You should include the specular map too. It's important because it defines mostly what kind of material is reflecting light. I would also bake an ambient occlusion map to add more depth on the scene. Don't forget to include wireframe and texture sheet so people can give you more efficient feedback on the modeling!
Hum, I think the main problem of Unity is about the shader. Didn't find a way to make a shader composed with diffuse, specular and normal map together, unless you download a shader node editor or you have to write a script for it.
I think unity free does have a shader that does that. With the free version, you can not build your own materials a la max or UDK (unless you download an extra script) but it does allow you to pick from a handful of standard materials. You just add some textures to them.
40 Built-in Shaders
Unity comes with 40 shaders ranging from the simple (Diffuse, Glossy, etc.) to the very advanced (Self Illuminated Bumped Specular, etc.).
Jessica - thank you for the website. It clarifies a lot of things. Sadly, Unity's default shaders are giving me some problems to add a specular as if it were in MAX.
Snader - Thanks for the reference. I have been looking around through the shaders, but the closest thing I have found to what I want it to look like is the Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular to have an opacity/bump/and specular map. Do you by any chance have any suggestions?
bird Cage
500 tris
1024 NM/DF
Screen shot within the Unity Engine.
Quite a bit more than a handful, even.
Snader - Thanks for the reference. I have been looking around through the shaders, but the closest thing I have found to what I want it to look like is the Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular to have an opacity/bump/and specular map. Do you by any chance have any suggestions?