I decided i needed a little bit of a web presence, so I whipped this up.
I would love some feedback on the presentation. It's using a theme I found easily online, and I'm very open to theme suggestions or methods of presentation.
Does anyone have any
critiques on the body of work? I know I tend torward unpolished/sketchy stuff, i'm trying to gradually switch over to work that's presentable for my current skill level.
Think it would make more sense to break things down into category's. I know you have been working in all areas and game development which is really exciting so you should show off all your skills!
jeffro, i actually have no idea how to make the header bigger! At the moment i know no css and very little about wordpress, and this is how the the theme came
Oranghe, thanks! I'm intending to break it up further into categories as I have more to show, but atm the front page is portfolio/showcase and the scraps page is everything else. I originally had the cat lowpoly and the woman sculpt in the showcase, but I got some good feedback from Marine in irc to put forward a singular focus. My lowpoly stuff will be thoroughly showcased whenever I've got enough game dev progress to warrant its own section.
I made my online portfolio with wordpress too:
As David-J said it's always nice to have a "home" button to return to the main page. You can make pretty cool stuff under the limitations of wordpress but it's a powerful tool to make an online portfolio.
Keep it up!
Victor, got any resources on css or wordpress that you used which you would recommend?
Anyway, love your art, that modular mockup is cool, never saw that before
I am watching a free 3 day workshop exactly about WordPress websites. It is about photographers but it should be the same It is free while it is streaming online and after the class is over they play it again until the next day class starts.
here is a link : http://www.creativelive.com/live
Do you have your own domain and host or just using WordPress for now? I am also nob so i cant help much more
right now it's just a wordpress blog, I'm weighing whether i wanna buy the domain or get my own hosting somewhere else. Probably the latter for customization reasons, but I dont wanna devote the time to figure it out this week.
Well, I didn't use any CSS or plugin I just "played" with the resources of the free wordpress I just pay for the dot com domain.
So does anyone have any critiques on the body of work? I know I tend torward unpolished/sketchy stuff, i'm trying to gradually switch over to work that's presentable for my current skill level.
I'm also not sure what sort of position you're looking for, and I think that's the death of a portfolio - it should tell me through the work what kind of stuff you do and what you want to do more of, and right now all I'm getting is a sense that you want to do character concepts but you are neither demonstrating strong, finished material and shape definition in most of these concepts, nor perfect anatomy.
If you want to do characters I would recommend adding something realistic and completely finished out, like a main character study from thumbs to variations to a final one with clothing/accessory options and a turntable or multiple views for construction.
I WOULD LOVE MORE CRITS, i've made a few changes to the site.
Some crit on the work: I think you need to work on your legs abit (on human figures)! In alot of pics the legs seem to short / upper bodies too long. In some (leonbw, engineer2), one of the legs seems to be in some kind of distorted perspective. The upper bodies look great though, love the work on the robot (second on the page) aswell as your overall style.
Add 2-3 environments, fully fleshed out, at least to the level of detail of completion in this pic (background elements are reduced, not quite photo-real but finely detailed)
Kill the following images, they are your weakest and add nothing next to the pieces you're keeping - in general they're either unfinished or have some wonky pose/anatomy issue:
The real thing though is getting some finalized pieces in there up to a "press release/wallpaper release/magazine print" standard - you have too many loose idea sketches and those are the "untextured AK47" of the concept art world.