I was wondering if there was an easyer method of adding holes to surfaces. I usualy create the shape of my hole with a seperate object, allign it to the surface and either create a boolean or pic the surface that i want the holes in and cut with vertex snap enabled around my shape. Bolean gives kind of crappy results, and cuting takes forever.
So is there a better way to create holes (in 3ds max only) or is this just the way its working?
Or if you don't mind/want a faster and less destructive method, just float little fake holes above the surface.
Oh and... you can also cut in a a rough hole, then use the GeoPoly button in Graphite modeling tools to round out the poly making it circular.
Illusion catalyst also has a free script available that does a similar function but works on loops instead of polys. It also makes sure that each edge is the same length giving you a prefect circle.
eat 3d has a good tut on this subject for free
with the vert chamfer method if used for a LP mesh, you can just add more connecting loops in step 5 across the square face before you Spherify ti make it more round, just be sure to connected the extra verts that creates up to something, so you don't get some huge ngon that smooths like shit.