about time i posted some more actual work on here.
spent most of today zbrushing up some flagstones to make clean and damaged floor textures - gonna add some more colour variation and make some mud and sand textures tomorrow and hopefully create a nice shader in UDK that allows you to paint between them all using vertex colours.
right, 4 textures blending using 3 colour channels. - everything is based off the height map and adapts according to what's painted. red controls the height of the flagstones, green the damage on the stone and blue the height of the sand. i might make a couple of colour variations for the mud and sand and plug that into the green too if i get time.
about 90 instructions and 9 textures so not cheap but not too expensive either.
Also: Your stones look like they don't have a spec map, or a very low intensity one. I'd up the spec on the stones a little and maybe add a slight bit more to the sand to make it read better.
Keep it up
latest update - changed the sand material for one that i think works better with the effect. also tweaked the spec maps and changed the lighting.
i've also added in dx11 tessellation and worlddisplacement and worldpositionoffset so that the mesh moves up and down as you paint the materials in. almost certainly way too expensive for a game but nice to see what you can do with the tech if you push it.
is my package if you want to open it up in udk and take it apart. the material is a bit of a mess but shouldnt be too hard to understand.
any questions give me a shout.
edit: also i think i might just turn this into a WIP thread - anyone know if i can change the title of the first post? cheers
Also, how do tessellated meshes handle vertex color?