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Megabyte Punch - The customizable electro fighting game

polycounter lvl 7
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Remmers polycounter lvl 7
If you like the game we'd appreciate your vote on Steam Greenlight!

My name is Tim Remmers, together with Dion Koster I am working on Megabyte Punch. I use this thread to post updates about the game development of the game

My role in this two-man-band is the art. It is a great experience and challenge to put down a suitable stylized/abstract style for this game. I hope I will be able to please your visual needs. :P If you have any feedback or questions don't hesitate to spam it around.


I'll update the first post with the latest screenshots and/or videos.

Changes in the latest update:

+ New enemy type
+ Several new parts
+ Trigger fights
+ Checkpoints
+ New ability selection
+ Ability mapping
* Fixed secret area
~ Changed all stages
~ Changed inventory
~ Changed HUD
~ Probably more!


If you pre-order the game you will receive the latest version including all subsequent updates up to the final version of the game. We are selling pre-orders to fund the development of the game. If you like the game please consider supporting us by pre-ordering the game :D

Play & pre-order at www.megabytepunch.com

Megabyte Punch is now also available for alpha funding on Desura and Gamersgate

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAjGUQxTEeQ"]Megabyte Punch Demo Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URRfIsksPsg"] Megabyte Punch Gameplay[/ame]


  • wolver
    absolutely brilliant i love it : )
    i noticed that with the teleporting power i can teleport inside blocks and i some times am teleported of screen where i die and restart from the beginning of the level, not sure if this is something intentional.

    features wise i think it needs more powers from armours : ) its just a lot of fun collecting a set and being able to get a buff from the complete set would be excellent
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Paintforge!

    The teleport ability is indeed just teleporting and doesn't really care about blocks or deathtriggers yet :) We left this ability in the published build because it is good fun to play with it already and not really game breaking. But it obviously shouldn't do that in the final version :)

    We have a HUGE list of abilities/powers and stats that we want to implement. We really want to player to tune his character to his personal fighting style resulting in very interesting character built from many different parts. We are thinking about Set bonusses like in World of Warcraft but that might "force" players gathering one specific set with all players having to same look. But we should test it out!

    Thanks for playing
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    The demo for Megabyte Punch went live today!
    You can check the trailer, play the demo or pre-order the game at http://megabytepunch.com!

    Let me know what you think, we are still full in production so all your feedback is welcome!


  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    We made this video to show local multiplayer in the fightmode with 2 players.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVydsPfL2yg"]Megabyte Punch Dev Match - Dion vs. Tim - YouTube[/ame]
  • Shanthosa
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    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    I dig this a lot. I really like the gameplay you guys have achieved. Great work! Can't wait to see more!
  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    I'm so jelly that I don't get to work on stuff like this
    Seriously, this game is awesome, I would kill to work on something like this

    My only complaint is the in game menus are a bit harsh...I know you have your style, and it matches very well, just kinda busy and hard to read IMO
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    The bit I played was a lot of fun. It's nice to see another person using Unity to make a game. Unfortunately their web player tends to be slow so it began to lag outside the tutorial level.

    My only critique so far is that it'd be nice to have a little more description on what the parts are for. Maybe in a pause menu somewhere? Some of the icons are a little hard to understand at first. Also, a controls page on the main/pause menu would be nice. The tutorial does a good job of teaching how things work but it'd be nice to have a reference after that point in case I forget what each button does.
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback :)

    @Shantosa: We are working hard on the first live update so there will be more soon :)

    @[SF]Three9: If you love to work on this kind of stuff just do it! Start your own project and start working on something you like :) Remember this is still the alpha, there are lots of things we are still working on, like the GUI. It's working alright but there are a lot of tweaks needed, both visually as interactively.

    @darkmag07: Unity was an easy option for us because it is free and it gives us most of the stuff we need. The webplayer is indeed a mystery, but it's mainly doing it's job. We might offer a free standalone demo soon so we can avoid the webplayer. About your critique, we are thinking how we are going to implement more information about the parts. The current GUI doesn't really support any textual input. It is something we heard quite a few times now so we are definately looking into that. Putting those controls in the pause screen or somewhere else where you can check if you forgot is actually quite a good idea, thanks! :)
  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    Wow this is very cool guys. I really dig the art style.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Well shit. I was gonna take a really quick break and check the game out a little... That was over an hour ago, lol.

