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Games that you...

polycounter lvl 15
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DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
Greetings Polycounters;

I have been urging to make such a thread that carries out the discussion regarding the following topics:
  • Games that you like.
  • Games that the game company(s) should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued. Example: Chasm: the rift.
  • Games that you hate.
  • Games that you hate and wish they were never released. Example: Prince of Persia 3D.

Sequence of this thread is for each person to state a game that he/she really desired, and a game that he/she really hated.

EDIT: I should've started it more appropriately. =\

Game that I like:There are many but, Skyrim is what I have been playing the most at this moment and really like it.

Game that the game company(s) should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued. Chasm: the rift. The single fps I played when I was a kid where you actually go in to different time zones and maintain their balance. If they work on such game today, it could turn out to be really epic.

Game that I hate: No offense to anyone who worked on Silk road online but, yes, that was my first MMO and really at level 30, I started hating the game. I like few MMO games, such as NFS World, DFO, Vindicates, WOW (Yes I know I whine alot about it but that game is addictive), Guildwars series, APB, etc. MMOs that make some sense. No offense to anyone who lives in Korea and works in one of those grind fest MMO developing studios.

Game that I hate and wish it was never released: Prince of Persia 3D. The story was great, but the game was soo under rated graphics wise, gameplay wise, collision wise, lightning wise, any wise, but the story wise. Again, No offense to Red Orb and their graphics team. I am sure you meant well.


  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    I loved Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn!!

    Reason being, as a player you have a lot of impact on the game. Your actions have irreversible consequences, which force you to choose wisely. Even NPC's will develop different kinds of relationships with you depending on your dialog decisions throughout the game. Levels are all really different and pretty :), the voice acting was terrific, the music . . . unrivaled!!!

    I hate boxing games!! xD they just turn me really aggressive and pissed off lol xD
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Love: Fallout 2. Perfect narrative, atmosphere, skills, everything. If they just remake the graphics and keep everything else the same it would be the best game of all time.

    Hated: Any MMO. It's like playing a game which is actually a job with a boss who makes you do tedious stuff all day long.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Love: Anything based on the Dungeons & Dragons rulesets. Icewind Dale 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 were and still are the greatest games ever made in the segment imho.
    Oh Minsc, how I miss you and your mini giant space hamster.
    Also, anything made by Retro Studios.

    Should Make: Atari should release the Baldur's Gate license and give it to Bioware. I want a Baldur's Gate 3 damnit!

    Hate: Sports games

    Games that never should have been made: Can't really think of any to be honest.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Love: the Witcher. No obvious good vs. evil. Well researched authentic environments (you can tell those guys visited a real medieval town and not just disney world). Intriguing story... hmm should I mention the playing cards? hehe

    games we should work on: A space shooter! Something like Wing Commander or TIE fighter. It's a dead genre, sadly.

    hated: I don't really remember a game where I hated the gameplay itself. I'm pretty good at not buying sucky games to begin with, but there's plenty of games where controls (sucky console ports), DRM (Fable III - I have steam and I still need Games for Windows??), buggy, shoddy QA, bad UI, rip-off DLC purchase (e.g. you can only buy 7 XX-points together but every DLC costs just 5 XX-points), etc.

    should never have been released: Everquest. Every major MMO followed in it's boring and unimaginative mechanics (levels, zones, etc.). If UO would have been the major paradigm for MMOs then current MMOs might actually be more like Skyrim which has mechanics that lends themselves much more to open world games like MMOs.
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Should Make: Atari should release the Baldur's Gate license and give it to Bioware. I want a Baldur's Gate 3 damnit!


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Like: Prince of Persia ( 2008 ). The art, the music, the witty banter between the two lead characters, all of it drew me into the world and made it a memorable and enjoyable experience. It was overall a rather peaceful game, and even if you encountered an enemy you couldn't die so there was no need to stress over having to start over from your last save or checkpoint. Just freely exploring the games world and immersing yourself in it was what it was all about. Such a wonderful, but horribly under appreciated, game.

    There are hundreds of other games I like, but that's one of the most recent.

    Should Make: More character driven games that're fun to play for reasons other then killing everything that moves.

    Hate: Maybe not hate, but Dark Void froze my (at the time) brand new PS3 twice in the half hour I played it, that has got to count for something.

