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[WIP] Temple Grounds Reimagination

polycounter lvl 6
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Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
Hey there everyone, i was just looking to get some feedback on some work of mine, iv been looking through this site for a while now and iv yet to post up my work, Im new to modelling environments so as much constructive criticism is most appreciative.

The environment is based on a reimagination of the tekken 6 stage Temple grounds. The idea was to recreate the scene similar to that of the japanese temple below, sort of a luxury design with some of my own artistic license :)


Here is the current work



As i said before this is my first environment which has been modelled by myself, so please as much help as you guys can give, thanks again. :) :thumbup:


  • Kratilim
    Looking promising thus far. I'd look at breaking up the floor texture somehow, maybe adding some broken tiles and such in it. Personally I'd also add some more colors and props to liven up the scene. Also, the walls are way to dark, You can't see what's going on.
  • Warotic
    i dont know if the floor is suposed to be realy empty like that. i think it needs some foreground elements? mabey a statue or fountain? i also realy like the shine on the yin&yang flags
  • Chriss
    Good start, you defiantly want to break up that floor texture some more. If it’s a Tekken stage maybe the floor is supposed to be empty, if that’s the case you could make it more interesting by breaking parts of that wall, having one of the lantern things knocked over etc. Maybe tear the flags a little? I always think torn flags look cool. Also the lighting on the building under the roof is way too dark.
  • Rageleet
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    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    hey, thanks for the replys, some really good points there thanks, iv been working on the level over night, just trying to break up the modularity.

    i still need to work on the tiles and flags, i think im gonna up some tears in those flags.

    Below is the current progress, seem to be having a problem with the lightmass it doesn't seem to be casting any shadows, although it does show them in the editor. :S

    image to follow (running lightmass ) ;)
  • Rageleet
    Offline / Send Message
    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    so heres the image, lighting is really bad cant seem to get it looking right :( + the shadows arnt appearing still :(


    Screenshot of shawdows in editor.

  • April87st
    I like this forum, he solved my many problems, thank you
  • April87st
    I like this forum, he solved my many problems, thank you
  • gateian
    If you could think of ways to break up the repetition in the floor tiles, that would enhance the natural look of the environment. There is also lots of snow and ice in the background. How about adding some of that to the foreground scene. Some snow and ice scattered here and there, to give the impression of a harsh and turbulent climate.

    Good work so far.
  • Rageleet
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    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    If you could think of ways to break up the repetition in the floor tiles, that would enhance the natural look of the environment. There is also lots of snow and ice in the background. How about adding some of that to the foreground scene. Some snow and ice scattered here and there, to give the impression of a harsh and turbulent climate.

    Great points, i didn't even think of the snow, im gonna work on that today as well as working on breaking up the tiles, thanks again everyone. :):thumbup:
  • Rageleet
    Offline / Send Message
    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    just a move recent update the project deadline is friday so i think this is going to be all. i've got to work on my other work now!

    in the end i went abit festive lol might be over the top :|




    Crits welcome :D, but thats it for now, ill work on it more when i have some free time!! thanks for all ur help guys! :thumbup:
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