When making static meshes in Max to be imported into UDK, is there any draw backs or benefits to creating a mesh out of multiple elements, aside from polycount. Do people generally try and keep there meshes solid? I know animated meshes should be one element. But meshes that aren't going to be deformed, are there pros and cons? I am specifically wondering about lighting issues.
But back to your original question, as for drawbacks, really the only drawbacks I've found from doing that have been lightmapping issues, for continuity reasons. Breaks in geometry create seams in the lightmap UV's. Unless these seams land on areas on the model that have a baked in AO, or are covered up in other ways, it could look funky. Other than that, I don't see any drawbacks to this. Delete the faces of the elements that cannot be seen by the player, if there are any, to save on poly count.
I'm also curious to know if anyone has found any other drawbacks to this method, as I've only been doing this for ~8 months and still have plenty to learn.
also making objects out of multiple materials can be a performance problem.
There aren't any special settings you use to avoid this. Careful attention to construction of meshes and uv layout is what helps.