This is a player model for a game me and my friends are working on. We're trying to keep everything as small as possible to be more memory efficient. The game is a TPS Survival RPG with 4 player co-op, intended to go up on Xbox Live Indie Games. So we're trying to cram all we can into 50MB's so we can sell it as an 80 MSP game. which explains the ultra low poly approach.
248 Tri Player
128 x 128 Player
Fully rigged
24 Tri Gun
64 x 64 Gun

The vagueness of the model is because we're trying to stretch the games replay-ability with customization, in this case of the character texture. We'll use the same Texture editor with a level editor to allow players to create environments for their levels.
Crit if you wish, I'm happy with the model, all I need to fix is a few joints and the body texture which is quite boring.
Thanks for reading,
HATE. but that's just me.
Also, if it's supposed to be costumizable, why not show some of the variants?
As for the variants, that's a good Idea, don't have any variants just yet but I've been meaning to make a better texture for it so I might do so.