4K tris), and with a large texture/normal map, and with smooth low-poly mesh and a smooth high-poly mesh, she still has jagged edges and lines within marmoset that make her face 'frumpy', or from looking nice in general.
Any ideas?
As always, much appreciated to everyone who has helped thusly, and to everyone who's even stopped in to take a peak. Anything you have to say won't go to waste.
the clothing looks very very unpolished and is bringing down your entire piece in terms of over all quality.
can you post a close up of the face and be more specific or point out what problems you are talking about.
As for the problems, I took some images. It is the black 'smudging' which I am having trouble with.
In the first image I have labeled the red circles, which are my problem areas.
1 - The black outline behind the actual character is throwing me off. It is thicker in some areas and non-existant in others.
2 - faint black lines that appear at the edges of polygons in only some areas.
3 - strange shading at the corner of the mouth which doesn't seem to follow the direction of the light.
4 - Nasty lines where the nose meets the inner eye/ eyebrow. These black 'smudges' aren't present in the normal map, the high-poly in zbrush, the low poly in any application including in marmoset when no normal map is applied, the spec map nor the diffuse map.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm wondering if anyone can explain to me what a skin tone map does in marmoset. As far as I can understand it, it seperates the skin material from the phong material, so that clothing and hair doesn't take on the subdermal properties of the skin shader.
I can't find much information on it and I can't get it to work properly.
Anyways, I think I am about done with the skined areas, I'll continue on to getting the clothes nicely textured and ready.
As always, crits and comments appreciated.
The cut at the top suggests it's made of a stiff, sturdy material (being strapless and having those seams on the breasts) but the wrinkles under the boobs and it being tucked in make it look looser. One solution would be to untuck the shirt and give it a stiff bottom edge, making it more like a corset. Or if you want that loose material on the bottom, create a seam under the breast to break up the materials. Whichever way you go, reference is going to help ground it in reality.
Any reason you changed it from before? That other shirt seemed to fit the character nicely.
I second that opinion.
Thank you both for suggesting the coat -- I added it in real quick this morning and I like it. I think I will keep the original shirt. The last thing I have to decide is whether to use long skinny-jean cut-offs or traditional cuttoffs.
I did a super rough of both, so let me know which one works best. I like the short cut-offs with the thicker legs, personally, but I am quickly loosing all objectivity.
I really want to be done with this project now, it is two weeks over-due and I have other stuff to move on to.
Thanks again all who lend opinions or crits on anything ---
Thanks again to all the suggestions here, everyone has really helped. The jacket in particular was a good idea.
The skin is polypainted in zbrush by hand, if you're wondering why the skin looks a bit off. (i.e. no texture references applied or spotlight used, just good old alphas and color.)
Cant wait for the speculars and the finla touches. i hope you add in tattos and stuff like that :P
@ Sako, Rion and Sahib -- Thanks for the kind words. I do plan on adding that stuff in at the end. I left a couple spots of texture space open for it some accessories.
@ jackablade - Thanks you. Loved that game.
Nailed down the skin. Did some tattoo checks to figure out the best way to apply them. Found my method but not the design, I'm thinking something colorful but faded.
Fixed a couple of topology spots and put a couple preliminary bones in her. Please do not judge me based on this pose, it was just a test and then I figured I better go to bed before my eyes deflate. I will finish the bones tomorrow I think. Anyways, thus please forgive the clipping issues and also that I didn't do anything with her hands/fingers, there are no bones in them yet.
Which leaves some texturing to be finished and a bracelet to do, and then unless I think of anything else (or anyone has a good suggestion) I'm going to have to call this finished. I would really like to give her a decent rig so I can do some nice poses, and I really want to sell the textures, so those will be my focus.
If anyone has any ideas for getting good tattoo samples I would love to hear them.
Oh yes, the really major revision here is all new hands. Way, way nicer hands (in my opinion). They need nails, but the anatomy, topology & poly count are much, much more optimized and better.
Thanks to anyone who can lend an eye or a crit.
The base and floor is just something I already had. I'm going to do a proper one when the model is a bit closer to finished. Something modern/vintage, like hipsters themselves. Probably a crappy apartment platform with stained hardwood and a radiator.
I realize there are more clipping problems in a couple places (like the shoulder through the blazer), I will fix them next round.
As always, everything rendered in marmoset. I'm pretty happy with the marmoset skin shader update and the way the tattoos look on it, but got to figure out exactly what the upper chest/neck tattoo will look like. Something colorful I suppose.
Crits and comments appreciated.
But in all seriousness, I like it. I think the shirt is a little shiny though
A six pack, brilliant!
it's hard to pin down what exactly bothers me with her face. looking at it and trying to isolate single possibly odd looking features isn't giving me any useful results, so maybe it's really just those luscious lips throwing me off. her cheekbones and forehead are very flat, but that might well be intended..
sorry man, nothing valuable i can contribute, really. the majorirty of the other posters doesn't seem to be noticing anything off, so charge right ahead with completing this. I do love the model over all, fresh style and lots more interesting than warrior princess #30290
(oh and i think you could possibly add more skin blemishes, pores, the like.)