Command & Conquer Generals 2... with frostbite 2, and being developed by bioware... Sounds like a beastly combination. Wasn't a huge fan of generals, but generals 2 has got me psyched. Hope it does well. I cant wait.
ellen page and sam fisher fight hordes of zombies! oh joy ¬_¬
Did i say ellen page? sorry i meant ellie* way to look FAR FROM THE TREE for that name
also i don't know how anyone is putting fortnite and minecraft together? i think somebody didn't watch the video and said. "oh cool thats like minecraft" then others read that on twitter so now fortnite = minecraft from epic. wtf?
if anything its cartoon zombies form that CoD 8 game
also i don't know how anyone is putting fortnite and minecraft together?
I saw a group of people scavenging for resources in an urban environment. Building a Safe-house with said resources. A creature who can only survive in the dark burrows up out of the ground from whence it came. Then the people get in their house weary of the undead horde approaching whom also only appear at night.
There are quite a lot of similarities to Minecraft right there. Will it be a total sandbox non-linear crack fest like Minecraft. Who knows?!?! But I hope so. He He
-Edit- Forbes has some interesting info on the game
FORTnITE is unlike any game Epic has made to date. The stylized action game is actually hard to pin down to a single genre. It has various gameplay elements that vary by time of day. During daylight, the multiplayer experience will focus on building up a fortress through teamwork and sharing resources. This fortress becomes crucial when the sun goes down and the undead rise. Its during this phase of the third-person perspective game that shooting zombies takes over.
Seems like a mix of survival horror a touch of Minecraft and some tower defense.
I want more celebrities who don't play them vidiagames in the next VGAs! the ones who are only there to advertise things at me.
also don't you hate it when people kill you online? they are such douche bags!? AMIRITE!?
Did they give out any awards? i only saw 3, batman, Cod and scrim. seems like its not about them anymore
Poor VGAs.
They were live and only had an hour. You can't have people going on and on and then run out of time for the Game of the Year award. Though they could have just cut out all those dumb skits instead of literally tea bagging the developers
The interesting part is how they've chosen to prioritize things; They have these awful skits(which aren't as cheap as they could be) and (probably pretty expensive) hosts. There weren't just one celebrity(who probably only play some video game maybe once a week/month/year or so), there were plenty of them. They could have skipped guys like Charlie Sheen for instance, since he isn't exactly related to video games.
Instead they could have filled it up with some interviews with the award winners or shown some cool short making-of's in the offices of these game companies.
There were some cool announcements and trailers though and that was the main-reason I watched it.
I kept thinking what the point of having Charlie Sheen on was. He came out, said a joke, and a video played announcing the winner. I can't imagine all the money they blew on those 20 seconds. Same thing applies to the other celebrity announcers.
They just threw money at this thing to try to make it "cool"
At first I thought it was Team Fortress...
But wow! I hope there is a single/co-op in depth fully realized story. They sure set-up an awesome teaser. Beautiful character. Nice to see technology advance hyper-real instead of just realism.
I saw a group of people scavenging for resources in an urban environment. Building a Safe-house with said resources. A creature who can only survive in the dark burrows up out of the ground from whence it came. Then the people get in their house weary of the undead horde approaching whom also only appear at night.
There are quite a lot of similarities to Minecraft right there. Will it be a total sandbox non-linear crack fest like Minecraft. Who knows?!?! But I hope so. He He
Exactly, While people are quick to jump to saying it's a tower defence game, minecraft survival is the closest comparison we have right now.
Just looking at the details from the video, scavenging, gathering materials, apparently freeform style placement of these objects (garrys mod would be the closest comparison here), and then the obvious minecraft style night where you have to hold out.
There were even a hint of some day-time monster like that small creature you saw before the zombies hit, which hints of dangers when you are out gathering materials, and then the obvious backpacks on the back of the players, shovel and stuff.
I firmly believe it's not going to future a fully voxagonal terrain like in minecraft, but I do believe it will have a landscape full of structures and buildings that can be picked a part piece by piece or by blowing them up.
And pieces are then used to build a FORT where you hold the night out.
It is ridiculous how people compare every game now a days. Like already mentioned Fortnight with Minecraft? and now The Last of Us to Dead Island? Can't people just enjoy games and just play them without saying "Oh Minecraft has this, fortnight doesn't" I guess not.
It is ridiculous how people compare every game now a days. Like already mentioned Fortnight with Minecraft? and now The Last of Us to Dead Island? Can't people just enjoy games and just play them without saying "Oh Minecraft has this, fortnight doesn't" I guess not.
It's in a positive notion, everyone loves minecraft, so when a game pulls elements from it, people are happy.
The human brain is built around making references and connections, it's only natural we do it with games too, it's not all bad.
DUDE DUDE! what in the hell was that? I was so confused.
Well at the beginning they said that if your thankyou speech was too long a bell would ring and they'd get teabagged. I think some awards do the bell thing, so these guys took it one step towards awkward.
Yeah I can totally see that. It seems like there's this notion out there amongst gamers that if something borrows even an inkling from a pre-established game it is completely unoriginal and must not be worth the play through.
Personally I think iteration is what brings us kick ass games. Yeah there's the FPS clones out there but then you get keystone titles like COD BF Halo Half Life etc
TL;DR Build upon what works, who cares if its been done before
Uncharted 3 - best graphics, yup best award to win
Super excited we got to finally reveal the Last of Us. The work on it so far is simply fantastic.
Can you confirm/deny if this is realtime and not a video playing on the PS3? The trailer doesn't say specifically, so could be a video, in which a Wii could do the same.
