Not sure what the deal is...
But I seem to get very nice shadow quality without the old projection methods.
I did a search for vsm pcf shadows missing but nothing turned up.
And I was wondering if anyone knows what the deal is?
Was there a shadow pipeline strategy argument presented that explained the loss of the other projection techniques?
I am guessing that Icould just re-install an old version ( pre janurary 2011 ) and copy-paste/hack a new light actor with the bProjectionTechniqueYaddaYaddaOptionThingey back into for old style soft shadow.
On the other hand I am guessing that the new pipeline is not actually a sacrifice ( for performance ) but the new shadows don't seem to have any acne.. and look very nice.
Anyone know if as much is true?
Sorry I have been UDK absent fer over a year.
Is there a work around or fix for horrible UDK compresion yet?
Do you guys just double your resolution and ini hack to allow for as much? ( whaqt is the default resolution cap? )
Try setting the game to run in maxqualitytexture mode. By putting -MAXQUALITYMODE in the shortcut. This basically runs the game with all the textures at maximum. You can also turn off the texture streaming using -NOTEXTURESTREAMING
And you can adjust the softness of the shadows by adjusting the light source angle on the dominant directional light. The bigger the number the softer the shadows.
The compression flags seem to work however I am sure it is just not defer compression at this point :poly136:.
I am trying the same but in udk engine .ini bUseMAXQUALITYMODE setting. Might try the streaming option as well but
I want mip mapping...
heck, I just want control over where and when and how much compression is used! I do not understand why the default is not easily controllable?
( where the end user could ruin strategies/concerns put in place with such flags that bypass as much )
Which is fine... until it's not.
Is there any way yet to handle the compression without it being exposed to the end user?
( without the end user having access to bypass with a flag in a shortcut, console command or ini setting? )
I tried a light source angle setting of .5 all the way up to 300 on a dominant directional light but do not see any softening?
Lately ( without vsm or pcf exposed ) I have just used the shadow resolution setting set to small sizes for softening.
As some gamers r reportedly setting vsm and pcf projection in ini in different UE3 powered games ( Bulletstorm ) I am wondering if all light in UDK are able to have these projection methods exposed with flags ( instead of writing a light actor with the option back in )
Since the shadow softening seems nice without these projection methods exposed in any gui I can find... I am wondering if the default projection method is using one of these methods already??
I do not understand why any setting that is tweakable with a flag, just can not be included in the dam editor?
I have actually only have done very little publishing a long time ago. And concening all these tweaks I am making... Is there a best practices tut/faq for publishing a final result? ( respecting all those tweaks with stable behavior )
Turning off the streaming doesn't turn off mip mapping. It just stops the textures from being unloaded and fully loads them every time.
Making the compression controllable by you makes the compression controllable by any end user who's prepared to edit the INI files. I've never found this to be a big deal since most people will not edit an INI file.
This works just fine for me. A change of 0.5 to 1 makes the shadows immediately get softer. Perhaps you could post some images of what's happening?