Starting a sketchbook here to get some feedback from others
Some recent stuff

Working on this right now

I find myself wishing that I didn't have to focus on making a bunch of finished pieces for my classes and could do more studies/practice. I feel like I'm stagnating and not learning anything
In any case here's what I did today
Wanted to try my hand at subtly including a figure in a piece, went with the back/side view here to make it as least intrusive as possible
Keep pushing lighting!
Put some more work into this today, think it's as far as I want to take it
Now time to get back to that mammoth that's at the end of the op
I'll share the story itself when I develop it further, but the basics of it is that we are following these two dudes on some world on their journey
The next piece (wip) is though the door and an introduction of their transportation and some sort of control interface, and allows me to design a vehicle (that I will delve into outside of the series) without going out of my way (something a few people suggested that I should include in a portfolio in applying for colleges).
A sort of airship using modern pressure/lift designs and vectored propulsion. Just trying to get the rough form out here using alchemy and some brushes
And since not everything that I need to design for the series is worthy of having time spent on them, I'm doing a sort of storyboard series to fill in the gaps
I made an appointment to speak with a counselor but don't feel like I have enough or good enough work to make it in. I'm taking today off of my classes to do work. What is the most important things I can do in a day or two to add to this portfolio?