if there was one thing that nearlly killed me in china, it wasnt the flu but a lunatic in Xiamen that thought it was possible for 4 guys to drink 3 bottles of 50+% alcohol maotai... holy shit...
I appreciate the heads up, but I was under the assumption that every electronic device gave off "something" in small amounts that is generally harmful to the human body when it is exposed to enough of "it".
Yes but statistically it's insignificant... now the fun with statistics is that the radiation from Chernobyl is also pretty harmless - statistically only leukemia cases went up....so TURN OFF YOUR WIFI! OMG! lol
Is it wrong that I read the title as Wii-Fit kills you?
Thats the only reason I clicked on this thread hoping to see some awesome wii-fit related death story, I feel infinitely dumber for actually reading all of it.
Ive been sitting in front of my laptop for about 2 years and ive never turned the wi-fi off its also been on for about a year and 8 months since i never turn it off or let it die when its unplugged
The only bad things ive noticed from this is my 20/20 vision has slightly decreased and my right eye is starting to lag behind a tiny bit, its not noticeable but i can feel it..
The random headaches, chest pains, weird dreams/thoughts, random colors i see and loss of thought, have nothing to do with it, mother lies!
When I read the first page of this thread, I face-palmed so hard it hurt.
Should I get into the physics of how EM energy transfer actually works and how it can harm or not harm you?
If you think Wi-Fi is a hazard to your health, please turn off your router and get off the internet. It will be better for both of us. Also please remain indoors because if you're scared of low power microwave transmissions you must be just cowering in terror from ultraviolet. (Please tell me you don't own a black light?)
You can still get poisoned from too much aluminum, call it whatever you want.
Thought I'd let you know that yes, aluminium is poisonous. However, so is water. The dosage is the thing to pay attention to.
Onto the topic. If you think your wifi is killing you, you might not want to be talking about it directly in front of a computer monitor that right now, as you read this, is blasting radiation at you. Like above, it's the dosage that you want to worry about, and no, the radiation from wifi, or cell phones, or PC monitors does not exceed safe levels. Wii fit on the other hand..
This electromagnetic field stuff is starting to freak me out... I just did some more research and found that one of the largest electromagnetic field producers is the planet earth....
Its funny how weve seen the rise of science and reason. Yet now we see lots of celebrities/people able to undo its work. Are people suddenly becoming retarded or is that a mistaken correlation?
People want to listen to celebrities for some reason. There's some sort of notion that because someone has a job as an actor, they know more than regular people. It's fucking idiotic.
It's far from a maybe, it is 100% true that it is harmful.
Also, Anti-perspiration can cause Alzheimer's because they use aluminum in most deodorants to clog pores. Yes, that's mostly how it keeps you dry.
However, your body will absorb and accumulate whatever isn't washed off... and it is a known fact that aluminum is at least a major contributor, or can be, for Alzheimer's.
Quite a few reputed Scientific journal publishes a few peer reviewed study about this, and proved it was a complete hoax.
In fact there's way more aluminum absoportion in Aspirin, and Antacids than whatever you can absorb through your armpits, yet there is not a higher correlation between those drugs and Alzheimer.
John: Yah! It's about something to do with Multiple Sclerosis research, and a protein called "Sonic the Hedgehog".
People want to listen to celebrities for some reason. There's some sort of notion that because someone has a job as an actor, they know more than regular people. It's fucking idiotic.
What about Electromagnetic Fields? They can cause headaches and even paranoia. Unshielded devices like electronics or electrical wiring can generate enough EMF to effect sensitive people. You might be sitting right next to a pretty big EMF generator right now (your PSU) and not even realize it. There might actually be something behind the stereotype that computer nerds being largely paranoid freaks...
What about free radicals or Gamma rays!
Oh hey what about asteroids or meteors?
Didn't we have a thread about super volcanoes a few months back?
Yea there probably is nothing behind the EMF/paranoia thing, ha.
Yea there probably is nothing behind the EMF/paranoia thing, ha.