    Games that never should have been made: Final Fantasy 11. I feel like this was the game where square really lost sight of what people wanted in the franchise, and as the premier story driven jRPG franchise things haven't been the same sense.
  • MadnessImport
    Like: Metroid prime 2: it never gets old no matter how much i play. currently on my 58th play through. always seem to finish the game 10 hours 8 minutes into it.

    I had wished more stuff about the chozoo would have been brought up instead of all the Logs and Artifacts on them, Other M shed some light but ruined some stuff for me.
    I think retro should have worked on explaining the end of Prime 3 and why that random ship followed Samus into deep space....But wait! The prime series is finished and they no longer work on Metroid, Happy ending...Like.. im just suppose to accept that ship was Sylux and Prime hunters was some how connected to prime 3.

    Games i hate: Mario. Everything mario BUT Sunshine. Sunshine was so fun and colorful i cant possible give any bad mouth towards it. but i hate how theres a new mario game for every Nintendo console, and its always the same thing! Fat red plumber racing or killing a Turtle god, having a party or facing off against a blue animal in the Olympics. WE ALL KNOW he cant defeat Bowser hes.....well just look at him. Whos idea was it for the Olympic games crap?!?

    Game That should have never been made: its a tough decision between madden and Halo. i hate sports games and i wish i could live to see madden 3036 and as for Halo i love me some halo but i feel like it started something that cant be stopped. the fanboy FPS flood of Y2k or something idk
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Games that you like.

    Too many, but not enough.

    Games that you hate.

    While opinionated from my side: neverwinter nights 2, taking something that was very promising, building from a previous game that had the largest, most extensive modding and multiplayer community you can find and then just doing it all wrong.

    Dragon age 2, for trying to fix something that wasn't broken.

    Games that you hate and wish they were never released.

    I would say the early console variants of baldurs gate and fallout, since not only were they bad, they were the decision of interplay to move towards console development and marked the death of the perfectly fine and brilliant black isle.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Alright, I'll play.

    Game that I like: Any games? Planescape Torment, Beyond Good and Evil, Psychonauts, Anachronox.

    Game that the game company(s) should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued.Anachronox Prime. The game exists in script form, but due to certain persons elsewhere in Ion Storm bringing down the company with a certain over-hyped and mediocre FPS, it's unlikely to ever surface.
    I'd also love to see Volition do another Freespace game.

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released: I'm going to go with Dai Katana. If it was never released we'd not only likely have an Anachronox Sequel but Eidos wouldn't have lost all of that money that lead to them shutting down Looking Glass Studios.
  • Alismuffin
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    Alismuffin polycounter lvl 7
    Game that I like:
    I have to say, the game I have liked the most is LittleBIGPlanet. It let me be as creative as I wanted as was a great stepping stone to actual game development.

    Game that the game company(s) should work on
    More games that play the narrative like Skyrim! You know, side storiesv that actually flow well. You choose what you do. You be who you want. An immersive game in which you play as you! Those are really great IMO.

    Game that you hate.
    I am nota fan of war games, yet I do enjoy the arcade like experience FPS provide. I do not play them unless Im out at a mates place though.

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released:
    MOST Games based on movies. Nuff said.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    I want a BattleZone 3, in the cold war spirit of the first (activision), and not alien race with fancy ships bullshit of the 2.

    and a new multiplayer Lost Vikings :3
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Old Bards Tale
    Gunship 2000
    Terra Nova
    Bio Forge
    Ultima series
    Dungeon Keeper
    Fade to black
    Leisure suit Larry series
    Street fighter series on SNES
    Sam and max
    Full throttle
    Grim fandango
    Earth siege series
    Mech warrior mech commander
    Age of The empire series
    Total war series
    early wipeout
    Final fantasy series
    X series
    ghost recon 1
    rainbow series
    deus ex 1
    syndicate 1
    Fallout series
    Lineage 1&2
    COD series
    Battlefield series
    Gran tourismo series
    demon souls
    dark souls

    EDIT Rune !! how did I forget thee.. omg...
    EDIT2 : Black and white and descent series
    and lots more that I cant remember
    EDIT 3: PLANETSIDE !!!!! OMFG.....

    should work on
    New freespace !!!
    Terra nova !!
    bioforge 2 :D

    Didnt like
    Lots that have been blocked from my memory
    most console shooters
    ghost recon 2

    never released
    ghost recon 2 >_>
    and like Alis said movie games...
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    omg bioforge 2!
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Games that you like.

