lately for some reasone when I apply a "Unwrap UVW" modifier it opens up on map channel 3. It never did this before it would always start at channel 1 unless I changed it. Also all my objects that I am exporting have 4 UV channels. 1 and 2 are my diffuse and light map that I intended on being there but 3 and 4 are just crap, and applying a "UVW Mapping Clear" modifier doesn't get rid of them.
There's an INI that saves these settings, the file unwrapuvw.ini in the plugcfg directory. Try deleting it.
This happened to me before. As soon as I started assigning a second uv channel to a mesh the default became 2. Really annoying. Merging it into a new scene fixed it for me.
To clear channels you should use the Channel Info tool in the Tools menu that is part of the 3dsmax main menu. Again check the Help file for details about how to use it, there are some caveats.