Chibi Space Marine I made for a client Indie game. Modeled low poly in Modo, textured in PS.
2350 Tris
1024 Diffuse
This was kind of my first full hand painted texture. No tablet, don't have one. I'm looking for critique in the ways of diffuse only textures and maybe some techniques and tricks. The client was happy with everything, but I'm sure there can be improvement and would like some feedback. Thanks!

The texturing is nice, but it lacks feeling without any spec or gloss.
Still, nice model though.
"Space Marine" immediately got me expecting to see a WH40K Space Marine.
Your concept reminds me a lot of Master Chief, im guessing that is intentional? You should pose him a bit more relaxed or dramatic. This pose is quite unappealing imo. I think you could benefit from a bit more contrasting levels in your texture or lighting.
Ya he's just ended up in a standard A pose cause of modeling, didn't try to pose. I'll revisit and add new maps and pose and lighting (its just a viewport screen grab atm). I should make a weapon as well
Can you put it at 75% self illuminated? the geometry shading is really messing with the lighting you've painted in.
can we see some texture flats as well?
Here are the flats though.
This way you can combine a bit of "self-illumination" and direct lighting. Also, you do not only have to use a grey scale value or a single uniform value for that matter in the Ambient Color attribute.
You have to use High Quality Render in your viewport to the see the result of this.
By the way, you have a few texture shells which could be optimized by stacking them as they seem to use pretty much identical texture parts.
Is there a way to apply an environment or reflection map realtime in Maya? I'm using Viewport 2.0 for screengrabs.
Stop imitating and START THINKING. You imitate every other guy on this site by doing the same poor choices. Why do you have scratches on every single ridge? Because you're too lazy to actually make it look good with logical ways of grunge it up.
You are also doing some weird ass choices when it comes to design, why in the infernal heavens do you have a rigid wrist like that?
You have something interesting going on, you just have to stop using autopilot for awhile.
You can actually use some environment nodes in Maya to use image based lighting instead of a uniform value, for ambient lighting for instance. The hypershade has some environment nodes, I think the Cube one lets you load 6 separate textures for each Cube side. Not entirely sure if they work in the viewport or not.
kodde, I didn't feel like messing around in Maya anymore and downloading shaders, best to just get it in game, so here it is in CryEngine3. thanks for the information though. Since you're a shader guy, are you familiar with Leo Covarrubias and Peter Anderson? They did a presentation in Boston about some CGFX Shaders you might be interested in. Here are some links for ya:
So here it is in CE3, the environment and cubemap consists of CE3 textures/presets