Hey fellow Polycounters! Just wanted to plug our indie game Recruits for UDK.
We are a very small team of 3 and are aiming for a demo release mid next year. We are currently getting our visual style and gameplay ideas working so check out some of the art and feel free to comment.
I was surprised at how detailed those weapon models are considering the top down perspective. I can't even tell what gun a character is holding with how pulled back it is.
Cheers Guys! We are myself an artist, and Two Programmers. Yeh the detail is for the close up shots, we hope to have the height variable camera in soon, that way the detail will be seen in cinematic and gameplay sections
Looks nice and fresh guys, keep up the good fight!
Gibs are indeed ludicrous, but they don't leave that much of a splatter on the ground. That felt a bit off for me. Also the way the blood splatters out of the severed limbs feels strange and I think it would be better off without it.
But those were just minor picks. You've got a long way to go and I'm sure you'll fix things up.. Good luck!
Something that I think could help the gameplay of the game would be to add more diversity in the enemies types. For some minor visual differences, it is easy to change variables of some types of enemies, like speed or Health Points. Maybe it's already like this too.
But the best would be to have different kinds of behaviors from the enemies. Maybe you can add dogs for more close-ranged combats that would require your player character to constantly move. And/or some kind-of-zombies (if it fits the narrative) that are slow bu have lot of health. Something to diversify the behavior of the enemies that would vary the dynamic of combats depending on the combinations you make. Or a stationary machine gun protected with concrete destroyed bunker walls. Or a big vehicle (tank) moving and firing slowly but that deals higher damage and requires explosive to be destroyed. Things like that.
Think about behaviors or patterns that could improve and diversify the combat dynamic, then add a nice narrative justification that would make the enemy attributed to this behavior fit into your story or setting.
Just wanted to update you all on some of our progress. We are working hard on gameplay features for a demo that everyone can play and slowly getting the art work organised and into UDK. We are hoping to get really into the level design and art soon and push it as far as we can!
Let me know if there is anything I can improve on or fix up to make the game look better. Any and all comments are appreciated!
Check out our facebook site and like us if you, well... like us! It helps us spread the word of Recruits.
Our Forums if you want to get involved with the game development.
Cheers Guys, keep an eye out for some videos coming soon.
Just to shamelessly bump this - We are also on the look out for any Environment modelers that might be able to help us out. Description: You will be creating assets for the game Recruits to suit multiple levels and environments ranging from jungle to run down cities. Being proficient at UDK is a must as it is the main platform we are working on. You as a Artist: -Must have a high level of experience with 3dsMax -Have the ability to create models from reference pictures and detailed directions -Have high level of experience with UVW layouts for low poly objects -Have the ability to create high quality normal, diffuse and specular maps -Take direction and tasks from lead artist -Provide regular updates to the lead artist If you can send your portfolio to: contact at recruitsgame.com with the Subject: Environment Modeler
Just putting up some WIP pics from some gameplay of Recruits - Check us out here
I can't wait to get started on some nice long grass, and update some of the terrain textures, particle effects, CHARACTERS!, along with all the assets needed to pull the level together.
The colors could use some work. Right now you have one beige tint for the ground, and some very similar green tints for all the foliage. It doesn't help that the wood and straw are the same hue as the ground, either. Basically, right now you have only 2 hues on-screen for the environment. In reality, even the sparse savannah has quite some color variation.
Get some other greens in there like lime and clover green. Have some saturation differences as well, with some trees almost having gray leaves. Have white sand and yellow sand and orange sand. Have some grey rocky bits. Given that this looks tropical, you could even add some more daring colors like the red-tipped hawaiian fern, or maybe some flowering desert-plants.
Edit: you are also badly in need of some blue and purple hues here and there.
Thanks Snader,
I'll totally incorporate some of that stuff into the foliage. Exactly what I was after. I see what you mean about colour variation, I still have a fair few foliage bits to make, so I think once I get more items in then i'll really get to tweaking the colours to get it all perfect.
