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Discussion: Increasing your speed with highpoly hard-surface modeling

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
Hey everyone,

I wanted to open up a dialogue on techniques, tricks or tools people use when it comes to highpoly hard-surface modeling.

Specifically I'm interested in learning about what people use or do when it comes to setting up your edge control loops. Are you manually creating them? Does your tool of choice offer fast solutions? Perhaps you have a plugin or script you're using to automate that process a bit?

I don't think I'm slow by any means, but there's elements to this part of modeling that are on the same level of excitement as UV layout so i thought I'd see what people are up to when it comes to modeling this way.


  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    This can be a good thread :)

    I don't think I do anything special, I use the add swift loop tool a lot, one should notice when it acts up tough, and use the regular connect instead.
    I also use the turbotools and ic.shape span edges, trying to use hotkeys when I can or remember.
    I consider myself average speed modeler really, always wanting to get faster :)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I wrote a script that does an auto chamfer with fixed value on the whole model. We use this for stuff that has only hard edges. Combined with an edge-radius filter you could also make scripts that chamfer only edges on sharp slopes.

    If you want to create very complex stuff you have to do it by hand I guess but most of the time you deal with standard stuff and to speed this up with scripts is huge time saver
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Great Topic.

    1. Bind SWIFT LOOP to a Key!

    I use Tilde ~

    VIDEO: http://www.screencast.com/t/OXbPgOFTbQ9

    2. Block out the ENTIRE mesh.

    I create an entire mesh and don't add control edges until the very end of object. I do this because I found myself staring at the tiniest details that will get lost in the normal map.

    3. Don't be so exact with your control edges. Video game players will never notice the difference between a connect edge at a Value of 2.12 or a connect value of 1.94. For the overwhelming majority of your edges eyeballing will be more then sufficient. Don't micromanage.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    rollin: Can you show the script + images on how its used or is handy for artists?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Quack!... what version of Max was that?
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    2011/2012 I believe have swift loop. I also think turbo tools has something similar(for earlier versions).
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Hmm! I'm using 2010 at home I'll have to check out if its in..
  • Sean VanGorder
    Swift Loop all the way.

    And I've noticed a lot of people don't know that while you have Swift Loop activated, you can hold in control+alt and it will let you drag the last created edge loop with edge constraints on. It makes adding edge loops and adjusting them incredibly simple.

    Also, instead of adding a new turbosmooth modifier to each object in your model, just instance the first turbosmooth modifier you applied. That way you can toggle the modifier for all the objects at once.

    The Sweep modifier is a great way to get really complex trims and spline shapes quickly. The great thing about it is that you can go back and adjust the spline it's instancing in real time at any point in the process.

    I'll give this some more thought and see what I come up with.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    The problem with swift loop is that when you screw an edge and you want to undo max will undo everything you have done with "last session" of using swift loop. Good idea is to create support loops on new Edit Poly modifier but it takes some self control to keep it clean on every piece of geo you have in the scene ;p. VoidWorld has a great loop tool which takes in consideration distance from the edge so when you are creating edge loops; on tapered object the loop is always the same distance from the main edges... I hope I explained it clearly ;p Would be cool to have something like that in max.
  • Sean VanGorder
    MrOneTwo wrote: »
    The problem with swift loop is that when you screw an edge and you want to undo max will undo everything you have done with "last session" of using swift loop.

    That's odd, I've never had that issue. I can undo individual loops without exiting Swift Loop. And you can also hold control+shift, then click on and edge to delete the loop.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Maybe thats because I turn off swift loop and then undo... Ohhh and those ctrl + alt stuff and ctrl + shift... had no idea about those and I'm using swift loop all the time...thx ;]
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    MrOneTwo wrote: »
    The problem with swift loop is that when you screw an edge and you want to undo max will undo everything you have done with "last session" of using swift loop. Good idea is to create support loops on new Edit Poly modifier but it takes some self control to keep it clean on every piece of geo you have in the scene ;p. VoidWorld has a great loop tool which takes in consideration distance from the edge so when you are creating edge loops; on tapered object the loop is always the same distance from the main edges... I hope I explained it clearly ;p Would be cool to have something like that in max.

    Swiftloop lets you edit ANY pre-created loop.

