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Floating island fragment smoothing

Hey all.

Wanted to ask here before I have to go off and have to write a maxscript for it.

I'm trying to create floating island style fragments of land using procedural methods. Now I quite like maxscript and using 3dsmax seemed like a decent way of prototyping the procedural techniques before I have to write the code for them.

What I want to do, is take the fragment of land I've generated in max using a box+turbosmooth+noise stack and I want to soften the topmost faces of the fragment in a sort of "soft flatten" pass. I guess it would be kind of simulating deposition on the land.

The effect I'm going for is akin to:


Notice how the tops are kind of flattened out, with the bottoms still quite noisy. I want to simulate that (makes land fragments that you can live on for instance).

I've got the selection for the upwards facing polygons, so what I'm looking for is a way to smooth them off by pushing vertices where the adjoining faces form harsher angles either up or down. A bit like the flatten brushes in zbrush? Anyone seen such a thing in maxscript form?

Just for reference, here's the current test fragment:



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