This is coming along great! looks like a newer version of cannon fodder, which can only ever be a good thing! Look forward to seeing this project once its finished
Just want to keep everyone up to date and let you all know that we are still very active and progressing well.
Keep in mind that this is still a Work In Progress. Our characters are not in game yet, sounds are not final, art and HUD are not final... basically everything will be improving! But enjoy the shooting and explosions.
We are making sure to have the game be fun and play well. I will be focusing more on the art side once we have nutted down some more gameplay problems, and I can post up so how-to's and detailed breakdowns of any cool assets we make.
Thanks for checking us out! Let me know if you have any questions about the game. Loads more updates to come!
but dont you think the polycount and texture resolution for the guns is execsive it only fills like 10 pixels on the screen i used to work on a game quite similiar ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puqXuQVWWZM for reference ^^ ) and our guns and pickups all shared one 512 texture across the entire game and where essentially just cubes and planes.
i mean i guess its still nice to have for promotional pics and what not ... but the time you spend on that kind of detail that wont really be seen should be spend on something more important i feel
@warby - Yes I totally agree. Those weapons were made when we had a different vision for the game (close up top down shooter, with some cool cutscenes etc) but now we are focusing more on gameplay and we have moved the camera out more.
So we are undergoing optimizations, for the weapons in particular. We will get them down to like a couple of hundred tris max, and smallest textures. I'll be sure to make a cool screen cap of them all together once they are done.
We are workign hard to get the first playable levels out to everyone to test and play. Remember we are in Pre Alpha stages and thing are still pretty crude. But we are excited with what we have so far, for a year of work and only a hand full of people.
Hey everyone, I haven't posted up here in a while but now is the time, hope its ok to plug our game here.
We just released v0.021 of Recruits which includes a new level and a tank, along with some other cool things like RPG enemies etc.
Here are some pics from the editor from the new level. Thanks to Xoliul for the Tank! I owe you a copy of the game Laurens!
I will be working on some new menu art and a desert level (with a survival like game type), and i'll put more picks up here if you are all interested.
I'm more than happy to answer any questions about anything and also critique of this art done 95% by myself. Im really happy that the reference to Cannon Fodder is being put out there a lot.
I was wondering if you guys know of any other places we might be able to promote the game and help get it out there (I don't think many people know about Recruits as of yet).
Cheers guys! Thanks for the support! Let me know if you have grabbed a copy and what you think of it so far.
Hey Guys!
Just a heads up, you can rate our development over at Steam Greenlight!
Hopefully we will make it there one day. It helps us get the word out about our game.
Looking really promising, think I'm going to download it this weekend.
By the way I send you guys an e-mail if you might need any help on some 3d models, vehicles or something else.. I don't need to get anything for it at first maybe a free copy of the game
It's the real Cannon Fodder 3! This looks really awesome. Can't wait for more stuff.
War! never been so much fun! The theme came into my head as I saw this haha! Glad I wasn't the only one reminded.
Looks really good folks. Looks pretty but foremost your game play is shaping up nicely and really liking the vblogs. Also nice to see your workflow. Will be keeping an eye on this. Can't really add anything that hasnt been said already. Good luck!
Hey all,
Just wanted to share some new assets for our game, just threw it together in UDK last night. You can grab a PNG over at our IndieDB page.
Thanks to Klemen Lozar and Julian Daley for helping out with the game! If you want anymore info, just let me know, more than happy to share some behind the scenes pics and stuff, I'll probaly make a small video tonight too!
Looks pretty fun though, I wish you guys luck.
We are myself an artist, and Two Programmers. Yeh the detail is for the close up shots, we hope to have the height variable camera in soon, that way the detail will be seen in cinematic and gameplay sections
Yeh i agree with Norron, Those polycounts are really high for the perspective.
1000tris should be your max limit.