    Magic Carpets, Outlaws, Dungeon Keeper, Psychonauts, All Bitmap Bro's games, Outcast, All Oddworld games, Carmageddon, Tomb Raider1, Dark Earth, Nocturne, Realms of the Haunting, Shadow Warrior, Soul Caliber, Otogi2, Wipeout 2097, Medievil, Earthworm Jim, Wonderboy3 the dragons trap, The Legend of Zelda, Skyrim, Dark Forces, Jedi Knights, Hunter (amiga), R-type. To name but a few.

    Games that the game company(s) should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued. Example: Chasm: the rift.

    Magic Carpets

    Games that you hate. (but love)

    Wonderboy 3 the dragons trap. Still havent completed it.

    Games that you hate and wish they were never released.

    Minecraft and Skyrim, I might have had a pretty good portfolio by now if it weren't for them.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Game that I like:
    Counterstrike, Halo, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, Red Dead Redemption, GTA (3, vice city, san andreas) Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Skyrim (it's the newest sure but I've put 100 hours into it.. oops). These games/series are ones I've put the most time into, and I'd say I enjoyed the most, or had the most memories of them. Edit: Also Dungeon Keeper as I've just been reminded. Also Total Anihilation.

    Game that the game company(s) should work on:
    I don't see many games that do this anymore but being able to put your own stats in like ragnarok was something I really liked. I think it's something that people want to avoid now because it makes a steep learning curve at the beginning, and you can make mistakes. But it really made the character your own, and I really liked the min-maxing aspect of it. It's card enchanting system was pretty good too.

    Game that I don't like:
    I really don't like Fable 2 and 3, and in co-op with my girlfriend was seriously mind numbing. Also the dog in Fable 2 was annoying enough, why do you need 2 dogs in Fable 3 co-op?
    Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts - just mini games =/
    Red Steel

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released:
    Bullet Witch
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    EPISODE 3.


    Games that you like: Quake 3, Tekken series, God of War series
    Games that the game company(s) should work on: episodic Discworld adventures would be so good.
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    Magic Carpets

    seriously, to me it's obvious that a sequel would not just please old fans but also make good money, if done right.
    It still feels fresh as an FPP game and perhaps could be appreciated by FPS gamers
    Gameplay is fun, there aren't any features that would have to be cut to make it more "accessible", there's lots of ideas that could be expanded further, multiplayer could be incredibly fun and setting feels original in various aspects.
    Also, terrain morphing spells combined with modern technology would look pretty badass.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Game that I like: Skyrim, Golden Sun, Age of Mythology, Kirby's Air Ride, Custom Robo, LoZ:OoT, Smash Brothers, Pokemon, Half Life 2, Portal, TF2, Counter Strike, Killing Floor, Super Meat Boy, Prototype, Ass Creed 2, Fire Emblem, UT2K4, Borderlands

    Game that the game company(s) should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued. GOLDEN SUN 4, HALF LIFE 3. Also everything needs jetpacks.

    Game that I hate: Funny enough I got to level 30 in silkroad online on like 5 different characters before i got bored x_X. Anyways uh.... Neopets?

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released:
    Farmville, I just dont see the appeal.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Game that I like:
    3rd person Actioney adventurey games with a strong artistic direction!!!! Zelda, shadow of the colossus, Ico, darksiders, uncharted, enslaved, god of war, Vanquish, Batman, Mass effects. Basically games that concentrate on character art haha and really do take you to new frontiers, full of set pieces and make you forget you are playing a game

    Game that the game company(s) should work on:
    would love to see kingdom hearts on current gen instead of DS/PSP. Ratchet and Clank aswell, loved the art direction on the last one. I also need more space/sci fi games :D

