Last night, at about 4am I decided it was time to bake out the maps for my Avtomat Fedorov model for the first time. Clearly, I was very tired because when I woke up, I found that some elements didn't have their materials applied and the cage was all over the place. Nonetheless, with the help of the I was able to put together some screenshots from 3Ds MAX to gather some crit.
Also, the texturing and detail modelling is mostly done with procedural textures, asides from the scratch mask. I felt I had trouble getting the right look for the metal's and the real time shader doesn't really show the reflection as I intended.
So to reiterate; when criticising please ignore:
-Untextured flashlight
-Ray misses (holes in texture)
-flat-ish scope glass
-Physical differences between ref & model (rifle was practically hand made, had massive variation across photographed models).
Real Time screenshots (thumbnails much smaller then full images)
Scanline Render of high res assets:
Not trying to make the xoliul shader look bad, just might want to look into the Marmoset Toolbag.
Your normals are too thick (deep, whatever). Also, did you make a HP version of this gun?
Also, I haven't converted any of the high res models normal maps into AO yet, so some smaller details may not be standing out as much as they should. Nonetheless; 95%?
Any more crit?
Image is a link to super-high res...