Heres an example of an RTS rifle tri count:
Edit/ Sorry didnt see your post about the Cameras/Cinematics :P
Gibs are indeed ludicrous, but they don't leave that much of a splatter on the ground. That felt a bit off for me. Also the way the blood splatters out of the severed limbs feels strange and I think it would be better off without it.
But those were just minor picks. You've got a long way to go and I'm sure you'll fix things up.. Good luck!
We are slowly getting out tactical gameplay happening, you can see it in action in this video:
and check us out on IndieDB for all the updates! Wish Us Luck!
Something that I think could help the gameplay of the game would be to add more diversity in the enemies types. For some minor visual differences, it is easy to change variables of some types of enemies, like speed or Health Points. Maybe it's already like this too.
But the best would be to have different kinds of behaviors from the enemies. Maybe you can add dogs for more close-ranged combats that would require your player character to constantly move. And/or some kind-of-zombies (if it fits the narrative) that are slow bu have lot of health. Something to diversify the behavior of the enemies that would vary the dynamic of combats depending on the combinations you make. Or a stationary machine gun protected with concrete destroyed bunker walls. Or a big vehicle (tank) moving and firing slowly but that deals higher damage and requires explosive to be destroyed. Things like that.
Think about behaviors or patterns that could improve and diversify the combat dynamic, then add a nice narrative justification that would make the enemy attributed to this behavior fit into your story or setting.
Just wanted to update you all on some of our progress. We are working hard on gameplay features for a demo that everyone can play and slowly getting the art work organised and into UDK. We are hoping to get really into the level design and art soon and push it as far as we can!
Let me know if there is anything I can improve on or fix up to make the game look better. Any and all comments are appreciated!
Our Forums if you want to get involved with the game development.
Cheers Guys, keep an eye out for some videos coming soon.
We are also on the look out for any Environment modelers that might be able to help us out.
You will be creating assets for the game Recruits to suit multiple levels and environments ranging from jungle to run down cities.
Being proficient at UDK is a must as it is the main platform we are working on.
You as a Artist:
-Must have a high level of experience with 3dsMax
-Have the ability to create models from reference pictures and detailed directions
-Have high level of experience with UVW layouts for low poly objects
-Have the ability to create high quality normal, diffuse and specular maps
-Take direction and tasks from lead artist
-Provide regular updates to the lead artist
If you can send your portfolio to:
contact at recruitsgame.com
with the Subject: Environment Modeler
Just putting up some WIP pics from some gameplay of Recruits - Check us out here
I can't wait to get started on some nice long grass, and update some of the terrain textures, particle effects, CHARACTERS!, along with all the assets needed to pull the level together.
Anyways, here they are:
Get some other greens in there like lime and clover green. Have some saturation differences as well, with some trees almost having gray leaves. Have white sand and yellow sand and orange sand. Have some grey rocky bits. Given that this looks tropical, you could even add some more daring colors like the red-tipped hawaiian fern, or maybe some flowering desert-plants.
Edit: you are also badly in need of some blue and purple hues here and there.
I'll totally incorporate some of that stuff into the foliage. Exactly what I was after. I see what you mean about colour variation, I still have a fair few foliage bits to make, so I think once I get more items in then i'll really get to tweaking the colours to get it all perfect.
Cheers again!
Just wanted to share the video update we have here:
Just want to keep everyone up to date and let you all know that we are still very active and progressing well.
Keep in mind that this is still a Work In Progress. Our characters are not in game yet, sounds are not final, art and HUD are not final... basically everything will be improving! But enjoy the shooting and explosions.
We are making sure to have the game be fun and play well. I will be focusing more on the art side once we have nutted down some more gameplay problems, and I can post up so how-to's and detailed breakdowns of any cool assets we make.