    Game that I don't like:
    Games with shit character art and boring game design!!!!!! Everyones gonna hate me but I cant staaaaand Bethesda RPGs for this reason. Ive tried them as everyone raves about them but I just cant get into them as their character arts 4-5 years in the past. I tried Morrowind, I tried Oblivion, I tried Fallout and they all pissed me off. I last about 2 or 3 hours and then I just turn it off. I just cant relate and then I start to see the underlying game mechanics and its very obvious its just kit bashed all over the place, the design, the levels, the characters......poo!!!! Deus ex did it to me too with the character art, the lead looked great but almost everyone else looked like burn victims, but the environment art was astonishing. Ive become a real character art snob lol. to each their own though, my brother loves em but I just cant ignore it haha

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released:

    well skyrim haha, no I havent played that yet so thats not fair. maybe kairosoft games as my ladies addicted to them, we hardly speak anymore :(
  • Carl Brannstrom
    Game that I like:
    Games that have good feedback and depth. Challenging AI, responsive controls and interactivity. Good visuals and sound. One of my favorite games is Ninja Gaiden 2 (xbox360).

    Game that I don't like:
    Probably 95% of all games that are out there. Any game that has quick time events I quit and uinstall imidiately. Any game with experience points and stats. Games that won't let you fuck-up and basically decides for you what to do. Making the illution of that you're playing is just bullshit.

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released:
    Games that I hate are games that seem really exciting and have high expectations of but when I finally get to play them, they are terrible executed. I continue to play it because I really want the game to be good but get so frustrated with the game mechanics so I start hating the game instead.
  • Cremuss
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    Cremuss polycounter lvl 12
    I like :

    Diablo 2 LOD, Quake3 (DEFRAG FTW !), Diablo 1, Fallout 2, Torchlight, LOTR:BFME2 (I don't know how this one came to my mind but I really liked it..), Age of empires, Total Annihilation, Half-Life...

    Company should work on :

    More actions RPGs and more games designed for hardcore gamers.

    I hate :

    Titan Quest. Heroes of newerth (worth community ever ?).

    Should have never been released :

    Minecraft. I'm jealous of Notch making millions out of that one. I still don't get the point of this game and why every one is playing it :)

    We should add a "games that you used to love but that you now hates" ^^
  • jocz
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    jocz polygon
    Game that I like:
    mirror's edge, quake3, tfc, diablo, daoc, elder scrolls, tetris, zelda, megaman, fzero, darksiders, bayonetta, guildwars, mass effect, portal and many others

    Game that the game company(s) should work on:
    mythic on daoc2
    id on quake4 arena
  • Guedin
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    Guedin polycounter lvl 11
    Game that I like :
    Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Mirror's Edge, Yakuza, Sonic, Street of rage/Bare Knuckles, Front Mission, Vanquish, Bayonneta, Civilization, Heavy Rain, Street Fighter.

    Company should work on :
    A new Front Mission ... but a real old school T-RPG, not the crappy TPS thing they did some months ago.

    I hate :
    I don't know why but I hate occidental heroic fantasy RPG, like Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Nerverwinter Nights ...
    And all the Call of Battlefield like

    Should have never been released :
    Call of duty, because since its launch, every game studio try to have his "Call of duty" killer.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Game that I like: Zelda, Platformers, MMO, Dungeon crawlers, FPS, Portal. Dying to play that new Zelda game. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get some time to play it.

    Game that the game company(s) should work on: NBA Jam on 3DS. Just port the iPhone one. I'd love to see the parallax increased as the player goes up for a dunk. Oh and a new Mutant League [thread=91504]game[/thread] would be great too. I loved that series.

    Game that I hate: RTS games. Too much going on for me. I love the concept of them. But every time I play them I'm sad. Gonna get blasted for this but Skyrim. It's just not my thing and I'm just sick of the internets talking about it. I get the appeal it's just not my thing and at this point it's like the movie Titanic. It's great I get it but stop talking about it all the time. I like my Skyrim with elves and green tunics. I don't get the appeal of Minecraft. I tried it and it just doesn't click with me.

    Game that was briefly released that I never got to play before it was gone: Mythos! I'd love to see this brought back. Torchlight filled it's shoes nicely. I just would have liked to check it out for a bit.
  • kevlar jens
    I like plot-driven action/adventure-games (preferably involving guns) with solid narratives. MGS3, Uncharted 2, RDR, HL² and Deus Ex to name a few.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    .....!! Interesting, I was really hoping that people would have atleast one game that they really, really, really hated. Like if a human being was named after that game, he/she would probably get shot over another human being named after another terrible game. That specific. I mean you would want to put 1 game per slot. Not a list. :D

    Also, please dont go on saying stuff like "Oh any MMO, or any Movie related games or games that turned in to movies." Name it. <.<

    Korean MMO's are understandable, that they should never have been made. Pick something from the MMO's that actually have some sense.=\

    I think this should give you an idea how this thread suppose to flow.

