hey there one and all of polycount
i have been a long time follower of alot of people's work on here, there is alot of very impressive inspiring stuff. so with that in mind, i finally figured it would be time to create an account and get some work down
most of it will just bit abit of a dump of some stuff i have handy however i will continue to update as i go

all feedback is ofcourse welcomed, and i will be more than happy to respond to any questions, i await your responses eagerly...
thanks very much,
this gas mask was created as a current theme i am running with, attempting a character that matches in with said world as i have never actually managed to create a good one yet....

i am highly inspired by ashley woods world war bot series, so i did a few shost as abit of a homage to his great work

1950's american style inspired radio

this will do for now just to test the water, but more to come....
Any chance of some breakdowns on these shots or texture maps?
i will ofcourse be more than happy to present some breakdowns, i probably will later tonight but for now i have a few more images to post
guitar was a 2 day project, modelled high, baked to low and textured
i am aware there are a few texture problems on the chair, this is due to somethin screwy going on with the bake which i did not realise at the time of this render, however it has been recently fixed since then
more to come shortly...
One small crit I have so its not like I am just gushing over your work is that maybe next time add a couple more polys to the bottom of the guitar? It could do with looking just a tiny bit more round? Having said that it is a minor nitpick it looks awesome!
I really like the gas mask but the blue emissive in the lens puts me off a bit.
SaferDan - i couldnt agree more and your not the first person to suggest more polys around the base
cdevens - hey there, yeah i made one or two versions, and i unwrapped the mid-level 'take it into zbrush' version so i could paint some black and white maps onto where i wanted details, and then used various bruses to push the detail through. other than than i made alot of custom alphas from painted images, and when all else failed i ran a few maps through ndo to create the normals
BlvdNights - is that a good "DAT CHAIR" or a bad one i cant tell, that picture is giving me mixed signals
I love that gun!
Other than that, this is some of the best prop art I've seen lately.
Edit: Thank you so much for naming your files too, makes right click save as so much easier.
because theres not really anyone can get from it...
also a few more from Bertie (ashley woods design's from world war robot) as it seems a few of you guys took interest in it...
i was origionally going to turn it into a 30 second short as a homage, however i ran out of time and interest in this project. one day i might pick it back up again, im currently on purchasing a monster pc so maybe when i get that i can pick this back up and render it out in no time
thanks very much everyone, will post up some NEW work soon....
the floral bits on the mask, like most of it, was painted in photoshop then projected/used as a mask in zbrush - or depending - ran through xnormal/ndo and tweaked. seemed liek the easiest solution. alot of people underestimate the power of normal map generaters and believe that everything has to be zbrushed, which yeah its more accurate in 3D space but in terms of time and control, if you can get either the same or a better result using them in a fraction of the time.... why not
also thanks very saf3hands appriciate it
WIP i did over the christmas period, based loosley upon an old ampro projector. fits into my current little IP im thinking up, its a very highly science based ornate underground world (alright... bit steampunk) where everything is powered by artificially created miniature suns.....
created in maya/zbrush..... lots of zbrush
still very very much a work in progress, i just wanted to get some ideas down
reel arms are still yet to be made properly
there is still some floral based designs and such to be put into the stove/oven area
any and all advice and inspiration is welcome, its a bit of a tricky one this i really should have done some concepting first rather than just trying to get it out my head
again, crit and inspiration is highly encouraged
i have a small update, i sculpted the front part now to match in with the style, a few small tweaks to fix like the width of the lines and the resolution of the rivots....
any feedback? im really looking for some inspiration and ideas to improve this, anything will be greatly helpful im struggling to nail down some sort of design for the reel arms....
If you're looking for ideas to use on the reel arms... I think following the sculpted stem + flower theme from the rest of the box would fit very nicely. Maybe a few pieces cut out of the center to give the impression of intertwining stems. (Similiar to the technique on the back of this Victorian chair.)
as for the renders, i have a photoshop template i just throw my renders out into and it saves me alot of work in the long run, especially for just tests
thanks again for your input though genuenly appriciate the help
been a good couple of months since i have posted anything here, so i have finally got some stuff i can slowly trickle back into my work thread from time to time...
first of all, finally finished the steampunk ampro projector and the environment it sits in is coming along well
all crit ofcourse very welcome and encouraged
thanks very much
well thankyou very much! kind words indeed
I don't suppose you have any wires you would like to share?
@cptSwing - ah you caught me out, i really wanted to get this rounded up asap so i could move on, i havent actually created a "unique" specular map to show this model off i just cheated and copied the diffuse into the slot, i will eventually though now you have pointed out the copper looks abit odd
thanks very much chaps!
One way to get around this....maybe...... when or if you turn it into a showreel piece you could make it all arty farty like Alex Roman's work. Just a thought
appriciate the feedback chaps as always, well spotted and noted down