Infinity Blade 2, NBA Jam, Plants vs. Zombies, Spy Mouse, Angry Birds, Tiny Invaders, Worms Golf, Contre Jour, and Puzzle Agent 2 are what I have atm. Totally recommend any of those.
Also get App Shopper app and check out it's great for adding expensive apps and games and will email/text/however contact you when they drop in price or get updated. Nice to save a few bucks if you can wait on things.
Because when i write thread titles that are long winding sentences it can be hard to RELIABLY DISSEMINATE THE SUBJECT, since it's so hard to just READ OVER IT, so I do this to MARRY MY PERSONAL WRITING STYLE to the demands of message boards. In this thread it was probably unnecessary, i think LACK OF SLEEP MAY EFFECT MY JUDGEMENT, but maybe thats just an EXCUSE. Anyway, thanks a lot for RUINING IT, ADAM.
ps thanks guys. Aside from... Infinity blade and sword and sworcery and pvz, i'd never heard of any of those. Checking it all out!
mini motor racing is quite good, also phoenix wright ace attorney is pretty cool. Dungeon hunters 2 is kinda fun but a bit over complicated, if you want something simpler Pocket RPG is fun.
Some of the games I made are fun too! Traffic Panic 3D, super save and flick football, but you can be the judge of that .
Only one I see not mentioned here is Quarrel, excellent scrabble/risk hybrid from a small Scottish company beck in my old city. Perfect iphone game imho
Trade Nations
Harvest resources grow your civilization trade jobs with your friends.
Battle Nations
A bit like Trade Nations but you create armies, progress through a story line, raid your friends outposts for resources.
Turn Based, hex grid, fight it out with your friends, combat game.
A bit like Angry birds but with twists in the type of ammo you shoot, Plus its Retro Soviet Russia space race, a theme I can get behind and its made by a team that aren't douche bags.
I have seen mentioned here is the argument, good spelling games / risk mix from a small Scottish company Baker in my old town. IMHO the perfect iPhone game
May be a huge nerd question. But is there any sort of card based game that doesn't require a degree in physics to play? I've tried a few of the Magic Gathering style games and they involve moving on a board too. I tried KarmaStar and really enjoyed it.
I picked up "Doodle God" yesterday and it's a pretty awesome, simple little game. If you are looking for something fun that you can play for 3 hours or 30 secs at a time, demo the 'lite' version!
TINTIN THE GAME. I know it sounds like it might be a bit lame, but its actually really well made and alot of fun. I loved the animated movies when I was was a kid, so I'm maybe a bit bias. If you get Plants vs Zombies (which is amazing!) I'd suggest getting it for XBLA or PC to fully appreciate it.
May be a huge nerd question. But is there any sort of card based game that doesn't require a degree in physics to play? I've tried a few of the Magic Gathering style games and they involve moving on a board too. I tried KarmaStar and really enjoyed it.
Also get App Shopper app and check out it's great for adding expensive apps and games and will email/text/however contact you when they drop in price or get updated. Nice to save a few bucks if you can wait on things.
ps thanks guys. Aside from... Infinity blade and sword and sworcery and pvz, i'd never heard of any of those. Checking it all out!
Angry birds
tiny wings
tiny tower
fruit ninja
lane splitter
Finger balance
Gun Bros
Infinity blade 1/2
and sword and sworcery is a must.
Also, Jet Pack Joy Ride. So awesome. Graphics and sprite animations are great. And overall feel of awesomeness is so awesome.
Some of the games I made are fun too! Traffic Panic 3D, super save and flick football, but you can be the judge of that
Dark Meadow
Real Racing 2 (HD if you're on the ipad)
Junk Jack (Minecraft/Terraria clone, but extremely well made)
maybe the best game ever!
Dungeon Hunters (In fact Most of the Gameloft games are great! Even if a few of them are blatant ripoffs)
Infinity Blade 1/2
Sword and Sorcery
Chaos Blade is great if you like Square Enix JRPGs (A little more polished than their Final Fantasy iPhone Games).
Games ported from PC/Console:
World of Goo
Critter Cruncher
Game Dev Story
Everything from Popcap:
Plants vs Zombies
Escape from Rosecliff Island
Fun Physics Games:
Where's My Water
Cut The Rope
Fruit Ninja
iBlast Moki 1/2
Realise I probably play on my iphone more than my PC and consoles combined.
Tiny Wings
The Impossible Game
Harvest resources grow your civilization trade jobs with your friends.
Battle Nations
A bit like Trade Nations but you create armies, progress through a story line, raid your friends outposts for resources.
Turn Based, hex grid, fight it out with your friends, combat game.
A bit like Angry birds but with twists in the type of ammo you shoot, Plus its Retro Soviet Russia space race, a theme I can get behind and its made by a team that aren't douche bags. (Harvey Smith actually worked on it I guess)
further i'm not getting hooked on games on iDevices ( wordfeud
Jetpack Joyride
or Kard Combat
dont remember how it's spelt
Sword vs. Poker 1 or 2 is also pretty fun.
Dungeon Hunter 1 & 2
Other games I play on my device:
Civ Rev
Mr. AahH!!
Mr. Space!!
Ninjump Deluxe
Army of Darkness Defense
Jetpack Joyride
Don't Run with a Plasma Sword
Muffin Knight
Tiny Wings
Tiny Wings
Street Fighter 4
Also, GTA3.