    Thanks for the replies so far guys. :D
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    not everyone is able to have such extreme feelings towards a game, you know.
    and others will have bunch of games that they hate equally.

    the only games i acually really really dislike are probably games that pushed a franchise i loved in a completely different direction, like FO3.
    And my grudge isn't even aimed towards the game itself just the fact that its success greatly reduces chances of a proper vanburenesque sequel ever being made.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    , or any Movie related games or games that turned in to movies." Name it. <.<

    Korean MMO's are understandable, that they should never have been made. Pick something from the MMO's that actually have some sense.=\

    Them be fighting words....
  • Alismuffin
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    Alismuffin polycounter lvl 7
    A game they should be working on:

    Comix Zone

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azIZwsCGjW0&quot;]Comix Zone:Level 1 - YouTube[/ame]
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    .....!! Interesting, I was really hoping that people would have atleast one game that they really, really, really hated. Like if a human being was named after that game, he/she would probably get shot over another human being named after another terrible game. That specific. I mean you would want to put 1 game per slot. Not a list. :D

    Also, please dont go on saying stuff like "Oh any MMO, or any Movie related games or games that turned in to movies." Name it. <.<

    Korean MMO's are understandable, that they should never have been made. Pick something from the MMO's that actually have some sense.=\

    I think this should give you an idea how this thread suppose to flow.

    Thanks for the replies so far guys. :D

    No seriously, Bullet Witch... go play it haha. I do really really hate it, it blows my mind how bad it is.

    And also one of my favourite games was a korean mmo :poly124:
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Game that I like:
    Mass Effect Series, Fallout Series (exc. New Vegas), anything based on old school AD&D e.g. Baldurs Gate, Dragon Age (1), Planscape Torment

    Game that the game company(s) should work:
    Although Planescape Torment had multiple endings, some of which are concluding, I'd love to be brought back into that world of awesomness

    Game that I hate:
    Dragon Age 2. DA(1) Was the only game that felt like the true reborn spirit of Baldur's Gate 2. DA2 felt like that spirit had been ripped out and put through an ethereal shit blender.

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released:
    Call of Juarez: The Cartel, mostly because plunged the CoJ series right into the ground.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    ( stay awhile and listen... this is gonna be a long one )

    Games that you like.

    Any game whose narrative is realized enough to be totally immersive. ( and if then successful... being scared shitless in such an immersive experience is always cherry! ) via: Bioshock 1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2, Arkham City ( this is my goty which blows me away considering I loathed AA ), Psychonauts ( despite port issues achieved alot of narrative immersion through charming characters and environments )

    Games that the game company should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued.

    DARK Colony! Ubisoft bought the rights to every SSL game made I believe but have no interest in dark colony and are happy to sit on it forever. ( understandable Dark Colony has more enemies than admirers. )
    Usually the hatred comes from the fact that there is actually no difference between the the Terran and Alien units/weapons. ( just different assets ).
    Considering this is true, I was actually blown away by how charming those assets were even though strategically there was no difference. The animations, art and audio was enuff for me and my brother to play countless hours on it's finely tuned single player campaign. Probably more hours than any game I have played combined! I luv luv luv that game!
    The only Indie aspiration I have ever had would be to one day aquire Dark Colony and continue it with all the strategic holes filled and lovingly crafted in 3D. ( taking backers today :poly136: )

    Psychonauts: I haven't had a chance to visit Double Fine's new arcade games but I really wish Tim would revisit Raz ( the psychic world has been in turmoil for to long since last we saw him ). I git the impression that the crunch for the psychic camp was so god-awful as was initial sales. That most of the team are glad to see the last of it. :( If the game was actually agressively marketed and released during the WII craze the game would have owned! ( in sales numbers that is. sadly it was released in the wrong market and not advertised )

    Games that you hate.

