So I've been having this problem since I started this project of mine, all my meshes seem to have light seams, shadows where there shouldn't be and I'm getting tired of trying at this, so I hope someone can help me!
I've tried raising the lightmap resolution, wich seems to reduce the problem(still there though) but I don't want to have 256 for every tree, or it's going to get really long to build the light... I also tried redoing the lightmaps, but this only seems to move the problem to the new seam, thus not being of any kind helping...
I really have no idea what could be wrong. All meshes have a custom lighting material, wich isn't the problem either as I tried lighting with phong and still had the same result.
Hope someone has a clue what's going on!
P.S.: Feel free to ask for a shader, lightmap or any screenshot if needed, I'll be glad to provide them!
Well... I guess they could be more spaced out, but it's the third time I did those... when I've fixed the prolem I'll make better uvs
Also, every vertex is correctly welded, there are no holes in the model(except those I want)
I'll have to check in UDK if my SGs are ok, but I'll do that tomorrow.
Straight from UDN: "Padding between UV charts is necessary to prevent bleeding artifacts. Padding around the edges of the lightmap UV layout, however, is not necessary as Lightmass automatically pads around the edges by enough to prevent bleeding artifcats. Note when you are setting up padding between UV charts that 4 texels are usually required to avoid all bleeding, as DXT compression operates on 4x4 texel blocks.
This means that for a lightmap resolution of 32, the padding between the UV charts should be 12.5% of the entire UV space."
The lightmap UVs are spaced so that a 64 texel resolution would have at least 4 texels between each uv island. But I don't think UV's are the problem as my other tree also has problems;
Those UVs were generated in UDK with the "Generate unique UVs" option;
Although they look packed a bit...
In case it wasn't obvious from my screencaps, I'm going for more of a cel-shaded look on this, so basically, I don't want shadows to fade, there either is or isn't shadow, no fading.
No seams, no problems.... except the fact that I have incredibly black shadows... wich sucks
I still don't know what causes the seams, it looks like part of the mesh is getting an other light, wich seems a bit yellow. See below;
Anywho, I guess I'll eventually find the solution!