Hi guys,
I am working on a character set which will in the end create 5 different characters with just 2 texture sets. The idea is to create a modular character set with interchangeable equipment, and secondary armour. I've just about finished the base shared mesh, and going to create the gear that goes over top next.
So I'm not sure why, but mudbox apparently is giving me some weird artifacts for when saving out the viewport at 2x or 4x the size. So if some one knows how I can fix that, please let me know because that will help to create better renders.
You guys will notice that some of the very fine details are a bit blurry, that is because my computer cannot handle anymore sub divisions, which is just fine because the end texture size wont capture that detail in a super crisp way, so it kind of works out in the end.
try use the cavity Ao and another Cavity AO set to be more like regular AO. and dont use the regualr AO at all.
its workaround i use to overcome this annoying bug
Or are you meaning the artifacts on the vest? which look more like the meshes are intersecting?
Nice model too. was it all done in mudbox?
Im interested because i use mudbox instead of zbrush and how many polys have you got it subd to?
This was made in both max and mudbox. I dont like using mudbox alone as I find it to be very difficult to get a perfect shape of a particular object that has hard straight uniform edges in mudbox alone. So things like straps, holster belts and little pieces were all made in max. The base mesh was also made in max, and just sculpted in mudbox. The shoe is just one mesh single base mesh that started out as a box extruded a few times. Once the shoe was ready, I took it to max, and used splines to create the laces.