    Duke Nukem: turd in the toilet
    The first AAA game for me that was painful in less then 10 minutes. ( since the toilet turd I try really hard to demo or ask around before laying down the duckets )
    • Games that you hate and wish they were never released.
    crazyfool wrote: »
    Game that I don't like:
    Games with shit character art and boring game design!!!!!! Everyones gonna hate me but I cant staaaaand Bethesda RPGs for this reason. Ive tried them as everyone raves about them but I just cant get into them as their character arts 4-5 years in the past. I tried Morrowind, I tried Oblivion, I tried Fallout and they all pissed me off. I last about 2 or 3 hours and then I just turn it off. I just cant relate and then I start to see the underlying game mechanics and its very obvious its just kit bashed all over the place, the design, the levels, the characters......poo!!!!

    what he said!
    Ugly art and awkward gameplay! Is painful for me to play. Mentally painful.
    I don't "get it" either. But then again...
    I am willing to bet that it's something I cannot see or feel. I have to be missing something. I am willing to be it's just me.
    I felt the same way about Arkham Asylum: Everyone raving how GOTY it was but all I saw was crude thug villians re-used/re-purposed over and over. Never been a fan of fighter games either. But in Arkaham city all the elements seem to shine brilliantly! Sometimes the character art can be ruff around the edges... but compared to 90% of current offerings... character art as a whole is mighty dandy. Likewise, further leads me to believe there is something I am "just missing in Arkham Asylum" as well.

    It seems that with every release Bethesda art really improves dramatically.
    I find that there is a lot of work that I have seen in 3D screenshots of SKYRIM that look really "neat" and without the immediacy of 3D... I would have "missed".
    ( if that makes any sense? )
    Same thing happened to me with witcher 2. ( I was not blown away by witcher till I saw the game in 3D. really allows you to NOT take for granted all the work and charm they put into their sculpting. Again I almost "missed it" )
    Really interested and hopeful that the first witcher will be just as good.
    If there was a GOTY sleeper category then Witcher 2 would definitly top my list.

    Originally Posted by Nitewalkr viewpost.gif

    Korean MMO's are understandable, that they should never have been made. Pick something from the MMO's that actually have some sense.=\

    I am a Korean MMO( Massively Mutt'd Oriental ) :poly124:
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    claydough wrote: »
    ( stay awhile and listen... this is gonna be a long one )

    I completely forgot about Diablo2. Its awesome... Also a game called Blam! machinehead and the first Turok. Brilliant games and awesome weapons.

    additional hates
    The Sims
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    These are some games that I really like (in no order)

    Super Street Fighter IV - Some of the characters are hilarious (dan!) and the art is lovely and above all else it's supremely playable. the kind of multiplayer you want to play on the sofa with a mate. there is NOTHING that I can fault with this game! (except that it eats up my time!)

    RAGE - It's linear... but its gorgeous and fun.

    Halo 1, 2, 3, Reach - I learnt a lot about development from these games.

    The Legend of Zelda ALLTP, OOT, WW. - These games were classics, I lost at least a year to OOT in my childhood.

    Limbo - Have got to appreciate a game with such great art direction. it was fun too :)

    Shenmue - Glad to have played it in it's time, it also took what must have been a year of my childhood.

    Sonic - All of the games up until 2000. I was a sonic fan as a kid.

    Super Mario World - Fantastic platforming. Lovely game.

    Mario Kart - This series is gold.

    Half-Life 2 - Art was great, physics were great, gameplay was... alright. it was good overall.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    GaME that I love: League Of Legends, because I used to play Dota All star long time ago when I had a huge gap between classes.

    GaME that the game company should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued: Halflife 3 / Halflife 2 Episode 3. I think, last I heard was instead of making a part 3 of HL2 they decided to make an entire game out of it. But its been a long time since I've seen any sort of update.

    GaME that I hate: Dragon Age: Origins, Loved the game, hated the blood spatter and actions.

    GaME that I hate and wish they should never have been made: Dante's Inferno for psp, I have no idea what the fuck it was. Sorry :(.
  • Andreas
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    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    .....!! Interesting, I was really hoping that people would have atleast one game that they really, really, really hated. Like if a human being was named after that game, he/she would probably get shot over another human being named after another terrible game. That specific. I mean you would want to put 1 game per slot. Not a list. :D

    That pretty much describes Gears of War for me. I despise the series and what it has done to gaming in general. I know I'm the only one who hates Gears though :poly122:
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Since I work in the industry, saying there's a game I wish was never made is a little harsh and kind of sounds like the self-entitled gamer. A true purveyor of their craft should see the value in every piece.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I think "Games that should not existed" should be renamed to "Games that should have been stopped being worked on the moment everyone realized this wasn't going well".

