Hey guys, Started on a sword and I think its about time for some critique!
Started out here:
Saw a demo from Bobo and had to add a skull:
and now I'm at the texturing stage:
Texturing critiques are what I'm really looking for tho any other critiques are welcome. I know the design isn't too strong, but thats what I get for making it up as I went along.
I'll probably end up re-sculpting the pommel, its just not working atm.
what techinque workflow are you using to texture it?
Also, how about some jeweled eyes in the hilt? That would be awesome lol
Take everything I say with a pinch of salt mind as I know I dont have much board cred but thats my two cents.
Good stuff.
NAIMA: The blade was inspired by Frodo's sword Sting from LOTR, kind of a shortsword in a leaf-shape, while the handle is pretty much inspired by all of the Darksiders 2 stuff I'm around. A bit of a mismatch of styles, but I'm having fun with trying to balance these out in the texture.
Texturing is just the cavity map + AO + Hand painted. It is intended to be cartoony to a point, with a bit of stylized realism as well.
Artist_in_a_box: Thanks for the comments, I'm actually liking the chunkyness of the handle more than the blade atm, they aren't matching very well, like you said, flow vs chunk, but I'm going to try and make it work for now.
Jernej: Mostly clay tubes, trim dynamic, and smooth
Gateian: Thanks, the sword is sitting at 1400 tris atm. I'm still trying to lower the polycount although I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do.
A coworker pointed out that the blade was really not belonging, and maybe a color change could help.
Lunchtime update!!:
Any critiques or suggestions on texturing would be welcome!
Here's the finals on my short sword:
1502 Tris and 512 Maps. There's also a glow, but it's boring :poly124:
First of all i really like the texture u did, the only thing that didn't convince me 100% was the color scheme u used, cause red and blue in my opinion don't fit together that much.
So i created these 2 versions keeping eachtime one of the elements u have done:
Variation A is the same handle you've done, and i turned the blade into red
Variation B is the same blade u have and i turned the handle into dark blue/violet.
In both cases i wanted to give more importance to the blade so that's always the part that pops out more compared to the handle.
Keep my words and image just as possible suggestions of course
Great job
Would like to see a red inscriptions on a blue blade variation tho
I'm not too big of a fan of the red blade, but I also like the runes.
Here's a version with a blue blade and red runes:
WARNING!: crappy paint-over
That look good to anyone else or have I had one too many?
KartoonHead: your rune paintover looks cool, but I'm still not a fan of the cool blue skull and leather. Thanks for the suggestion tho.