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Bens Art Box :D

polycounter lvl 7
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Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
I decided to make one thread that I would use to share my work from now on. Saves time and space.

After the great hard drive failure of 2011 where I lost my Jurassic Park project I decided to cut my losses and start something totally new. Below is what I have of my new project, a UDK based environment based loosely on the planet Helion Prime from Chronicles of Riddik.

The final scene will have a crashed fighter in the middle of the street. For now I am building the base layout of the scene and defining materials and modular assets. I am hoping to do this project in passes. The idea is to
  • model the base
  • define the modular pieces
  • define materials and finalise UV layouts
  • Make the scene 'airtight'
  • finalise lighting and atmospheric affects
  • put the ship into the scene
  • reverse engineer the destruction into the scene replacing the modular pieces with unique damaged versions

I am trying to optimize my use of textures in this, so far what you see uses 3 512 diffuse maps and a few 512 normal maps. I am trying to re use as much as possible. the wall texture is made up of one tiling stone texture and a tiled brick normal map with an AO layer attached to the Alpha of the diffuse map.

The steps and the lines in the brick use the same 512 brick texture.

I am storing AO information in the vertex colours of as many of the assets as i can.

I am not totally sure how far I can push recycling the textures as this scene is quite a big larger than I originally thought and when it comes time to destruct the scene I will need to make a lot of unique details but so far it has been pretty efficient.

All the assets so far are modular and are based on the one reference image I could get from Riddik however I say they are 'loosely' based because to be honest the one reference image didnt give me much to work from and I had plans for this scene form the outset. I used the film as a starting point but went in my own direction from there.

Feel free to crit though I know there isnt much to show as yet. None of this is final yet or even close as I am really only defining materials at the moment as a reference guide and will actually make the proper assets and final tweaks in a later stage.

Enjoy or hate at your leisure :)


  • Eric Chadwick
    Great start! Too much text, tl;dr. Keep going! Oh, and set up an automated backup. :)
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Small update. I seem to be working on this quite a bit but all progress is slow. I used the lighting template from UDK and I think it has really changed the look. Still adding stuff!
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    Nice joob :) love it
  • BeserK
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    BeserK polycounter lvl 12
    Looking great so far!
    One small thing, I realise this is probably going to be a porfolio piece and not an explorable level, but I found that doors had to be +-20% bigger to look right in first person view.
    Use info as needed :)
    Looking forward to updates!

    P.S. are you going to change the colour of the sky? That bronze/orange would look great!
  • salacious_Crumb
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    salacious_Crumb polycounter lvl 11
    Looks good so far. Can you post your reference so we can see what you are basing this on?

    By the way, where can I find out more about AO layers attached to the Alpha of the diffuse map and storing AO information in the vertex colours? I been using UDk a bit now, but still a bit lost on some methods. Do you have a link?
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Cheers for the comments guys.

    BeserK - You are right about the doors, I based my scales off the character meshes and didnt test it until relatively late in the process. They are about forehead height at the moment which annoyed me at first. It IS gonna be portfolio so I will not punish myself but it was quite a shock at first lol.

    Change the colour of the sky? Do you mean actually alter the colour of the sky or play with the colour of the lighting?
    When I get closer to the final concept I will do a pass and tweak the lights and stuff. I am thinking of going for more of a sunset time period so probably will go for more red / orange but will have to wait and see. Sandstone is a massive element in this scene and yellow stone with orange light may be somewhat overpowering so will have to wait and see.

    salacious_Crumb - To attach an AO as an alpha layer in a texture. Simply open your diffuse texture in photoshop and go to the channels window. Click at the bottom what is usually the create new layer button. This will create a new channel instead of layer and the channel will be called 'alpha 1'.
    Open your AO texture map and desaturate it fully by pressing ctrl+shift+U. Then select the it all (ctrl+A) and copy it (ctrl_C).

    Go back tot he diffuse texture and select the newly created Alpha channel, with it selected paste the desaturated AO (ctrl+v). Save the texture out as a 32bit .TGA file and import it into UDK like normal.

    In the material editor in UDK simply multiply your diffuse layer as you would normally and multiply the AO over that by attaching the Alpha slot of the diffuse texture into second slot on the multiply. The image explains it better than I can tho.