    Hold Ctrl+Click while in Swift Loop to select a loop. Then hold Alt+Click while in Swift Loop to move that edge along a constraint or Ctrl+Shift+Click to remove the edge and all verts. No undoing necessary.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Its a workflow thing to just hit ctrl + z... probably should work on my workflow ;p
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Also, I assume SwiftLoop works so long as the mesh is setup with properly controlled edge rings?
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Select Loop / Select Ring - hotkeyed
    Connect Settings -> hotkeyed

    Thats how I do it. There's probably better methods.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Mountains of cocaine, and then rhino tranqs when you need to slow down.

    Racer445 shows this awesome technique in his hard surface modeling overview on CGTuts+ where he actually uses a turbosmooth set to use smoothing groups to automate support loops, calls it double-smooth or something like that.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    I use splines to make those really impossible shapes. Splines and lots of spline trimming. I also build up a collection of bits and pieces like floaters and tubes and drill shapes and such to just Frankenstein into what ever mesh I happen to be working on. Been getting into XSI though. Loving its tools. My workflow may end up changing as well.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    marks wrote: »
    Select Loop / Select Ring - hotkeyed
    Connect Settings -> hotkeyed

    Thats how I do it. There's probably better methods.

    Yep that's how I do it too. I actually have Connect and Connect Settings both keyed in case I just need to do a quick connect or tinker with options.
  • divi
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    divi wrote: »
    In 3ds max 2012 the loop tools has edge straighten in it.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    And I've noticed a lot of people don't know that while you have Swift Loop activated, you can hold in control+alt and it will let you drag the last created edge loop with edge constraints on. It makes adding edge loops and adjusting them incredibly simple.

    great tip, thanks!

    another convenient graphite tool i couldn't live without is set flow / flow connect. the loop tools (especially "circle") are very convenient as well.
  • Tokusei
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    Tokusei polycounter lvl 10
    Binding loop/ring/connect/cut sped up my workflow a decent amount
    I also use IC.SelectSpan after seeing racer445's tut using it, quite useful for selecting loop sections
    I tried to bind tilde to show/hide end result in max for turbosmooth but for some reason it wont toggle it, if I bind it to another key it works fine however :[
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    In 3ds max 2012 the loop tools has edge straighten in it.

    thats not what im using it for :D
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    divi wrote: »
    It works for that too dude. Just disable the "space loop" option.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Wow. This thread has tons of potential. I definitely appreciate this.
    I noticed we all use a ton of scripts here and there. Is there a good way to manage them all efficiently, and not having your screen cluttered like crazy at all times?
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    I got my own little toolbar on the top right of 3ds max.
    I gotta find a better way to do this though...
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    I do pretty much the same:
  • CodeFather
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    CodeFather polycounter lvl 15
    I tend to quick block-in everything using less-dens geometry but playing with lots of edge creasing and vertex weight and trowing one or few MeshSmooth modifiers to make the edges rounder and smooth and after that I may take on or two directions - the first one is to export it MeshSmoothed to Zbrush and continue to work there and the second is if there is no need for Zbrushing to retopologize it inside 3dsmax using the Polyboost toolset.

    About regular hard surface modeling I recommend all the tools from polyboost that are now built in the newer versions of max - especially the Loop Tools and the Retopology tools, as well as some of the selection tools like FillHole etc (making quick and efficient selections is part of having a faster way of working).

    Here are some videos showing selection tips:

    Fill Hole -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_FillHole.swf
    Limited Loop -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_Limited.swf
    SoftSelection -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_SoftS.swf
    Select similar -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_Similar.swf
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Awesome thread! Let's go hardsurface model love haha!

    Swiftloop is on Shift -S for me. If there's one thing I'd call critical this would be it.

    Also like codefather says, part of it comes down to good workflow with blockouts. I never Zbrush stuff, or retopologise, but I tend to construct it from the ground up in a way that allows me to take blockout meshes to highpoly.

    You know, one thing I fantasize about sometimes, is some sort of ultimate hardsurface application that allows much more rapid, realistic creation of models. Like Solids CAD applications, but no focus on precision and accuracy (less type-ins, etc..) and a much more streamlined user interface in every aspect, allowing you to work fast.

