Hello, I have creeped around Polycount for quite some time, feasting off all the inspiration and learning devices found here. Anyways, I finally decided to make a thread for you wonderful people to critique my art, so that I might improve.
This is my first real attempt at a realistic hand painted character, haven't done any painting yet, just have a head mesh for now. Just wanted to make sure that everything is good before I start painting on it, if there are any huge problems you guys see please point them out so that I might improve the model. As I said, this is my first go at this so its rough.
Here's a little gif of my workflow so far.
I know its not much, I just want to make sure I'm learning as I go apposed to posting a half finished model and then having to go back and tweak the foundation.
You should have a look to an anatomy atlas and adjust the topology so it resembles the muscular structure of the human face
Dismembered, thanks for the tip, I did some work, attempting to eliminate tries, specifically around major animation points like the mouth and the eyes. Heres what I got:
I've found a useful tutorial:
Had a little bit of time to work on him today, is the anatomy starting to look better?
Not really I fear...
Organic modeling is a complex topic, I feel that don't have enough experience to teach or outline other's mesh mistakes.
All I could do is pass u another link I think might help you understand how the polygon flow should be set: