Hey there everyone, i was just looking to get some feedback on some work of mine, iv been looking through this site for a while now and iv yet to post up my work, Im new to modelling environments so as much constructive criticism is most appreciative.
The environment is based on a reimagination of the tekken 6 stage Temple grounds. The idea was to recreate the scene similar to that of the japanese temple below, sort of a luxury design with some of my own artistic license
Here is the current work
As i said before this is my first environment which has been modelled by myself, so please as much help as you guys can give, thanks again.
i still need to work on the tiles and flags, i think im gonna up some tears in those flags.
Below is the current progress, seem to be having a problem with the lightmass it doesn't seem to be casting any shadows, although it does show them in the editor. :S
image to follow (running lightmass )
Screenshot of shawdows in editor.
Good work so far.
Great points, i didn't even think of the snow, im gonna work on that today as well as working on breaking up the tiles, thanks again everyone. :thumbup:
in the end i went abit festive lol might be over the top
Crits welcome , but thats it for now, ill work on it more when i have some free time!! thanks for all ur help guys! :thumbup: