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Saw a very young kid being sold a copy of MW3 in Gamestop today.



  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    nightwalkr sorry took your comment out of context.


    Andreas, This debate is NOT about what is and isn't socially acceptable. It's about you shoving your opinion down peoples throats about how they should raise their kids, on a Video Game Art site.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    man just shut the fuck up, no ones is going to make Andreas see or even comprehend your opinions, and the same goes for him trying to make people under stand his opinions.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »
    And it was fucked up, right? Affected you? You are recalling it here, so I'm assuming so.

    No one could have prevented that.

    Gamestop could easily outright refused this game to anyone if they feel a child is going to play it. They could prevent me from buying Mario Galaxy 2 tomorrow if they really wanted.

    Was it fucked up sure and perhaps not the best example here since it wasn't preventable but I wasn't traumatized for life.

    You have the right when your a parent to raise your kids any way that you see fit but having a company like Game Stop, Best Buy, etc refuse a sale to a legally of age customer because there is the "RISK" a child may see or play it is absurd. You, me or the clerk/customer service rep have no right to tell any parent what they can do to their kid in this instance.

    There are parents out there that don't get their kids shots or have them see doctors because of their beliefs and they die because of the ignorance. Sometimes the parents get in troulbe. Some times they do not. But worrying about if a parent allows a child to play MW3 is insane.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    JacqueChoi: My apologies if my comment miss-leaded you, and no apologies necessary. Its all good. :)

    It was an interesting discussion tho. I had fun.

    EDIT: Right until the part when people start taking shit personally and called him a troll. =\
  • Mark Dygert
    eld wrote: »
    Andreas wrote:
    And I mean seriously, look at her expression from 0:55 to 1:00... seriously guys... this shit is not cool.

    "Hello! This is actually my daughter in the video. While I do understand that games and violence out of context can be harmful to a child, we are a family of gamers, and the exposure to some imagery is inevitable (though unfortunate). We do our best to explain things to her and talk about what happens. She was in a moment of spotlight since we kept snickering at her saying "no" to the guy telling her that she had to leave - hence the escalating volume from each response to it - so we let it slide even though she knows better than to talk to people like that, haha. But when the adorably traumatic realization set in that the guards were responding to her "swording" by giving her "boo boos," we did ask her what happened. She just sweetly responded "peoples don't like swords, and we don't want swords on the peoples" and she didn't want to play anymore.

    Mainly we play Flash games on Nick Jr.com and old DOS hotseat games with her on a computer we set up in the back of my office. But she did know the Skyrim controls because she likes to run around in the wilderness looking for streams to jump into.
    Traumatized for life..
    That's how my daughter is and that's what I saw in the vid before I read that reply, maybe because I understood her when she said "people don't like swords" as in: "people don't like me because I sworded that guy". "I was being a brat and yelling at that guy, because he wouldn't stop telling me what to do (and my parents thought it was funny) and I showed that guy who was boss because I had a big sword and then... I got in trouble..."

    My daughter is 4 and we have played through a few games, her favorite is portal2 Is it violent? Not really, but the turrets can be pretty terrifying. The dialog is fairly adult at times and some of the madness and robot torture is mildly disturbing. We've had some really good conversations about how to handle certain situations because of it.

    I'll never forget when our cat got himself stuck behind the dryer and my daughter looked at the cat, and without looking at me stuck out her hand and said "portal gun" like she was a surgeon. Never would have happened if I was hyper anal retentive about keeping my "delicate little flower" locked away.

    Kids crave life experience and games are an excellent way for them test out and practice all kinds of different situations, safely. Justin is right, kids are a lot tougher than you think and shouldn't be coddled. They're just smaller people with raw'er emotions and less life experience.

    There are metric tons of teaching situations available in games, if you just sit down with them and play. Chances to try the same situation and see the different consequences.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I'm suprised we are at 7 pages of this shit.

