Hello everyone. I'm making a helicopter for a UDK project currently taking place in Arizona. This is very WIP high poly. I plan on adding additional detail, yet it's going to be very minor.
Before going further into detail, I would like to know what you guys think about the current high poly. I am welcoming all critiques.
It looks pretty cool so far, but I agree with TNT we need to see lighting, I can tell there is some good detail in here but its muted by the lack of any real lighting.
as others said hard to tell with the lighting setup where the detail is (unless your latest post includes an image in which case the image is not showing)
There is a really big pinch above the windows in the first image and the silhouette of the hull is quite jagged.
I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'll definitely fix the pinching. I'm not sure what you mean by "jagged." Are you talking about the actual geometric shape? There are pieces on the hull that look like they are z-fighting, but that's a rendering error I'll have to look into.
Thank you so much for the reply.
There is a really big pinch above the windows in the first image and the silhouette of the hull is quite jagged.
I think the points he is saying are jagged are these ones among others. It looks like it is smoothed in some places and not others.