I'm working on a particle system where I want the sprite (burst mode) to rotate every time it bursts to a set value.
Specifically, I want it to be at 90 degree values, so 0, .25, .5, and .75. It's ok if it randomly selects which of those to use.
I was thinking I might be able to do this with an Initial Rotation curve using constant so I never see any values other than those specified. Anybody know how to set that up?
1. Similarly to your suggestion, animate the initRot module using keys set to CONSTANT interpolation (last button on the shelf of the curve editor, or CIM__CONSTANT in the property window). You'd have to get a decent amount of keys in there to get enough randomness throughout the emitters life time.
2. Duplicate and share the emitter three times, with the initRot module not being shared between all of the emitters. I honestly would go this route myself.
3. Sacrifice a color channel to perform UV flipping in the material. It would be the most complicated setup of my suggestions, but has its advantage in that you'll truly get the most randomness, and least amount of setup in cascade.
Hope this helps!
Thanks...I am new to Cascade, will experiment with all of these.