    Someone mentioned Urotsukidōji. I also watched that when I was about 11-12. Totally loved it! Didnt turn into a demon or rape school girl (much) after watching it.

    Parents are to blame, end of...

    Can we just close another of Andreas' threads and be done with it.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Nice deflection, honestly I dont think you're much of an authority on what is "obvious" when virtually everyone here disagrees with what you're saying.

    How is it a deflection. I used your exact terms of comparison!!

    And I am well aware that a hell of a lot of people disagree with me on this. So, yeah, I do feel I can spot the obvious... I'm not ignoring people cause I don't agree with their point of view; offering a different view to it, sure.
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Andreas, This debate is NOT about what is and isn't socially acceptable. It's about you shoving your opinion down peoples throats about how they should raise their kids, on a Video Game Art site.

    No, its the first one actually.

    And my beefs is with Gamestop and their policies, not anyone with kids.

    I do like them as a retailer though. Just dissapointed that they act so irresponsibly on this particular issue, and this title. (Or Manhunt, GTA, games that go above and beyond)
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    Parents are to blame, end of...

    Can we just close another of Andreas' threads and be done with it.

    "I don't agree with this, close it!!!"

    This is a discussion. Don't like it? Don't post.

    Also, after a quick scan I can say that I've never had a thread I've made locked. If you're going to be a boob Stinger, do not do it on my time...

    And no, parents are not to blame (again, IMO). Gamestops daddy did not make him do anything.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    It is NOT one of their policies to lose business by not selling their product, be it under aged kids.

    You are single targeting Gamestop / Ebgames where as, Best buy does the same thing, Walmart, etc. They all do the same thing.

    EDIT: If you have something against Gamestop alone, you should file a ticket to their customer service rep and see if they give a damn about what you have been saying since 6 pages ago, and you will get your answer on to why they dont. :)
  • System
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    System admin
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    I'm suprised we are at 7 pages of this shit.

    Someone mentioned Urotsukidōji. I also watched that when I was about 11-12. Totally loved it! Didnt turn into a demon or rape school girl (much) after watching it.

    Parents are to blame, end of...

    Can we just close another of Andreas' threads and be done with it.

    The one thing i took away from watching that, was how awesome it was to see explosions and blood in cartoons (I watched dominion - Tank police the same day). Here I am today having watched over 200 anime series hahaha, perhaps it did warp me~
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    It is NOT one of their policies to lose business by not selling their product, be it underaged kids.



    That was... my initial statement?

    My argument is that it should be their policy...?

    ...are you following this discussion?

    I also have to say I love how selling kids potentially harmful media is cool, but selling pre-owned games has you guys frothing at the mouth and declaring GS to be the spawn of Satan himself!
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    You are single targeting Gamestop / Ebgames where as, Best buy does the same thing, Walmart, etc. They all do the same thing.

    If I had witnessed it in HMV, the thread would be about HMV... I was posting about an experience I had personally.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    EarthQuake wrote: »

    Again this may be incorrect/outdated, so feel free to cite your sources

    as stated before, my only experience is in working in a UK games retailer, where they put VERY heavy emphesis on those rules.

    it was considdered gross misconduct (on the spot firing) to break those rules, and in the event that there was a reprisentitive of the ESRB creating a false sale to test whether the rules were being enforced, then yeah... shit would really hit the fan.

    don't get me wrong, i don't necessarily agree with the rules themselves, but i also wasn't willing to put my job/money/future on the line just so billy 10 year old could play an older certificated game. and almost certainly, the rules weren't enforced everywhere and things could slip through the net, but i knew of people in other branches who'd be caught and wanted nothing to do with it.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Andreas wrote: »


    That was... my initial statement?

    My argument is that it should be their policy...?

    ...are you following this discussion?

    I also have to say I love selling kids potentially harmful media is cool, but selling pre-owned games has you guys frothing at the mouth and declaring GS to be the spawn of Satan himself!

    If I had witnessed it in HMV, the thread would be about HMV... I was posting about an experience I had personally.

