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3dsmax Viewport displaying textures all wrong

polycounter lvl 7
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madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
Left, my viewport, right a render how it SHOULD look.


I changed literally no settings, installed nothing, and suddenly today my viewports are displaying textures all wrong. Above is some DF pxel art for dwarves I brought in since is illustrates my problem perfectly, I've never seen this happen before and I have no idea how to fix it because all my searching for stretched or however you'd describe it just gets me results about stretched UVs and stuff. It just started today.

In viewport settings its completely normal, set to nearest with match bitmap size as closely as possible like it always is so I don't understand.

What do I do? How do I fix it? I'm at my wits end I've done everything I can think of short of reinstalling max.

EDIT: The problem was the texture wasn't base 2, like 128, 512, etc. If anyone else has this problem, make sure its the right square size.


  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    That looks super weird, there's almost no pattern to the distortions...

    -Try switching viewport drivers, and try different display methods: shaders/ regular software display.
    -Before you reinstall max, just try deleting 3dsmax.ini from your max user settings directory.
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    Deleting the ini reduced the distortions but they are still there, just less pronounced.
    I tried using Xoluil 1.6 because 2 is unstable for me, and that completely eliminated all the distortions, but that is not a long term solution if from now on its the only way I can view textures ever.
    It does it in Direct3D, Nitrous just looks terrible all the time, its worse then ever in OpenGL, and software rendering is greyed out as an option.

    When I swap back and fourth from a standard and directx shader xoliul texture, you can see the distortion turn on and off real time.

    Actually the last thing I DID change and I never noticed this problem before then was install Xoliul 2.0, but now I cant figure out where it went or how to remove it just to see if that changes anything. Except I can't figure out how to completely remove it, its got folders everywhere and there's no simple uninstaller.

    Edit: found the uninstall, same place as the install, testing that now.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    It's probably because of bitmap resizing with standard materials then. Try setting the bitmap sizes to 1024 in the driver settings, as well as ticking "match bitmap size as close as possible".

    Also, Xoliulshader 2 does not modify any settings related to this, so it did not cause this problem. To remove it, get rid of the XoliulShader folder in 3dsmax/scripts and the startup script in 3dsmax/scripts/startup.
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    I always have those settings on, I think I mentioned it in my opening post, double checked to make sure they're on and yeah, still that way.

    I was having all kinds of other issues with Xoliul 2 anyways so it had to go even if it doesn't help this problem, 1.6 worked a lot better for me, 2 crashes constantly and loses all my settings in textures and doesn't load images and all kinds of other issues, oh well.

    and the Uninstall function from the script crashes every time, it won't uninstall even when I run as admin, and it still shows up in the materials library.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Does it do it with a texture that's a nice power of 2 ? like 128x128 and so.
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    Good question, while I try that is there any manual ways to uninstall Xoliul because the uninstaller script just errors on me every time.

    EDIT: That was it! using a 512x512 it doesnt distort on me at all. I guess I never noticed before because everything I use is usually base 2, and when I do bring in reference material its rarely ever pixel art where this would be immediately noticeable. Thanks!

    Edit edit: While I have your attention though, one of the main reasons I want to get rid of Xoliul 2 besides all the crashing it does is whenever I press 0 to open Render to Texture, it lags out and takes forever now, then it turns Hardware shading on, every time. It never did this before I installed Xoluil 2, but I can't seem to remove it now since the script bombs.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    When it resize something that small by anything that's not an easy double, it randomly picks rows of pixels and stretches them. Like you say, you don't notice with large images

    To uninstall, like i said before:
    Xoliul wrote: »
    To remove it, get rid of the XoliulShader folder in 3dsmax/scripts and the startup script in 3dsmax/scripts/startup.

    And yes the uninstall script doesn't work, but it's a system we didn't write.

    I know about the RTT lag, it's some sort of conflict with that dialog. I need to get a lot of things sorted but I have less than a quarter of the free time as I did before I started my new job so things are slow. You say it crashes all the time, you mean like actually crashing max ? Because it has never ever done that for me or anyone else as far as I know.
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    It doesnt crash max but the script itself crashes I assume, because it comes up with the box containing all the code and gives me all kinds of error messages. Often times when I load scenes all the images in the shader itself are gone as well as all the image the shader uses in its UI are white squares and other issues, its just really unstable for me, but I really like 1.6, I've never had a problem with it besides that when I resave a texture, it doesn't use the new saved version of it it no matter what I do without loading the whole scene.
  • TrampledUnderFoot
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    TrampledUnderFoot polycounter lvl 7
    I'm having a similar problem with dx shaders (3 point and Xoliul) and texture resolution. I can't get it to display at the correct resolution, and I havent changed any settings.

    Ive changed the driver back and forth and made sure "match bitmap size" is checked (as well as the largest setting selected). My textures are all 2048x2048 as well.

    I haven't tried deleting the ini because I don't know where it's located exactly. I seem to have autodesk folders all over the place, and searching doesnt turn up anything. :P

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    This is what I'm getting:
  • Xoliul
    Offline / Send Message
    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    ATi graphics card, trampled? Probably the main culprit then.
  • TrampledUnderFoot
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    TrampledUnderFoot polycounter lvl 7
    Yea, 6870. are there any work arounds for it? And what i dont get is that it just sort of popped out of nowhere. I'll see if I can't update my drivers.
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