Hi guys, I'm having a huge issue with lightmass producing seams on some of my floors.It only seems to happen in spots where builder brushes intersect. I've already tried setting all the lightmap resolutions to 1.0, but that didn't seem to work.
Any suggestions on how I may be able to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what it looks like in the editor after I build lightmass:

also. reducing lightmap res (for bsp) to 1.0 is only for shadow quality.
I'd have a close look at this in wireframe mode. Also you could try fiddling with the brush order to fix the seams. BSP shouldn't create seams like this.
I fixed the seams by triangulating the BSP brushes that had the seams on them.Odd fix, but it worked. It also seemd to have fixed the high difference in the 1st picture.