    Yes I have been following it, and saying the same thing that it shouldn't be their policy to NOT sell their stuff. I finally gave up and told you to call their customer service rep and state the same thing you have been stating here, and you will have your answer on WHY they shouldnt.


    I do not understand what exactly is it about EBgames/Gamestop that you are soo against, but if that is the only reason you are against them, than you are wasting your time.

    God man, I am not lost as you are right now. :(
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Everyone just tell Andreas he's "right" so we can just end this .
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    aajohnny wrote: »
    Everyone just tell Andreas he's "right" so we can just end this .

    Wondering when you'd pipe up... you can sit in the corner with Stinger tbh. Wasnt long ago when you tried the 'you dont contribute' card, then I produced links to several threads where I was posting resources for the community, or trying to set stuff up. That shut you up quick enough.

    Only immature people would try and make a reasoned discussion, with valid discussions on both sides, personal.

    People, if someone doesn't agree with you, and doesn't shut up about it, don't whip out the 'you don't post art, you have no rights here' card. It's just lame. I know a lot of artists who have worked on AAA who never post work online.

    I don't neccesarily want to be told 'I'm right.'. When I made the thread, I kinda assumed I would be... Now, there are adults discussing things. If you can't do that, don't post.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »

    My argument is that it should be their policy...?

    SO NOW...This is clear. Because YOU feel that this is harmful an entire corporation should change their policy based off your opinion. Yeah seems reasonable...

    Do you not see why people are against you here?
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Andreas wrote: »
    Wondering when you'd pipe up... you can sit in the corner with Stinger tbh. Wasnt long ago when you tried the 'you dont contribute' card, then I produced like seven threads where I was posting resources for the community, or trying to set stuff up.

    I don't neccesarily want to be told 'I'm right.' When I made the thread, I kinda assumed I would be. Now, there are adults discussing things. If you can't do that, don't post.

    Okay i'll go cry to my corner now :thumbup:

    You enjoy editing your posts a lot don't you. You tend to join into other people's threads saying how useless it is when they are trying to state their opinions or information, and you tend to insult other people all the time when they don't agree with you.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Andreas wrote: »
    I don't neccesarily want to be told 'I'm right.' When I made the thread, I kinda assumed I would be. Now, there are adults discussing things. If you can't do that, don't post.

    Just...log off sir Andreas. The attitude of "I assume I am fuckin right about everything and everyone is wrong," didnt get me anywhere. I sure that it wont get you anywhere as well.

    Let this thread die, and be at peace.

    EDIT: You may be right, but right now you are against 50 who claim that you are wrong. So do the math and let this thread die.
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    This discussion is not going anywhere! Please close it.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Did you address why you think Jersey Shore and porno is no-no but MW3 is fine?

    I feel, that it is a reasonable thing to expect GS not to sell very explicit content to 8 year olds. I did not start this thread screaming 'OMG EMAIL GS EVERYONE SHARE ON FB LETS BRING THESE BASTARDS DOWN' or some hysterical shit.

    I started a thread, saying, dudes, you won't believe what I saw today.

    100% thought that there was no problem with that.

    I have been offering my reasonings as to why I think that is not ok.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    aajohnny wrote: »

    You tend to join into other people's threads saying how useless it is when they are trying to state their opinions or information, and you tend to insult other people all the time when they don't agree with you.

    Have you got any examples of that?? No... mostly cause there arent any. That has never happened. People don't agree. This is not a new concept to me. That, I believe, is what they call debate. Difference is, in real life debates, typically there arent trolls that bounce in, destroy a discussion, without offering their own opinion. Kinda like... what you've done here.

    aajohnny wrote: »
    you edit a lot dont you
    yep, I edited most of my posts in this thread. Not to hide stuff I said that I didnt mean to, but to add to my posts because I missed something someone else said.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »
    Did you address why you think Jersey Shore and porno is no-no but MW3 is fine?