    I dont know if anybody here has done any real life fabrication/metalworking/welding, but going back to 3D sometimes feels very backwards and frustrating. Like doing weld seams, something very straightforward in real life, takes annoying hacks and workarounds. Or just putting something together out of thick metal plates, bending them, cutting; so silly to have to actually worry about thickness and chamfering...

    Just imagine an app that works much more like you build in real life: you can build something from solid shapes, not having to worry about flow since you can just do booleans, you can dynamically set chamfer/bevel sizes...
    You can work with metal plating in the same way, bend and cut them easily and dynamically.
    Use some specific paintlike tools to add rivets, details, do welding. Even stuff like denting/impacts based on physical material properties.

    Instead of manually having to estimate retoplogy, you'd be sort of guided by the highpoly larger shapes. So things would stay straight and not get all wobbly like you get with current software.

    Really wish this would happen some day. Modeling fun times 10 !
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    CodeFather, i might be a little retarded, but where in the Graphite tools would i find the 'select similar' option?

    also, +1 IC_Shape's span select. much better than max's span mode (or what it's called). also love IC_Shape's options for switching between inner/outer edge, vert, face selections. too bad updates have slowed down since SyncViews got nabbed by the industry ;)
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    You know, one thing I fantasize about sometimes, is some sort of ultimate hardsurface application that allows much more rapid, realistic creation of models. Like Solids CAD applications, but no focus on precision and accuracy (less type-ins, etc..) and a much more streamlined user interface in every aspect, allowing you to work fast.

    that is very much how i imagined nurbs modelling with rhino to be like (minus the damage part) - but it just isn't very stable or userfriendly or i just haven't spend enough time in it.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    iv grown quite fond of some of the loop tools in Voidworld and Modo, which allow me to quickly lay them out just like swift loop in Max, or i can drop one perfectly in the middle, it is also very good for dropping 2 loops at once and adjusting the pinch with out needing to use any caddies, which makes for quick support loops. on top of that i also make lots of use of face insets and vertex chamfers to make quick holes n objects, and will use ngons when ever i can keep them on a flat surface to save time.

    also blockouts are very important, i will block out in a way that makes it easy to add support loops for the HP, than duplicate the blockout before i start working on the HP so i can later use and optimize it for the LP mesh.

    good selection tools on keys are a must too, In VW and Modo, i got loop select on double LMB click, and ring selection on double MMB click, and i can also both of those work with partial loops and rings if i make a selection the doable click down the loop or ring farther. i also set my keys for changing selection types to default to converting the selection, and have a key for saving the current sub-object selection and one for pasting the last saved selection.

    and lastly, i will try to make new geometry out of existing geometry when ever possible, it is much quicker to duplicate a face to a new object and shell it than it is to create a new primitive and position it properly, same goes for splines, i find myself making splines from a edge selection more often than doing one from scratch.
  • CodeFather
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    CodeFather polycounter lvl 15
    cptSwing wrote: »
    CodeFather, i might be a little retarded, but where in the Graphite tools would i find the 'select similar' option?

    I'm not using the graphite interface , it is very laggy( what Autodesk actually give us as a gift is the option to use the old polyboost interface, its much better :D). What I did is to find all commands I need and put them into custom quad menus. If you open the customize user interface dialog and go under the PolyTools category, the command is called "Similar".
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Xoliul wrote: »
    Awesome thread! Let's go hardsurface model love haha!

    Swiftloop is on Shift -S for me. If there's one thing I'd call critical this would be it.

    Also like codefather says, part of it comes down to good workflow with blockouts. I never Zbrush stuff, or retopologise, but I tend to construct it from the ground up in a way that allows me to take blockout meshes to highpoly.

    You know, one thing I fantasize about sometimes, is some sort of ultimate hardsurface application that allows much more rapid, realistic creation of models. Like Solids CAD applications, but no focus on precision and accuracy (less type-ins, etc..) and a much more streamlined user interface in every aspect, allowing you to work fast.

    I dont know if anybody here has done any real life fabrication/metalworking/welding, but going back to 3D sometimes feels very backwards and frustrating. Like doing weld seams, something very straightforward in real life, takes annoying hacks and workarounds. Or just putting something together out of thick metal plates, bending them, cutting; so silly to have to actually worry about thickness and chamfering...

