There is an annoying problem I'm having with exporting a skinned mesh from maya as a fbx file. Any vertex normal that has been set manually is ignored when the fbx file is imported back into maya, max, or udk. This only happens when the mesh is skinned.
To illustrate the problem I've created a 20 sided cylinder without any end caps. One edge of the cylinder has been split into two edges, and the vertices of these two edges have the exact same normal vector (1,0,0). The shading across the pair of edges looks "smooth".
The two notches are just markers to indicate that the split edge is between them. Exporting the mesh as fbx without skinning and importing it back into Maya works without any problems:
Skinning the mesh to a pair of joints and then exporting/importing causes problems. The vertex normals are recalculated the standard way and any normals that were manually set are ignored:
It also happens in udk if the skinned mesh fbx file is imported as a skeletal mesh. Oddly, importing as a static mesh works.
I don't have access to 3ds max, but I've sent the example file to someone else to test, and he had the same problem. Here is another example with just a triangle with one vertex that has a edited normal:
I'm using maya 2012 and the current fbx plugin. My main concern is getting a skinned asset into UDK and preserving vertex normals that were set.
Have googled with no results except some other thread with the same question but no answer. Anybody know anything about this?:(
They put it back in the November build.
I guess it only makes sense if the normals of the exported mesh just so happens to coincide with normals that udk calculates internally?