    I'm not saying EVERY parent should enforce this or even that companies should. I am saying that is MY VIEW and feeling on things but i'm not shoving it down other peoples throats and asking companies to change policies based solely off my one track minded thoughts and that is EXACTLY what you are doing.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Andreas wrote: »
    Have you got any examples of that?? No... mostly cause there arent any. That has never happened. People don't agree. This is not a new concept to me. That, I believe, is what they call debate. Difference is, in real life debates, typically there arent trolls that bounce in, destroy a discussion, without offering their own opinion. Kinda like... what you've done here.

    yep, I edited most of my posts in this thread. Not to hide stuff I said that I didnt mean to, but to add to my posts because I missed something someone else said.

    If you've actually read the past few pages I have stated my opinion on this whole subject...

    I'm done with this, I want this thread to die.
  • Mark Dygert
    Andreas wrote: »
    I feel, that it is a reasonable thing to expect GS not to sell very explicit content to 8 year olds.
    If I read the original post correctly it was sold to the parent not the child, they bought it after being told what the rating was? If the parent had bought it on their own would you have bothered to get upset? Potentially every adult buying games could be a parent who could give their child access to rated content!

    I personally don't agree with the parents decision and its not the same choice I would make but its theirs to make and theirs to deal with.

    When my nephew was 9 he and his parents had a long conversation that went on over several weeks while he saved up the money to buy his first violent game. By the time he walked into the store he was probably better prepared to play the game than most adults. Before he was allowed to play it my brother played all the way through it to make sure there wasn't anything he wasn't expecting before my nephew was even allowed to start playing. Being childless at the time I thought it was overkill, now that I have kids it is something I would probably do.

    Even if the parent didn't do any of the prep work its still not my place to tell them how to parent their kid.

    The chances are that if their kid train wrecks in life it won't be because of the video game, it will because their parents let them down in every other aspect of life...
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    aajohnny wrote: »
    You tend to join into other people's threads saying how useless it is when they are trying to state their opinions or information, and you tend to insult other people all the time when they don't agree with you.
    Andreas wrote: »
    Have you got any examples of that?? No... mostly cause there arent any. That has never happened.

    Proof? Hmm.....


  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    If I read the original post correctly it was sold to the parent not the child

    C'mon Mark... that's splitting hairs surely, no? It was incredibly obvious to all involved who would be using this product.

    Proof of discussions that got too heated, or telling people that PC was not their blog. Not proof of anything johhny claimed. Cause there is none.

    Also... how on earth did I get an infraction in mobile WAYWO... was it telling someone that high-poly work doesnt belong there? Gonna go check.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for saving me time Jesse :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    He didnt save you nothing. That KZ2 infraction... things got heated with Odium. The others are from 'PC is not your blog' posts...

    So I'm still going to need you to find evidence to your claims.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas the point is you have a history of what aajohnny claimed.

    BUT that's a whole other topic.

    You, Me or anyone else here has the right to tell any other parent what is and isn't ok when it comes to their kids. If I would have been that person and been in that store and you would have said something I probably would have told you to go fuck yourself and worry about your own god damn self and not how I raise my children or decide what I think they are ok with seeing or not seeing.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    aajohnny wrote: »
    If you've actually read the past few pages I have stated my opinion on this whole subject...

    aajohnny wrote: »
    Everyone just tell Andreas he's "right" so we can just end this .
    aajohnny wrote: »
    Okay i'll go cry to my corner now :thumbup:

    You enjoy editing your posts a lot don't you. You tend to join into other people's threads saying how useless it is when they are trying to state their opinions or information, and you tend to insult other people all the time when they don't agree with you.

    Both your posts in the thread. Please point me to your opinion on it.
    aajohnny wrote: »
    I'm done with this, I want this thread to die.

    Naturally, considering your contribution to it.

    Can we get back on topic? No more adults derailing it with personal bullshit please.