    Also this is the video I found that explains how to store vertex shading info in 3DS Max. After this go into UDK and in the editor plug in a Vertex Color function into the diffuse slot and it makes the vertex colours show on the model.

    Also this is the reference I am really only using two images from the right hand side but the others are there if I need them.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Small update. Christmas was hectic so I am finally getting back to doing work now. Just started getting into making actual assets. The above is the first asset so far, it uses a 512 for the screens and door and a tiling 256 for the wood, the brick is the same texture as the wall form the rest of the scene.

    The torus knot is a copper material I made along the same lines as the Chrome one on JavaHawk tut on youtube.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Asset I am currently working on. I am having a bit of trouble getting the stained glass windows to look right. I am also not really digging my stone wall texture, I am going for a clean well built relatively 'new' look so very little if any damage or wearing but the texture doesnt really 'pop' for me, I think I am gonna end up creating a new one in max.

    crit is most welcome though I know there still isnt much TO crit yet.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Remember, lighting makes or breaks a movie set. Good lighting can make the cheapest set look great. Your lighting is pretty flat, as you have just one light source, and the ambient might be cranked up a bit. Add some light sources, and point or spot lights to go with them. Try to get some light gradients across your walls (vertical or horizontal or angled)... gradients like this are instant sexy.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Was about to hit the sack when I got an urge to add an update. My computer finally gave up the ghost so afk for a while again. But we are back up and running and raring to go. I have given myself to the end of the month to get this done, Not sure if I will bother with the crashed ship idea or not as tbh I have kind of lost interest in it and think I have a better idea for that with another scene. But wel see how it goes.

    @ Eric Chadwick - Thanks for the comments, I took what you said on board. I dont think I can add other light sources as it is daylight and they wouldnt really make sense. But thinking on what you said I realised the light or rather shadows is all I really have to play with on this kind of scene to create some interest . So to that effect I started thinking about how I could make some interesting shadows and how I could break up the monotony. And the result is a few small changes in the geometry and I'm pretty happy with it so far.

    I know there still isnt much to crit but it is all apreciate none the less. Cheers
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    A flag I made for fun. This is animated and also has changeable designs on the front, kind of OTT for the project but its a nice little feature.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I just think the texture lack detail, they don't look interesting at all. I think you should spend more time just working on your textures. Make sure you have a set that works, and that they work together relatively well without getting too noisy.

    Kinda feels like you're spending your time on the wrong things right now, even though a flag is awesome in all ways, it's probably better to work Big -> Small. In which your building pieces are more vital than your flag which is micro-detail work in comparison.

    It's looking nice though :) can't wait to see more progress!
  • Visceral
    Everything gets better with vertex-painting....
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks guys. I took your advice and worked on the brick material more. Note - I havent painted the rest of the level yet.

    Also I know this is hardly an original concept now but in my defence I did have my cockatiel sat on my moniter when I did it. Here is my Bird man sculpt, I finally decided to get my hands dirty with some sculpting practice. It took just shy of half an hour.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    I have good news and bad news. The good news is I got a new computer, the bad news is that once again I ended up losing a project. Infact I lost two. But tbh it was no great loss when I look back at these screens so live and learn. I now do all my work off a second HDD and back it up to a third so hopefully alls good in the hood now.

    So on to the new work. I have been holding off on showing this as I wanted to do something I was happy with. Its my first piece in Zbrush and its hopefully gonna be part of a large project. This is the first piece in what will be a full chess set by the end. The point of the project is to get to grips with Zbrush while working on something that will make a nice portfolio piece when this finished but also be decent stand alone pieces in their own right.
    Eventually I would like these pieces to be used in a massive chess board environment in udk but more on that later once I have the individual pieces made. The theme is a classic Knights vs Dragons.

  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    Update of my King piece. It is mostly done aside for some high frequency detail such as chain mail and cloth texture. I could go more into detail but my computer is screaming at the polycount already. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm happy with this but I'm confident that it is the best piece I've done so far but I would like to make it better.I have two more days to improve this until deadline so any crit is most appreciated.


  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    This is the finished sculpt, on to the low res now. The base is just for rendering purposes. I was somewhat unsure as to how to display the work well for portfolio purposes so thats the next challenge I guess.


    You can see the full res one here but fair warning its huge.
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