So at work I wasn't doing very much character stuff so I started making these busts so I can ward off the rust. I am going to try and do these all without symmetry. So far it has been a huge pain! I have been taking lots of pics of friends so that I can hopefully do these weekly for a while.
Also, first post on Polycount! ::nervous:: :poly122:
Here are the first couple.
Here is this weeks. Didn't have as much time on this one as I would have liked. Holidays are a pain!
I missed a couple weeks cause of the holidays (video games) but I am going to get back on track. Here is this weeks:
One thing that I found to REALLY help me a LOT was making a black guy.
Much more pronounced 'features' and you really have to understand the face planes, bone structure, and anatomy. I'd highly recommending trying this for one of your next ones!
JacqueChoi: Thanks for the advice man! I have some ref that fits the bill. I will do that for my next one for sure .
wretchedgoat: No kidding. I was sorta surprised with the result after doing it. It was like a switch was flipped. It's alot harder but its worth it.
I didn't really have to use Dynamesh with these. I thought about it a couple times but the base mesh I have been using has enough resolution to handle most of the features. I don't want to get in the habit of automatically DYANMASHING EVERYTHING! just because I can.
I actually saved out a few wip images this time. I thought I would share. Nothing special.