    To an extent Mark, I agree. Its not the law, but I also dont see it as a company telling parents what to do. But I just thought it would be the decent thing to do.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Omg im done this guy is a nuisance. BTW you actually decided to not quote my opinion of this subject good job.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Cant we all get along ?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    FINEE!!! YOU ARE RIGHTT!! GOD DAMN IT!! Since you are not listening to anyone, let this thread die.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdU0WCRze7Q"]Peter Griffin Plays Grand Theft Auto - YouTube[/ame]

    Here is the proof that you are right. :(
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    If I read the original post correctly it was sold to the parent not the child, they bought it after being told what the rating was? If the parent had bought it on their own would you have bothered to get upset? Potentially every adult buying games could be a parent who could give their child access to rated content!

    I personally don't agree with the parents decision and its not the same choice I would make but its theirs to make and theirs to deal with.

    When my nephew was 9 he and his parents had a long conversation that went on over several weeks while he saved up the money to buy his first violent game. By the time he walked into the store he was probably better prepared to play the game than most adults. Before he was allowed to play it my brother played all the way through it to make sure there wasn't anything he wasn't expecting before my nephew was even allowed to start playing. Being childless at the time I thought it was overkill, now that I have kids it is something I would probably do.

    Even if the parent didn't do any of the prep work its still not my place to tell them how to parent their kid.

    The chances are that if their kid train wrecks in life it won't be because of the video game, it will because their parents let them down in every other aspect of life...

    Mark I agree to a point. But I just thought it would have been the decent thing for Gamestop to do. If you mistreat your kid, the social come and take him. I'm not trying to be facetious, but do you also think they have no right to do that?

    I'm not saying GS starts lecturing parents everytime one comes up with a copy of MW3 that clearly for their kid. I was just expecting them to say no, thats all.
  • Mark Dygert
    Andreas wrote: »
    C'mon Mark... that's splitting hairs surely, no? It was incredibly obvious to all involved who would be using this product.
    Nope, its the parents call to make not mine and not yours. You can suggest to the parent what you might do in the same situation and you some day might choose to make a different choice if you ever end up in that situation.

    I can't pretend to know everything about that family and be able to judge if that kid could handle that game or not. If only there was someone in the home capable of helping the child make decisions... someone that has been with them every day since they where infants. Someone who is legally responsible for the child's well being. Someone who had unspeakable things happen to areas of their body that should never have to endure such trauma just to make sure they arrived in this world.

    I guess every home needs a court appointed observer...
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    man jesse and Andreas your aruguing it to death, just got make some fucking art, and if you make some jesse post it since your stuff is usually pretty nice.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    passerby wrote: »
    man jesse and Andreas your aruguing it to death, just got make some fucking art, and if you make some jesse post it since your stuff is usually pretty nice.

    I've not got a single problem with jesse.
    Nope, its the parents call to make not mine and not yours.

    Why? The product belongs to GS before the transaction. Its their call, no? So its not the parents call. GS handed it over.

    (P.S. Hope its not me splitting hairs now :poly124:)
    If only there was someone in the home capable of helping the child make decisions... someone that has been with them every day since they where infants. Someone who is legally responsible for the child's well being. Someone who had unspeakable things happen to areas of their body that should never have to endure such trauma just to make sure they arrived in this world.

    And if they don't give a shit?
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Does Andreas make art?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Make more, then.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    In this thread we've learned about how people feel about a corporations right to prevent or not prevent a sale to an adult with a child present regarding violent video games. On one side people feel that it is the responsibility of the corporation, Game Stop in this instance to say "No, I am not going to sell you this copy of Modern Warfare 3 because I am trying to prevent the irreversible harm it will bring upon your child."

    On the other side of the discussion we have the folks that feel that it is their responsibility to teach their children about life, the experiences, the differences between reality and fiction and to talk with them and be involved with their lives and not push blame or the responsibility of this onto others.

    While this was fun the show is over and that's My Final Thoughts.

This discussion has been closed.