If you look closely you can see the usual jaggies that come from in-game stuff, so yeah I doubt it's pre-rendered (atleast not like that Killzone 2 trailer :P)
pretty visually striking and looks like a harder edged, mature tone than most ND stuff from the past. impressive lighting as always, and it looks like another great storytelling opportunity with fantastic voice acting coupled with believable animation like the uncharted series really shows off.
Starts in 20 minutes.
In case it doesn't work right away try this;
Anyone knows of any webpage that is following it? I'm reading joistiq but its liveblog thing is like they know you're watching... BUT I CAN'T WATCH!
Anyway, should i go to sleep or are they going to announce anything worth it? :P so far only excited for The last of us and C&C!
Naughty Dog has never ceased to amaze me so I can't imagine this being any exception.
By the way, does anyone else think that the girl, conveniently named Elly, looks a lot like Ellen Page?
Looks awesome. It's almost like urban minecraft taken to a whole new level. Can't wait!
Absolutely, as a minecraft and garrys mod fan I'm intrigued in how far they'll go!
Did i say ellen page? sorry i meant ellie* way to look FAR FROM THE TREE for that name
also i don't know how anyone is putting fortnite and minecraft together? i think somebody didn't watch the video and said. "oh cool thats like minecraft" then others read that on twitter so now fortnite = minecraft from epic. wtf?
if anything its cartoon zombies form that CoD 8 game
also this
But, this show is a piece of shit i mean, jebus christ. This is a joke of a show.
Grats to Bethesda, Well Deserved.
Grats Geezus!
also don't you hate it when people kill you online? they are such douche bags!? AMIRITE!?
Did they give out any awards? i only saw 3, batman, Cod and scrim. seems like its not about them anymore
that says it all right there.
If you don't care about the people you're ["Awarding"] then what do you care about?
I saw a group of people scavenging for resources in an urban environment. Building a Safe-house with said resources. A creature who can only survive in the dark burrows up out of the ground from whence it came. Then the people get in their house weary of the undead horde approaching whom also only appear at night.
There are quite a lot of similarities to Minecraft right there. Will it be a total sandbox non-linear crack fest like Minecraft. Who knows?!?! But I hope so. He He
Forbes has some interesting info on the game
Seems like a mix of survival horror a touch of Minecraft and some tower defense.
Super excited we got to finally reveal the Last of Us. The work on it so far is simply fantastic.
They were live and only had an hour. You can't have people going on and on and then run out of time for the Game of the Year award. Though they could have just cut out all those dumb skits instead of literally tea bagging the developers
I really hope Rainbow 6 don't end up being like Homefront.
Sounds more like The Horde than Minecraft to me.
The interesting part is how they've chosen to prioritize things; They have these awful skits(which aren't as cheap as they could be) and (probably pretty expensive) hosts. There weren't just one celebrity(who probably only play some video game maybe once a week/month/year or so), there were plenty of them. They could have skipped guys like Charlie Sheen for instance, since he isn't exactly related to video games.
Instead they could have filled it up with some interviews with the award winners or shown some cool short making-of's in the offices of these game companies.
There were some cool announcements and trailers though and that was the main-reason I watched it.
They just threw money at this thing to try to make it "cool"
That probably could have been axed.
At first I thought it was Team Fortress...
But wow! I hope there is a single/co-op in depth fully realized story. They sure set-up an awesome teaser. Beautiful character. Nice to see technology advance hyper-real instead of just realism.
Where is the fortnite thread! :thumbup:
The whole thing was scripted, especially the tea-bagging.
Exactly, While people are quick to jump to saying it's a tower defence game, minecraft survival is the closest comparison we have right now.
Just looking at the details from the video, scavenging, gathering materials, apparently freeform style placement of these objects (garrys mod would be the closest comparison here), and then the obvious minecraft style night where you have to hold out.
There were even a hint of some day-time monster like that small creature you saw before the zombies hit, which hints of dangers when you are out gathering materials, and then the obvious backpacks on the back of the players, shovel and stuff.
I firmly believe it's not going to future a fully voxagonal terrain like in minecraft, but I do believe it will have a landscape full of structures and buildings that can be picked a part piece by piece or by blowing them up.
And pieces are then used to build a FORT where you hold the night out.
It's in a positive notion, everyone loves minecraft, so when a game pulls elements from it, people are happy.
The human brain is built around making references and connections, it's only natural we do it with games too, it's not all bad.
People just seem so jaded about games.
I had to leave, that sort of constant negativity is just tiring.
DUDE DUDE! what in the hell was that? I was so confused.
YES! same here man, i only watched the VGAs for Half-life rumor... but that was so great to see, the animations are so god damn... [weird boner]
Well at the beginning they said that if your thankyou speech was too long a bell would ring and they'd get teabagged. I think some awards do the bell thing, so these guys took it one step towards awkward.
Of course, but from the comments I've seen myself they all been negative. That's why I take it that way.
Personally I think iteration is what brings us kick ass games. Yeah there's the FPS clones out there but then you get keystone titles like COD BF Halo Half Life etc
TL;DR Build upon what works, who cares if its been done before
Don't know, I'm not in college.
Well you know, haters gonna hate :P
Can you confirm/deny if this is realtime and not a video playing on the PS3? The trailer doesn't say specifically, so could be a video, in which a Wii could do the same.
So who knows, plus, the skin of the characters looks like good old blended SSS hack they use for character skin in Uncharted.
Very heavy signs point to yes, but then again, it WAS in a closed environment, that all means nothing.