Over the years i`ve accumalated a texture library with thousands of files (jpegs,tifs,tgas,etc) and was wondering how everyone else catalogues them all, anyone use any special software for doing it? or do you have named directories like i have eg brick, stone, water,etc
Just thinking whether its worth using a tagging software to find things easier as i`m always hunting around for things.
I just have it organized by materials, metal, dirt, grundge, etc. and dump them on there, when I need to look for one I turn on big thumbnails and scroll away.
Starting with Assets I then break that into Man-Made and Natural, then I break that into folders based on Meshes/Props containing all the texture and object files for the mesh in there.
When I'm working I'll pull textures from all over, then move them to a textures folder inside the project I'm working on. To do that I archive the scene which gathers all the textures into a zip, extract the textures. Then re-path all of the textures using File> Asset tracking inside of 3dsmax.
AcidSpill_D (diffuse)
AcidSpill_N (normal)
AcidSpill_S (spec)
AcidSpill_R (reflection mask)
AcidSpill_RGB (for channel useage, ie; red=spec green=reflective mask blue=gloss)
Over-organizing can slow things down. Keep it simple.
I agree with [HP] I find that when I try to be really neat and organized I end up not finding what I am looking for, and also creating more folders when I find something that doesn't fit completely with the folder name :P
Mark: That's a great tip, never knew about that
Yeah, this is how I've usually dealt with it. Either, textures named this way in each asset folder, or all in 1 folder.
The 'T' at the beginning is so my packages in the UDK Content Browser have all the Textures grouped together. Then it is followed by the texture name, the RGB channel in caps (COLOR / SPEC / NORMAL etc.) and the alpha channel in lower case (alpha / occ / disp etc.)
As for the naming of the textures to be used in projects, I like SirCalalot's method!
When creating asset textures, I keep them within the asset's folder with naming convention of asset_name_D, _N, _S, _E, and asset_name_Rspec_Gemissive_Bgloss (for bitpacks), and lump them all into a single texture subcategory in UDK
i`m thinking more about cataloging my textures. I found lightroom does a pretty good job as you can also tag quickly lots of textures. The down side is it doesnt seem to support a great deal of file formats. Just wondering if there are any other better programs out there.
and for my materials, i work on all the needed maps in 1 PSD using layer groups, than got a script that exports out all my root level layer groups as separate tga's, while appending the group name to the filename