    Just imagine an app that works much more like you build in real life: you can build something from solid shapes, not having to worry about flow since you can just do booleans, you can dynamically set chamfer/bevel sizes...
    You can work with metal plating in the same way, bend and cut them easily and dynamically.
    Use some specific paintlike tools to add rivets, details, do welding. Even stuff like denting/impacts based on physical material properties.

    Instead of manually having to estimate retoplogy, you'd be sort of guided by the highpoly larger shapes. So things would stay straight and not get all wobbly like you get with current software.

    Really wish this would happen some day. Modeling fun times 10 !

    While I've never used it, isn't that kind of like how Modo works? I do get the impression that Hard Surface Modelling in max isn't quite what it should/could be, but that shouldn't stop one from trying out other apps! :)
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Hey! So here are some of the things that help me work faster:

    - show end result hot keyed to ~ (to see the effect of the modifiers while on the Editable Poly or Edit Poly stack)
    - key map the select loop and ring select
    - I thought some of you might find this interesting mesh smooth control "MeshSmooth Controls is a script for 3DS Max that allows you control over the meshsmooth modifier similar to XSI and other packages. " mapped to - + for up and down level, i used it in the past, personaly I would like this for TurboSmooth, but meshsmooth is also good :)
    - modifier sets with the most common modifiers: bend, ffd(box), turbosmooth, symmetry, edit poly, tessellate
    - repeat last hotkeyed
    - using the quad panels by right clicking in the viewport(clicking on the dark grey bar of the tools will repeat the last command you used from that panel)
    - making your own toolbars or panels with often used commands
    - leave those ngons on flat surface be and move on with your modeling
    - once you start modeling be smart and plan your next step
    - listen to racer 445 tuts while modeling :) I'm kidding
    - graphite modeling tools/ Polyboost(buy only) for earlier versions of max

    Those are some of the things I use. I do use Turbotools for easy management of Turbosmooth modifier on multiple objects and other stuff like moving the pivot to selection. Graphite modeling tools(max 2011) and other.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    CodeFather wrote: »
    I'm not using the graphite interface , it is very laggy( what Autodesk actually give us as a gift is the option to use the old polyboost interface, its much better :D). What I did is to find all commands I need and put them into custom quad menus. If you open the customize user interface dialog and go under the PolyTools category, the command is called "Similar".

    cheers! and yeah, i try and avoid opening their laggy p.o.s. graphite interface whenever possible.. i remap what i need to quads or keys..
  • Mark Dygert
    I'm not sure if anyone posted these yet but they do rock.


    PolyFlow is pretty helpful, so is quad chamfer, as are all of the other tools. The only downside is they aren't free.

    I second or 14th swiftloop. There are times its a bit buggy, normally I have to zoom out if I'm having trouble placing a support loop close to an already existing edge, but if you keep your loops clean and flowing its great.

    What actually helped me the most was sitting down and going over what I do and how I do it, then tweaking the UI/shortcuts to speed me up. Perna had a suggestion to script context sensitive hotkeys which sped me up so instead of 40-45 shortcuts I shrunk that down to 20.

    I stumbled upon this after writing my own so for the scriptually challenged it might be just what they need.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Hotkeys for everything! Really that's my number one tip. Moving around to click buttons really adds up.
    I like to use edge contraints for stuff like this:
    extruding edges with 0 height to control edge hardness:
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    sinistergfx - hmm... can't really tell what is happening in the first gif... but i thought a little and I think what you did to get that equal spaced loop(edges)... let me know if I am right. You created the edges and moved them to the outer edges with edge constraint on and the turned it off and turned it on and moved the edges down... nice trick... Going to look for a script like this. If not... going to make a macro or something because there are way to many steps to take for this... even so its a nice one... swift loop doesn't add loops with equal spacing

    Update: almost the same thing with IC.PolySplitRing
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    SsSandu_C: No need to turn it off and back on.

    Also, swift loop can do something like this with ctrl+alt drag with a selection of edges that have already been cut in.

    IC.PolySplitRing is another good option, too.

