Just received my early invitation to attend. Is anyone else here planning to participate? This is my 3rd game jam, and will be my 2nd GGJ. Had an absolute BLAST at the last one and I'd encourage anyone curious to check out the link:
Also, if there's anyone in Orlando/Central Florida who'd like to meet up for the event, give me a shout

In the whole country only METU is organizing the ggj,located in Ankara.For me that's the only place to join the challenge.But first of all I have to find someone who can write code and some more people,probably.
Our location only has 3 artists (including me) signed up so far. That's a 9-to-1 programmer-to-artist ratio! Jeesh, I hope some more artists sign up or I'm going to be one of the most popular guys at the event!
Last game jam I attended had NO programmers, tho. I'd much rather have this problem, if you ask me.
Wanted to share a bit of our progress...
As you know, the topic is "Ouroboros"
Our game is about the conflict and teamwork of construction versus destruction. The two main characters inhabit a globe alone and constantly work to build and destroy their vision of the world. One being represents life, nature, and light. The other represents death, decay, and darkness. Their conflict results as being the natural cycle of change.
Kind of a sidescrolling circular platformer of sorts...
And one hour later, here it is:
I think I need to lie down and have a coffee now.
So Unity whupped our programmers asses and three guys quit
Here's the title screen with some of the art assets.
Got some sweet sprite sheets too, but I won't bother posting them. We replicated a sweet effects combination from Castle Crashers and it (with the rest of the art) would've looked boss with all the planned mechanics.
(Also what a weird theme this year)
I did all the art except for the modeling and animating of the character.
Our entire jam (120+ people) is also credited in this one - it's a game about making a game jam team. Everyone was given a post-it note to draw an avatar on which were then scanned into the game. You have to shoot at the avatars which then reveal whether they represent an artist, coder, design or audio person. You get more points for a well balanced team.
My avatar is a chicken with a Flava-flav clock in case you want to add me to your imaginary team.