Thanks for checking us out! Let me know if you have any questions about the game. Loads more updates to come!
but dont you think the polycount and texture resolution for the guns is execsive it only fills like 10 pixels on the screen i used to work on a game quite similiar (
i mean i guess its still nice to have for promotional pics and what not ... but the time you spend on that kind of detail that wont really be seen should be spend on something more important i feel
@warby - Yes I totally agree. Those weapons were made when we had a different vision for the game (close up top down shooter, with some cool cutscenes etc) but now we are focusing more on gameplay and we have moved the camera out more.
So we are undergoing optimizations, for the weapons in particular. We will get them down to like a couple of hundred tris max, and smallest textures. I'll be sure to make a cool screen cap of them all together once they are done.
Just want to post up our Teaser Trailer forRecruits
We are workign hard to get the first playable levels out to everyone to test and play. Remember we are in Pre Alpha stages and thing are still pretty crude. But we are excited with what we have so far, for a year of work and only a hand full of people.
Enjoy the Teaser and hope you all like.
We just released v0.021 of Recruits which includes a new level and a tank, along with some other cool things like RPG enemies etc.
Here are some pics from the editor from the new level. Thanks to Xoliul for the Tank! I owe you a copy of the game Laurens!
I will be working on some new menu art and a desert level (with a survival like game type), and i'll put more picks up here if you are all interested.
I'm more than happy to answer any questions about anything and also critique of this art done 95% by myself. Im really happy that the reference to Cannon Fodder is being put out there a lot.
I was wondering if you guys know of any other places we might be able to promote the game and help get it out there (I don't think many people know about Recruits as of yet).
Cheers guys! Thanks for the support! Let me know if you have grabbed a copy and what you think of it so far.
Here are some other pics from the gameplay of Recruits:
I'll have another video up of the tank gameplay eventually, once I find some cool music to put it too!
Any suggestions?
you can buy all manner of really nice music tracks to use in your game or for trailers. And they don't have any crazy license fees or anything.
You are bound to find the tune you are looking for.
Cheers and keep up the cool work!
I miss my days of playing Amiga games....
Premiumbeats.com looks sweet! a load of great stuff on there, I will totally use it!
I'll post some new level art up soon!
Head over to Desura.com to grab a copy of the game in alpha v0.021.
Just a heads up, you can rate our development over at Steam Greenlight!
Hopefully we will make it there one day. It helps us get the word out about our game.
Check it out and support all your favorites!
WALLPAPER! 1920x1080
Just a quick update, we are at v0.030 - a Survival game mode!
If you havent already spread the word about our Steam Greenlight Page!
By the way I send you guys an e-mail if you might need any help on some 3d models, vehicles or something else.. I don't need to get anything for it at first maybe a free copy of the game
Click here for full details
You can check out details here:
IndieDB Page
Also vote Yes for us to get on Steam!
War! never been so much fun! The theme came into my head as I saw this haha! Glad I wasn't the only one reminded.
Looks really good folks. Looks pretty but foremost your game play is shaping up nicely and really liking the vblogs. Also nice to see your workflow. Will be keeping an eye on this. Can't really add anything that hasnt been said already. Good luck!
I cant wait to get the Co-Op game play in and out to public, I think that's something game like Cannon Fodder would really benefited from! TEAMWORK!
Just thought I would put up a video first impression TheSparrow has made of Recruits - It shows a lot of the cool UDK effects that Klemen Lozar has made and some of the lighting in the Stealth Mission, I'll get some breakdowns of them up in the coming days if you like.
I'm here to get a bit of a hand with getting Recruits in the Top 100 over at IndieDB!
Head over there and click the big red vote button and hopefully we make it! For your viewing pleasure, here is some testing of
And also if you haven't seen yet, one of the abilities we have in the game, a napalm sort of fiery bombing run.
Just wanted to share some new assets for our game, just threw it together in UDK last night. You can grab a PNG over at our IndieDB page.
Thanks to Klemen Lozar and Julian Daley for helping out with the game! If you want anymore info, just let me know, more than happy to share some behind the scenes pics and stuff, I'll probaly make a small video tonight too!
Check us out on Steam Greenlight as well!!!
Looks great guys.