    Love the art style, and the part swapping is ace (though initially a bit confusing). Controls are nice, though being able to switch directions(facing) in mid air would be nice. Combat is cool, but I never really have any sort of indication of how well I'm doing against the various enemies.

    Boss fight was neat, especially when I realised it basically turned into SSMB :p

    Looking forward to updates :D
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    awesome guys :) Can't really think of anymore feedback, will probably add something later. Good luck with releasing this game!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks! :)

    @LoTekK: We locked switching facing direction in the air on purpose so you can perform a flying kick backward and forward both with a minor different effect. The backwards flying kick is a bit more powerful. There is indeed not really an indicator for how good you are doing against the enemies, however when enemies starting to run away from you you know that your next kick will be lethal.

    Stay tuned for updates!
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    Yes! This is awesome! The fighting was very satisfying!
  • Fryght
    The game is coming along nicely. The element of customization should keep things pretty interesting.

    One big thing I see with this game being sold is that when Nintendo gets wind of it, you might get in trouble a bit, because the gameplay does seem very close to that of Smash Bros (like the shield block, when someone gets launched from the platform or falls into the void).
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    This looks awesome, love the trailer. Great stuff. Destructible environments while fighting VS would be frickin sweet. The only thing would be readability right now, maybe work on how to make the characters really pop from the background. But man, I would buy this and play it to death ^^
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    @SaferDan: Good to hear that thanks :)

    @Fryght: Thanks man, Nintedo does have some unique patents. However I don't see falling into a void as a problem. There are more fight games with shield blocks I think and getting launch from a platform is quite generic as well. Ofcourse I admit all together the fightmode is obviously quite inspired by SSB. But I don't think (hope) we will get problems with Nintendo since the essence of the game is completely different. :)

    @chrisradsby: Readability is definately an "issue" we are currently working on. We introduced the colorizer blocks to paint the whole set into a color set to see the character more as a whole instead of seperate parts with different colors. We are also working on different tiles for in the background so the characters will blend less with the environment.

    Stay tuned for our first big update :) The demo will also be updated, mainly bugs and feedback issues. Loads of things are overhauled and redesigned ( especially the levels ) Full patchnotes / changelog will follow when the update arrives.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    The first post has been updated with new screenshots and a little changelog.

    Check out the new demo or pre-order at www.megabytepunch.com :)
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Update 2 of Megabyte Punch is now live for people who pre-ordered the game!
    Check out the first post for the changelog and screenshots. A new free demo will follow shortly!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    We posted a short gameplay video from the latest version of the game. You can check the first post for the latest changelog.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URRfIsksPsg"] Megabyte Punch Gameplay[/ame]

    We also updated the demo you can check out online or download the standalone version on Desura.
  • FullSynch
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    FullSynch polycounter lvl 12
    I love this! One of my favourite games were the Metabot ones. You could collect and swap unique parts just like this. I love the kick-ass fast paced fighting and the unique style. It feels a bit like spiral knights and sonic had a head on collision. :D "Zwap!"
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    nice dude, some colleagues here liked it too, but they think you still have some interface issues when selecting new stuff etc :) Looking sweet so far!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks FullSynch! You're actually the first one mentioning Spiral Knights! I had quite some SK reference in my folder, it's a lovely game.

    @Rhoutermans, I'm glad you guys checked the game out there! Keep up the good work with CotD!

    Stay tuned for new updates!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Update 5 is live and distributed to all the pre-orderers!

    You can check out the game on Desura or play the (alpha) demo online on Kongregate.

    We'd also appreciate your vote on Steam Greenlight if you like the game!

    The game is still in full production so don't hesitate to give us some feedback!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Megabyte Punch is now featured on https://indiegamestand.com/ so you can pay what you want for a limited time! Go check it out!
  • Shanthosa
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    Shanthosa polycounter lvl 11
    I love it! You guys are kicking ass on this project. You've got my money!
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Shanthosa :)

    Only 16 hours left to pay what you want on Indiegamestand!
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