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I Need help.

Hello Polycount community,

My Name is Stephano Su


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    All are welcome here. Get started! Can't wait to see what you're able to whip up in a few months from now.
    Post often, and you'll do just fine.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome! Watching video tutorials(Eat3d, Gnomon etc.) seems to be the best way to learn stuff these days. They helped me a lot. There are lots of free videos too.

    I'd start with Eat3d's Unreal Engine 3 videos. If they are too expensive for you right now, try youtube. There are lots of stuff there too. You can download the required tools from Autodesk's student website for free. UDK(Unreal Development Kit) is also free to download. After you think you are done with your work, post it here in the P&P section and get critique. Don't get upset if you get harsh critique, it's much better than receiving none ;)

    Good luck...
  • qL1max
    Thanks for the kind words, waiting for more advices.
  • Mark Dygert

    Dive in and start making mistakes!
    Don't be afraid to fail it's going to happen and its one of the ways you're going to learn what to do, by learning what not to do. Some smart guy from Pixar once said "we get to success by failing as fast and as often as we can". I think Steve Jobs said "Stay hungry, stay foolish". So be fearless in your art don't always stick within your comfort zone and feel free to make mistakes.

    Low drawing skill could be problematic...

    This isn't impossible to overcome but it does help quite a bit because the skills you need are more artistic than application knowledge. Any monkey can learn what buttons to press in 3dsmax or Maya, but only an artist can use them to create art.

    Wait don't jump!
    Now that you're about to throw yourself off a cliff, know that it isn't impossible, especially to be an environment artists. There are a lot of environment artists who have amazing skill but have an easier time realizing it in 3D rather than 2D.

    Observation is KING!
    If you can't observe objects and people and aren't swept up in their details and drawn to how the details make up the whole piece then you're going to have trouble. The more you know about your subjects the easier it is to recreate them. Spend a lot of time researching and thinking about what it is you're going to create. In the beginning that can be hard because you're not sure how to start,

    The proper attitude when posting...

    Be humble, no one has any room in their day to respond to a self appointed king of art who has trouble recreating a firehydrant. Someone somewhere might have praised you for something but don't expect that all the time. Polycount is more about making everyone a better artist rather than praising everyone who posts for their "good effort". If you want praise, take your art to mom's fridge she'll always hang it up, give you a kiss on the forehead and tell you how great you are. There is very little coddling here. Everyone has room to grow so taking critiques with a slice of humble pie is critical at all stages of life as an artist, its a skill best learned early and practiced often.

    Good luck and get posting!
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Mark's response is as good as it gets.

    It's very doable. I have a Bachelor's in Graphic Design and did that for several years until I had the chance to do 3d and now I am in the game industry working as an environment artist. So it's very doable.

    My advice is be very patient. Practice a lot. Your first asset or drawing is going to be bad, and the second one is going to be bad too, but keep practicing and eventually you will get better. Don't be afraid to throw away work and start a new one.
  • qL1max
    Thanks Mark & David, i will work hard to reach my goals.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Hey qL1max, I get where you are coming from. I started out in graphic design and advertising when I was younger, worked a few jobs and did some freelance.

    I really hated the industry. Alot of studios are influenced by pretentious twats who sell bullshit and basically talk their way into making it up the ranks, or even worse, overly commercial studios who expect you to pump out mutiple projects in one day, and care little for creativity and quality. Freelance can be tough too, depending on the clients. You can work your arse of on something, and at the last minute they change their minds or chose not to pay you.

    I too made a change to try and make it into the games industry. I'm not quite there yet, but the work I've done has felt 100x more rewarding, and real creativity and quality is recognized by your peers. Best of all there are communities like polycount whose members will take a genuine interest in you and your work, and help you get better and more confident if you put in the effort.

    I definetly reccomend taking the plunge, and aslong as you work hard, I believe you will reap the benifits. Rant/
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    qL1max wrote: »
    Hello Polycount community,

    So... i need some help, would you help me?

    P.D. I Live in Venezuela and sorry about my English.

    We only help those who help theirselves...:)

    Post your work in pimp and preview and lets take steps from there to improve your stuff.

    And lastly;

    Hello!!! And welcome to the Polycount community.

    Here you will find tuts, tips and tricks required to improve your art.

    with best regards

  • imyj
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    imyj polycounter lvl 13
    As a graphic designer myself, I'd say work to your strengths. If you're already good at something then use it to get a foot in the door into the industry. Graphic Designers are sought after by all the major studios. As an example, the following companies are all looking for someone with a graphic design skillset: Blizzard, Ubisoft, Rockstar, Crytek, Valve, Naughty Dog and Epic. This is because it seems that the majority of people wish to become Environment Artists, Character Artists etc. There's even more of a demand now that social games have become more popular and there's a need for people who can create vector artwork. There's more to working on AAA titles as a Graphic Designer than simply UI :)

    Wouldn't you rather have a job now and then work on your skills rather than work on your skills without finding a job for quite a while?

    Just my input ;)
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