Yeah I remember hearing some studies that showed EMF sensitive people couldn't actually detect EMF. It's psychosomatic and has to be treated with therapy not seclusion from technology.
Yeah I remember hearing some studies that showed EMF sensitive people couldn't actually detect EMF. It's psychosomatic and has to be treated with therapy not seclusion from technology.
MSG had similar studies with similar results. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
must have been a dongbeiren
Yes but statistically it's insignificant... now the fun with statistics is that the radiation from Chernobyl is also pretty harmless - statistically only leukemia cases went up....so TURN OFF YOUR WIFI! OMG! lol
About the second link.... did you even watch the youtube video which puts up dozens of links proving that non-ionizing radiation can damage DNA?
That youtube video I mentioned is on the first post of this thread, by the way.
Here you go:
There are many, many more than that.
Watch this video... and actually watch it this time.
Err... aluminium isn't a heavy metal. So... huh?
Thats the only reason I clicked on this thread hoping to see some awesome wii-fit related death story, I feel infinitely dumber for actually reading all of it.
Haha, somehow I read it as wii-fit as well!! I came here hoping for an article containing lulz... but instead there was this.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled polyfight!
Apparently, you become sex-crazed if you fall off a Wii-Fit.
Nothing like giving the world lead poisoning and global warming, talk about ambitious to destroy us all.
The only bad things ive noticed from this is my 20/20 vision has slightly decreased and my right eye is starting to lag behind a tiny bit, its not noticeable but i can feel it..
The random headaches, chest pains, weird dreams/thoughts, random colors i see and loss of thought, have nothing to do with it, mother lies!
cant wait until i get a stronger wireless card
Should I get into the physics of how EM energy transfer actually works and how it can harm or not harm you?
If you think Wi-Fi is a hazard to your health, please turn off your router and get off the internet. It will be better for both of us. Also please remain indoors because if you're scared of low power microwave transmissions you must be just cowering in terror from ultraviolet. (Please tell me you don't own a black light?)
Thought I'd let you know that yes, aluminium is poisonous. However, so is water. The dosage is the thing to pay attention to.
Onto the topic. If you think your wifi is killing you, you might not want to be talking about it directly in front of a computer monitor that right now, as you read this, is blasting radiation at you. Like above, it's the dosage that you want to worry about, and no, the radiation from wifi, or cell phones, or PC monitors does not exceed safe levels. Wii fit on the other hand..
And you know, the sun, which has statistically proven to cause quite some cancer, and once again is the reason anyone of us lives.
In fact, stuffing your pockets with brazil nuts is enough to set off the radiation leak procedure in most nuclear power plants.
There is tons of stuff to worry about, please pick something that is a bit less silly.
As they say, everything in moderation.
/tinfoil hats
Jenny McCarthy Body Count
Suddenly? People have been retarded since the beginning of time. Nothing new here.
Quite a few reputed Scientific journal publishes a few peer reviewed study about this, and proved it was a complete hoax.
In fact there's way more aluminum absoportion in Aspirin, and Antacids than whatever you can absorb through your armpits, yet there is not a higher correlation between those drugs and Alzheimer.
John: Yah! It's about something to do with Multiple Sclerosis research, and a protein called "Sonic the Hedgehog".
It so true, it's scary.
What about free radicals or Gamma rays!
Oh hey what about asteroids or meteors?
Didn't we have a thread about super volcanoes a few months back?
Yea there probably is nothing behind the EMF/paranoia thing, ha.
Yeah I remember hearing some studies that showed EMF sensitive people couldn't actually detect EMF. It's psychosomatic and has to be treated with therapy not seclusion from technology.
information in the hand of a moron is dangerous
and then sayings like "people who do ibuprophen with coke are drug addicts"
You need the coke to get the ibuprofen down... oh wait...
Seriously, though, just lock this now. It's going nowhere fast.
MSG had similar studies with similar results. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
nahh fujian native.. drinking psychopath