Hey guys, im modeling a door off of a concept by razorb. im having a hard time figuring out how to model the door. At first i thought about just cutting on a plane but it all comes back to the circle im having issues with. Ideas? Im starting to think best way would be to spline out each side of the door then extrude it to get that shape in middle as well as the bevel for seperate door panels
With control edges:
Thanks that worked great
Why when i look at this can't i see how you did that,
You had to of started with a plane/box, i tried chamfering a vert to get a an area to make a circle......
how............. did you even??
Is that really the best way?, i mean cutting something by hand tracing something seems like a really inefficient way to me im curious as to how mike did his to compare techniques.
gotta remember the simple things ;D XD