    The thing is, I don't always want to add a complete loop around my whole object. That's why I like to use connect>edge constraint>move to edge>move back.
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    sinistergfx - I tried again and it works like a charm... all I had to do was to release the left mouse button once I moved the edges and then move them back... sweet. Tried the swiftloop and it works too. I have lots to learn. Thank you! Looking forward to see what other tricks other people know. :)
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome thread!
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    I don't know where I got this script from but it lets you connect shapes and still maintain quads. Requires max 2010 and up.
    macroScript QuadConnect
    category:"BTK Scripts"
        if (selection.count == 1 and classOf selection[1].baseobject  == Editable_Poly) then
            local curObj = $.baseobject
            case subobjectlevel of
                2:    --    EdgeMode ?
            local edgeSel = (polyop.getEdgeSelection curObj)as array
                    case edgeSel.count of
                        1: --    1 edge selected=split edge
                            $.EditablePoly.divideEdge edgeSel[1] 0.5 select:on
                            subobjectLevel = 1
                        default: --else it's quad connect
                        $.connectEdgeSegments = 1        --    change the value will chagne the default Connect Edge Segments value
                                $.EditablePoly.ConnectEdges ()
  • knak47
    I started a post about support loops but didn't hear a response. I use ICPolySplitRing by ILlusionCatylist for inserting my support edges. I find it much faster for me than the connect feature. I am using 2009 so I don't have access to any of the Graphite modeling tools like swiftLoop. My issue is ICPolySplitRing doesn't embed itself in a EditPoly modifier so it can be toggled on or off. Does anyone have a script that will make it embed itself like the connect feature and many others. This would be awesome or people using versions prior to 2010.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    One of the guys at work uses EdgeChex and swears by it, though it's $40.

    I use SwiftLoop quite heavily. If it hasn't already been said, you can also add new geo to low poly curves to smooth out the curve, by shift-clicking the edge/face.

  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @Mark Dygert

    ya the script is kinda like making your own context sensitive tools, just like silo or voidworld ones, with the exception that it dosnt check to see if the user pressed the key or held the key down.
  • Mark Dygert
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    I don't know where I got this script from but it lets you connect shapes and still maintain quads. Requires max 2010 and up.
    Obliviboy, the same guy who created the scripts I linked to earlier, he makes good things happen, it just costs ya. I think quad connect was one of the few free ones he released?

  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    CodeFather wrote: »
    I tend to quick block-in everything using less-dens geometry but playing with lots of edge creasing and vertex weight and trowing one or few MeshSmooth modifiers to make the edges rounder and smooth and after that I may take on or two directions - the first one is to export it MeshSmoothed to Zbrush and continue to work there and the second is if there is no need for Zbrushing to retopologize it inside 3dsmax using the Polyboost toolset.

    About regular hard surface modeling I recommend all the tools from polyboost that are now built in the newer versions of max - especially the Loop Tools and the Retopology tools, as well as some of the selection tools like FillHole etc (making quick and efficient selections is part of having a faster way of working).

    Here are some videos showing selection tips:

    Fill Hole -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_FillHole.swf
    Limited Loop -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_Limited.swf
    SoftSelection -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_SoftS.swf
    Select similar -> http://www.vertexbee.com/pics/sel_Similar.swf

    WTF, where are those located in Max 2012?
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Hotkeys for everything! Really that's my number one tip. Moving around to click buttons really adds up.
    I like to use edge contraints for stuff like this:

    Remember this, if you hover over any button in the graphite modeling tools it will show you a video of how to use it and any of the modifying button's functions (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT).


    And so, as you can see, if you drag a loop while holding CTRL+ALT it will auto align perfectly. no turning on edge constrains.

    Graphite tools can be awesome when you:


    cuhtarl, lol.
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Computron - Hey!For people who don't have Polyboost or max 2010 up that's a nice trick and it serves its purpose. :)sinistergfx also said why he uses that technique "The thing is, I don't always want to add a complete loop around my whole object. That's why I like to use connect>edge constraint>move to edge>move back." Anyway... I found all of those tools that CodFather used. The ribbon screen shots are from max 2011. I think they are the same in max 2012.

    Another thing that might help with the speed of modeling in general and hard surface is the Paint selection Region(right click on it and set Paint selection brush size = 1-6, to avoid selecting what we do not want.) Lasso selection is really nice too. I don't know if any of you have encountered this little annoying thing. I move and object and then edit in suboject level and I start selecting multiple edges(faces, verts) with ctrl held down and I end up moving the selection I made while trying to select another edge. It used to happen to me lots of times. So I use the Select Object(hotkeyed) command when I get to subobject selections.
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