Hey all
I dont really see a lot of vfx work on here but Im going to post some of my work anyway. Im working on some pieces to build my portfolio and one of them is a cigar smoke effect I have been working on for the past couple of weeks on and off. I just want to get some critiques on it right now. It started as a cigarette effect but after I started making the aesthetic pieces to show it off I relieved a cigar was more appropriate. I have a glass ashtray as well as a bar stool for them to sit on. Let me know what I can do to make it better.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9MAc9EWq8I"]Cigarette Smoke effect inside of UDK - YouTube[/ame]
1. Not a cigar. You need a cigar for cigar smoke.
2. Too thick and billowing, cigar smoke is far more "wispy". It is pulled by the slightest bit of wind or air faster than it it pulled upwards. Like jordan said, you gotta use some reference.
3. The cool thing about cigar smoke is that it often trails back over the length of the cigar until it hits your fingers, or even manages to float out of the cap where you puff from. A little weird to explain, but it's neat to watch.
4. Much more variety. No smoke, especially at this scale, floats straight up that quickly. It's got to be pulled and random and various directions.
Hope this helps!
There are a few 'stock' videos on YouTube that could help
This video has slightly faster moving smoke (the important part is at 0:22), and I'm thinking its a 60 fps shot:
It also dissipates much sooner, though that might be different for a cigar, and it warps/swirls a lot more.
I'm not sure how complex your material is allowed to be, but you could have a greyscale sort-of height map influence thickness and spread of the smoke.
I will definitely try and use all of your suggestions and see what I can come up with. I know its not a cigar right now, I decided to change it to a cigar after I made the capture. I will add some more shapes and try to play with the material to get more variety from it. I have been having problems with the speed the smoke ascends with using velocity and velocity over life together. I might have to go with a different approach with doing it.
Keep the critiques coming!
Another approach to consider is work more in a material that is attached to a ribbon. Supplement that with some particles and the results can be amazing. I did some R&D with this approach and still have some textures saved that I repeated.
I also agree that this moves just too slowly. Also its overall shape is just too straight. Even in a calm room with no noticeable moving air, there's all sorts of great internal turbulence due to heat dissipation that gives the smoke some great movement. Your reference video above is a perfect example of this.
Hope this helps!
*Create the module
*Change your distribution to ConstantCurve
*Set LockedAxes to XYZ, this way you can set only X and it will use the values across all axes
*Set a keyframe around time 0.3, with a value of 1
*Set another keyframe at time 1, with a value around .5
Since vel/life is a multiplier, what we're saying is that we want the particle to take velocity*1 up to 30% of its life. Then it will slowly ramp its velocity down to half at the end of the particles life. You can adjust your keys and values to fit your effect better, of course.
Hope this helps!
I got around to doing some adjustments to the effect. I didnt have a lot of time to work on it lately so not too much is different.
I tried to spread it out more and slow it down but its being a pain to do but I want more out of it than what is shown. I think Im going to take a break from it and work on something different so my brain doesnt get numb to it. Any additional critiques are welcomed.
Edit - Youtube makes the video darker and hides some of the smoke detail and I tried using Vimeo but got the same results.
If this was to be used in a game then the viewer wouldn't even be able to notice it moving let alone appreciate the complexity - as other actions of the scene will be drawing their attention.
Let me know what you guys think and if you have anymore critiques let me know.