    DaiKatana and SoulStorm come to mind.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    I thought Daikatana was a pretty good game. It fell into So Bad It's Good territory for me. ("I can't leave without my buddy Superfly!")
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Let me reiterate - Daikatana indirectly killed Looking Glass. Therefore: BAD.
    SCB wrote: »
    Game that the game company(s) should work:
    Although Planescape Torment had multiple endings, some of which are concluding, I'd love to be brought back into that world of awesomness
    That'd make me decidedly uneasy. Torment is far and away my favourite game of all time and you can be guaranteed we'll never see its like again.

    Now, Planescape is obviously a massive RPG universe that has a lot of potential to be further explored, but if someone was going to attempt it, it would have to be a story completely independent of Torment. Based on his recent output, I don't think I'd even trust Chris Avellone to touch those characters these days and he created them.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Let me reiterate - Daikatana indirectly killed Looking Glass. Therefore: BAD.

    That'd make me decidedly uneasy. Torment is far and away my favourite game of all time and you can be guaranteed we'll never see its like again.

    Now, Planescape is obviously a massive RPG universe that has a lot of potential to be further explored, but if someone was going to attempt it, it would have to be a story completely independent of Torment. Based on his recent output, I don't think I'd even trust Chris Avellone to touch those characters these days and he created them.

    It would end up being a 4 hour long FPS with a heavy online component ;)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Since I work in the industry, saying there's a game I wish was never made is a little harsh and kind of sounds like the self-entitled gamer. A true purveyor of their craft should see the value in every piece.

    The very same reason I've been apologizing for any stated game that I hate and wish it was never released.

    If you are in the industry, wouldnt you think back to the games that dev team wasted their time upon?

    I mean, I cant think of the worst game in the entire history but as a game artist wouldnt you take your time, think back to pick one possible worst game that you've ever worked on and wished that things should've gone differently for improvement(s)?

    Its ok, this thread is for gamer's prospective, not game developers so you can state your picks as a gamer. :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    umm, okay! I didnt even realize it died. What I meant was, game artists and game developers who are here shouldnt be upset or offended by someone's opinion. Since its the first thing we learn around here...

    Anyways, continuing on.

    Game that I Like: Hexen.

    Game that dev should work on: Kid Chameleon.

    Game that I hate: Cabal.

    Game that should have never bee made: Guitar Hero for Android.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    additional hates
    The Sims

    nah, it gets funny when you make all your co-workers as sims and put them in a single room without a toilet ;)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15

    Games that should have never been released:

    Simcity on Facebook. :(
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    There's a proper Sim City game in development, so it's probably not worth fretting too much about the crappy freemium game.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Game that I like: Too many to name. Some of my favourites are:

    One Must Fall 2097
    Sonic 3 & Knuckles
    Planescape: Torment
    Mass Effect
    The Binding of Isaac
    Fatal Frame
    Phoenix Wright
    Resident Evil 4
    Second Sight
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Perfect Dark
    Legacy of Kain
    Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
    The Legend of Zelda
    Tron 2.0

    Oh god please stop this list will go on forever...

    Game that the game company(s) should work on, that contains stories in parts but they were discontinued. Holy shit don't get me friggin started...

    One Must Fall 2097
    Sonic (I believe in a good 3d Sonic)
    Legacy of Kain
    Rocket Knight Adventures
    Half Life
    Perfect Dark
    Chrono Trigger


    Game that I hate: Practically nothing, oh Marc Ecko's: Getting Up. It's one of the only games I felt insulted to play, not by way of it's content but simply terrible gameplay that was broken and senseless.

    Game that I hate and wish it was never released: One Must Fall: Battlegrounds. How dare they make a game my teenage boy self wanted so badly, had to import and then oh god it was the worse disappointment imaginable.
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    i wonder why nobody mentioned in the "gmaes i hate" section games such as "lets dance" and alikes hehe
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