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Layers discard polypaint information

I'm a bit frustrated...

I'm at the final stage of my model and have run into a stupidly annoying issue.

I'm trying to use the layers that I have created with various facial movement to create a facial expression for a pose. I have a few different facial movements on 4 different layers, and then my base polypaint color on the bottom layer...

Well... whenever I make any changes to the above layer, My color information for my tool is instantly discarded and replaced with a default color... WHenever I try switching the color back by using "Fill Object with color" It doesn't work and changes my tool to an incorrect color.

I've toyed around with this and searched the internet for solutions for hours now, and I just can't seem to find a solution.

Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?



  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    Not sure about the problem, but for a quick solution have you tried converting the polypaint into a texture?
  • 4leaf
    No I haven't actually, how do I do that?
  • cw
    Offline / Send Message
    cw polycounter lvl 17
    I made a support ticket with pixo regarding the glitchiness of layers when using polypaint, and they responded that polypaint is not supposed to work with layers, which I found odd, but there you go. Sorry it doesn't help you, try cyrid's suggestion, good luck!
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    4leaf wrote: »
    No I haven't actually, how do I do that?

    If the tool doesn't have a UV set already, go to
    Tools: UV Map, pick a suitable texture size (higher than 512), then hit either PUVTiles, GUVTiles, or AUVTiles to create some quick automatic UVs.

    then for the texture
    Tools: Texture Map: New From Polypaint

    That will generate the texture, and automatically apply it. As long as the 'texture on' button is lit/pressed, the texture should override polypaint and active color information.
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